Brad Sloan's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 9
8.4Avg. Review Rating

4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1

Jun 19, 2016

This comic combines parts of manyvery tonallydifferent genres and makes it work. There are a lot of fine stories with similar elements out there, but 4 KIDS WALK INTO A BANK feels totally distinct as a whole. If you're looking for a non-superhero story from a small publisher, take a chance on this one.

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Green Arrow (2016) #2

Jul 11, 2016

Aside from the fantastic art in this rebirth run, its largest strength lays in the chemistry between Dinah and Oliver, so let's hope they get more scenes together in future issues. Other than that, GREEN ARROW Rebirth needs better pacing and further character development. Oliver's split personality has been interesting, but we don't need every character to come across that way. There is a ton of potential in this story and the villains seem menacing enough to create a compelling threat, so I hope it all pays off.

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Green Arrow (2016) #5

Aug 18, 2016

One of Percy's greatest strengths is his clever, off-panel dialogue and narrative. Both allow the story to flow seamlessly. Moving forward, Oliver will have to remake his identity from scratch now that he is dirt-poor, pronounced dead, and stuck on an island once again. There is no telling where this story will go next, but this issue sure was good! The Green Arrow is one of my favorite DC comic charactersand I look forward to more of Percy's take on the hooded hero.

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Green Arrow (2016) #6

Sep 9, 2016

The conclusion of this issue gives us much to look forward to in Emi's flashback story. Percy sets up an interesting dilemma mentally and physically between Emi/Oliver and Emi/herself. While I am looking forward to seeing the progression of that plot, I hope Percy can refocus and revitalize the post-Ninth Circle plot. My prediction is that he will find a way to connect the Clock King story with the Yakuza onethat was introduced in this issue (GREEN ARROW #6). Maybe we'll see more of the villain in present time?

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Green Arrow (2016) #7

Sep 22, 2016

Overall, I cannot wait for the rest of Percy's story and, who knows, maybe a potential shift in artistic tone to something a bit lighter? It is a great time to be a Green Arrow fan with not only this fantastic Rebirth, but also the show returning on the CW (hopefully back to its street level roots form earlier seasons). ComicsVerse and GA fans, be on the lookout for my articleon what I wantin Season 5 of GREEN ARROW in the next few weeks!

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Green Arrow (2016) #8

Oct 7, 2016

Overall, this felt like a step backwards for the run. That being said, Percy has gained my trust and I know he can make something out of this filler that will have me rereading it and noticing things I missed. Like what BATMAN V. SUPERMAN was supposed to do for MAN OF STEEL (#shotsfired). Here's hoping next issue gets back on the right track!

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Green Arrow (2016) #9

Oct 19, 2016

At this point, I'm really looking forward to seeing Oliver's journey home to Seattle. There are tons of questions left to be answered. Who really runs the Ninth Circle? Can the team escape the oncoming train to get home to getOliver's life and company back from his corrupt employees? How willEmi and Shado tie back to the story? I trust the teambehind this runto fill in these blanks because they haven't failed me yet.

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Green Arrow (2016) #10

Nov 3, 2016

Overall, the GREEN ARROW run has been one of my favorites in the DC REBIRTH. Percy has been consistently great as a writer and all of the artists involved have done well to maintain the tone of each individual story. Next issue will likely wrap up the Arrow team's espionage adventure on the Trans-Pacific railway. As long as the grounded and gritty street level hero can continue to deliver good comics, we will continue to enjoy them!

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Green Arrow (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

Overall, the GREEN ARROW run has been one of my favorites in the DC Rebirth line. Percy is a consistently great writer and all of the artists involved have done well to maintain the tone of each individual story. I have loved the sub-genres within the superhero comicas well (there have been heist, rom-com, mystery, and spy thriller issues). As long as we readers are kept on ourtoes with different ways to tell Oliver Queen's story, we will continue to enjoy GREEN ARROW. I look forward to finding out how Green Arrowwill clear his name of all crimes. I only wonder how Oliver Queen will be resurrected in the issues to come.

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