Blood Feud Vol. 1
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Blood Feud Vol. 1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Drew Moss Publisher: Oni Press Trade Paperback: June 22, 2016, $19.99 Issues: 5, Issue Reviews: 14
7.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

I've got a story to tell-a story about how me and a couple of poker buddies squared off against the very legions of Hell ... and maybe even saved the world. Like all good yarns, this one has its share of action, adventure, mystery, and romance. As for how it ends, though, you'll have to judge for yourself. Me, I've always been partial to happy endings-the singing cowboy riding off into the sunset-but I reckon that just ain't the way of the world. This story's got vampires, too, loads of them, but not in the beginning. It began, for us at least, with spiders. Collecting 2015's most terrifying southern horror series from writer Cullen Bunn, art more

Rating Collected Issues Reviews
Blood Feud #1 7
Blood Feud #2 3
Blood Feud #3 2
Blood Feud #4 1
Blood Feud #5 1
  • 8.5
    Cablev94 Jul 5, 2016

    This comic takes place over about a 24 hour period, so there isn't much depth, but its a kick ass horror book with some fun characters and great art.

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