Ben Simms's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 13
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Mythological deaths in a sleepy small town, without a doubt you've come across something similar many times before, and there's a reason for this. When written by a confident, well versed hand, it can culminate in some of the greatest suspense stories around. The mystery lying within these thirty pages provides a fast paced and intriguing piece of pulp fiction that does not rely on extensive knowledge of the canon that precedes it. Old friends of Mulder and Scully will feel right at home with the snappy word play between the two, while newcomers can find amusement as they get to know the agents. If Harris and Scott continue in this fashion, The X Files Season Ten has the potential to become a true classic for IDW, and bring a long awaited rejuvenation for the groundbreaking series.

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What The X Files Season 10 lacks in innovation, it certainly makes up in intrigue. With a universe this rich to play in, Harris is doing a great job keeping the stories streamlined for the twenty two page format. There is much room to improve, but the progression to perfection is proving to hold nearly as much quality and charm as its small screen predecessor ever did.

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Forever Evil is a largely prominent title in the current DC inventory, and this issue continues its relevance and reinforces that position. From humongous fight scenes, to the arrival of an intriguing dues ex machina of sorts, and a cliffhanger that proves as visually fantastical as it is nail biting, readers are treated to another issue of pure cinematic proportions.

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As Forever Evil begins to head toward a (hopefully) climatic crescendo, the action is continually building up. If you have been stepping your toes into other pockets of the DC universe, it has become evident many people, and things are coming out of the clockwork to take on the ultimate threat. What will the outcome be, and how will society return to normal? If it is as thrilling and emotional as this issue, i can not wait to see what Geoff Johns has in mind!

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For all of its post modernisms, even though the evolving pages were written more than twenty five years ago, Miracle Man continues to feel significantly more contemporary than half the things I currently read month to month. The content is stimulating, and the artwork captivating. To round out the issues all together completeness, the proverbial icing on the cake comes in the form of "special features". Akin to the previous installments, half the already dense pages are filled to the brim with extra stories, rough art and vintage promotional material, making this one of the only monthlies out there that actually deserve the three ninety nine price tag slapped across the front. Even if you're a returning reader to the illustrious Miracle Man universe your bound to have a blast, and if its your first time delving in, the unfolding story inside Miracle Man #4 is bound to draw you right in.

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It's a credit to Harris that the dialog and overall tone retains a level of authenticity so as to send any long time X Files fan in a giddy spiral of nostalgia. On the flip side, any newcomers to the minds and world of Mulder and Scully will settle in as Season Ten continues to create its own mythology, while building on (and flirting with) the established continuity of the television series. Issue seven, while not as polished as the last, gives a fun read with a satisfying conclusion to the first case taken on from the newly re opened X Files division of the FBI.

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With a recent history of by the book end of the world fare, the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense has had much to make up for. Luckily Arcudi and Harren are delivering it in spades. Within in a single issue we are introduced to two different enemies. One old, which seemingly will tie the last year and a bit together, and the other new, with interesting new motives and operations. Coupled with captivating artwork and offbeat characters, this series is heating up to once again return to its quirky disposition, becoming one of the must reads outside the "big two".

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To put it simply, The Star Wars issue three is fun! More and more elements of what would become A New Hope are being woven throughout the overall story, while still keeping a unique identity. With dynamic art and a quick pace, this is defiantly a book to pick up.

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Now we are at the halfway point, the outcome is slowly starting to take form. Book four is solid read, and a good place to decide whether you'll see this plot out to the end. With artwork as captivating as always, and a newly assembled team (of sorts) made up of fun characters, Rinzler and Mayhew are doing themselves proud!

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Although having the substance of a J.J Abrams by product, book five of The Star Wars is as entertaining read as they come. Looking at the overall arc, the first two issues were very dialog heavy, weaving a strong first act that has allowed for action to flow so obtusely in the second. When reading titles month to month, it is very easy to get bogged down in plot twists, continuity, and gritty tone. To have a book that you can pick up and jump into for a cheap thrill (well maybe not cheap with the rising costs, but that's a whole other discussion) can be a godsend. Whether you're a die hard follower of the force or not, this first draught is proving time and time again to be more coherent than a lot that is on the shelves today!

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Although this event has been full of intrigue, great action, and memorable moments, it is what happens beyond the arc that holds much interest. Presumably the Justice League will return, the Crime Syndicate will be beaten, and all will be set to as it once was, but what will life be like? It's a good guess that Luthor and the other rebelling villains will become the saviours of earth, but what happens then? Heroes and villains have teamed up many times in the past, but never to this extent. Will previous crimes be forgiven, or new alliances be made? Will we ever find out the true extent of the Pandora Boxes origins and power? Forever Evil 3 is not a stand out issue by any means, but keeps a solid pace while building the story to what feels like will be an action packed second act!

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Joe Harris has been improving each issue as the months roll by, but now as the cracks of previous faults resurface, the future of the series could become potentially shaky. Although an always enjoyable comic, the quality is not yet at a point where a sub par issue can be overlooked. Instead of giving us something something new and original to sink our teeth into, familiar characters are crammed in to tug on the heartstrings of the nostalgists. This style over substance approach gives the end product a bland thirty two pages that could have been treated in five percent of that. Luckily Menton3 and Moy's art lift the experience to an at least visually pleasing one, but that help can only stretch so far. Let's hope for a better April!

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To put it plainly, this issue is not good. It is far from unreadable, but is not going to make any new fans. To be fair, the is nothing essentially "bad" about the issue. The dialog is fine, and the art is fine. Being the second last issue of the arc, hopefully things will pick up and return to the quirkiness and intrigue that B.R.P.D usually delivers.

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