Because Speed Force's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics: The Gathering Reviews: 7
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Next issue sees the completion of the Alien Nation arc. I'm looking forward to seeing how Carol deals with her child “allergy” and am hoping there will be some sort of hint towards the resolution between Carol and Tony Stark.

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The dynamic between the two distinct teams is wonderful to see, with the Titans presenting more as actual friends rather than simply colleagues like the Justice League. In fact, the meaning behind friendship is one of the central themes in this issue. Each mentor/protege duo has their own distinct moments, with the Flashes being my favorite of the bunch. The villain for this issue isn't some huge, galaxy breaking entity like Darkseid, but rather one that can force the Justice League and Titans to do battle with each other instead some other external threat.

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Batgirl #9 was a very busy issue that tackled a number of different plot points and different locations. It runs into the danger of cramming too much into one issue, but under the deft hands of Hope Larson, we have a story that moves smartly from one plot point to the next. We'll have to wait until #10 to see how this all plays out!

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Issue #6 does a great job of interweaving light-hearted moments with some serious, soul searching moments, and I can always appreciate a story that that takes my emotions from one end of the spectrum to the other. I'm very much looking forward to seeing Jackson join the Teen Titans, and I'm also looking forward to seeing the resolution of the return of a classic villain. You'll have to read it yourself to find out who!

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Overall, this came off as an excellent issue that looks into Oliver and Roy's history. There's a lot going on here, from the present day pipeline dispute to the flashback sequences with both Count Vertigo and Roy's early days as Speedy. In fact, the format with the past couple of issues almost reminds me a bit of Greg Rucka's “The Lies” and “Year One” Wonder Woman arc that kicked off Rebirth. Both were fantastic looks at characters that have their past catching up to their present.

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I can't wait to see how the Damage Per Second arc wraps up next issue and hope that the ultimate payoff is as good as the rest of this storyline has been. It's fun to watch Ms. Marvel take to The Inventor and run around with her Champions buddies, but there's something about watching her tackle an internet bully that is extremely satisfying.

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As with all the Rebirth titles, Titans #9 comes with two covers. The regular cover is fine, but it doesn't grab at me like a good cover should. It has Bumblebee front and center with the remainder of the team in the background, and a strangely huge Nightwing. Cover B on the other hand, is a far more interesting cover, with both the Titans and The Fearsome Five represented front and center. Obviously art is subjective, but between the two, Cover B has more going on and presents more characters, giving the issue more of a “big event” feel.

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