Aaron Gabbard's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: SnapPow.com Reviews: 8
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Ant-Man (2015) #5

May 7, 2015

Ant-Man #5 is a wonderful experience and I am honestly sad to see this story arc end, it left on such an emotional high for me as a reader. Although the last few pages were predictable but you knew it was the right thing to do. You really felt for Scottbecause you understood everything he had been through and the reasons behind why he had to make the choice he made. So to be honest it really touched my heart and no amount of praise is enough for Nick Spencer and Ramon Rosanas.

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Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #2

May 15, 2015

This was an epic blast for from the past! For those who aren't enjoying Convergence, these "Two-Shot" comics are worth every penny. You don't even have to read the main title to enjoy these stories. Green Lantern/Parallax #2 gets my seal of approvalbecause it leaves you wanting more. That's the only let down when it comes to these brief glimpses into DC lore, but because these stories were already told any fan wanting more can pick up some old graphic novels to fillthe void.

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Convergence: Speed Force #2

May 7, 2015

Overall it is a great two shot comic! Tony Bedard does a great job at reminding us how awesome Wally was and artist Tony Grummett does an excellent job at giving us that 90's style artwork that made many of us get into comics to begin with. These two shots serve to show us of a time when the characters had different values and didn't have to be so dark and broody all the time. The only thing Speed Force #2 suffers from is actually including Flashback for no reason other than to be a play thing for Wally's children. Although I like Wally West I wish they would have did these issues without his children but to each his own I guess.

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Convergence: Superman #2

May 8, 2015

My final thought onConvergence: Superman #2 is that it was great to see our hero have a really happy ending. The only thing this comic suffers from is the sadly tacked on Convergence trapped in a bubble for a year subplot. Which is a shame because this represents a promise of a series that we yearn for,whereDCgive us a retro releasesportinghow the characters used to be.

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Convergence: The Flash #2

May 20, 2015

I expected this issue to be a lot better than it was. Half of the book has way too much dialogue so much so that when the action finally does happen and it reveals something incredible about The Flash's roleit alienates the character. But overall this book wasn't like its #1plusit doesn't topSpeed Force or other Convergence "Two Shots". But if you're a fan it's worth a read just for the final few pages.

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Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1

May 20, 2015

This issue gets the highest of honor I can give it. It not only gives us a funny story but also brings back Howard the Duck in his classic form and teams him with Deadpool side by side. It's definitelysomething that makes this book worth reading. It also includes the Contest of Champions typearc that took place before Secret Warseven began. I leave the first issueexcited for the next three asthis could be the best Deadpoolmini-series in a long time and something that really fits into the canon of the Marvel Universe.

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Secret Wars (2015) #1

May 6, 2015

I went into this wanting to love it as much as the original event and was hoping we would get something that would trump Spider-Man getting his black costume but I closed that last page wondering why I wasted money on it. Secret Wars #1 is awful and serves as another attempt to reboot and re-imagine the Marvel Universe with some of the best the Ultimates have to offer, such as Miles Morales (Spider-man).

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Secret Wars (2015) #2

May 15, 2015

I just want to say I respect the people who put these comics together but I can't enjoy them. There is so many fun stories to tell and interesting characters to dive into but this series drains the life out it as it leaves you confused and annoyed. In my eyes Secret Wars isn't even Marvel anymore. After reading this will be glad that it will eventually end.

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