The Bionic Man Vol. 3: End Of Everything
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The Bionic Man Vol. 3: End Of Everything

Writer: Aaron Gillespie Artist: Rey Villegas Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Trade Paperback: June 18, 2014, $24.99 Issues: 7, Issue Reviews: 13
7.6Critic Rating
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Steve Austin, the iconic hero of television's Six Million Dollar Man, faces new threats both foreign and domestic! When the brutal dictator of Libue threatens to use whatever means necessary to squash the rebels of his war-torn nation, the American government sends the Bionic Man to prevent the detonation of nuclear missiles on millions of innocents. Meanwhile, the Office of Scientific Intelligence is under siege by rogue agents. Will Austin's close friend and O.S.I. handler Oscar Goldman survive an attack on his life... and a mechanized terror with a face all too familiar?

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