Dana Anderson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Impulse Gamer Reviews: 19
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Overall I found this issue of Bitch Planet to be an exciting and intriguing read. This really is a comic that engages the reader on an emotional and often confronting level. It forces us to question not only the dystopian world in Bitch Planet but also the world we live in today, as its ultimately a reflection of that. Its refreshing to see a comic that openly embraces themes, concepts, people and politics that are too often underrepresented today. Its time we embrace storytelling like this and enjoy the complex characters and dynamic themes that it offers us. I cant wait to see where the next issue takes us, as I can only imagine that its going to get hectic. Well done guys, Im thoroughly hooked!

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Overall Im really enjoying having Josie Schuller back. I loved the first Lady Killer story arc so much and now it feels like its back to business, as things are once again starting to amp up in volume. In the past Josie has always relished in her job but as things are once again start to get serious, we see a new Josie emerge, as her personal life and work life begin to overlap. I cant wait for the next issue to come out where we can learn more about this mysterious organisation and see whether her new partnership is as sweet as it appears on the surface.

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All I can say is well done Kelly Sue Deconnick, Valentine de Landro and Kelly Fitzpatrick, this is one hell of a comic and this issue does not disappoint.

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Black Hammer is shaping up to be an interesting and enigmatic adventure. In its first issue it already offers us drama, mystery and intrigue, packaged as a unique take on a different kind of superhero comic. The story is interesting, the art is ethereal and Im definitely looking forward to stepping back into this strange world and uncovering the mysteries it holds. Please do not hesitate to read this comic. I believe it has a lot to offer and will continue to do so.

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Black Hammer #2 really does deliver and Im liking where it is headed. I already care about the characters and empathise with them and the hopeless situation that they are stuck in. I want to know more about them and learn more about the mystery behind what happened during that cataclysmic event in Spiral City that forced them into exile and changed all of their lives forever. Everything is shrouded in mystery and I just love the feeling that we are piecing together a damaged puzzle. Its gritty, exciting and Im looking forward to reading the next issue.

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With each new issue of Black Hammer, Im learning more and more about this world, the characters and their personal stories. Its an interesting world, filled with complex personalities that have a lot to reveal and space to grow. Im excited with where this story is going and I look forward to learning more about what is going on and where it is all headed. There is mystery and intrigue littered throughout this story and I look forward to piecing together this cryptic puzzle and discovering more about this world and the characters within it.

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Overall Im really enjoying this adventurous space opera. Its a lot of fun to read and an absolute pleasure to look at. Just when you think the pace is starting to slow down, it picks right back up again at an alarming rate. I appreciate the level of intensity that the story takes and that coupled with Millars ability to establish some complex characters and dynamic relationships makes for some interesting storytelling. Empress #4 has offered us some entertaining moments and another intense cliffhanger and Im looking forward to reading the next issue in this adventure and seeing where it takes us next!

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So far Empress has delivered a story that has got my attention and its shaping up to be an epic space fantasy adventure. Im keen to keep reading to see where it takes us and Im curious about this familiar, yet alien universe that we have been introduced to. I just hope it continues to deliver.

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So far Im thoroughly enjoying this mad dash through space that Millar and Immonen are taking us on. I can already see the potential for a juicy and thrilling story forming, with dynamic relationships and complex characters. Im looking forward to venturing deeper into this exciting space adventure and seeing more of this familys desperate search for sanctuary and survival.

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So far Im thoroughly enjoying Empress and this weird and wonderful chase through space that Millar and Immonen have created for us. This issue delivers more intense nail-biting moments and swashbuckling heroics, all framed in an epic space opera backdrop. Im looking forward to the next issue and the conclusion of the first story arc and hopefully getting an answer to the one question I have. Will our escapees evade death and danger one final time and be able to find their safe sanctuary?

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Overall I found this to be a pleasant and whimsical read. Even though its a simple story with minimal progression with its story arc, it is still fun and quite relatable. We can all connect with once being young and nervous around the opposite sex and feeling almost overwhelmed at being thrust into daunting situations. I also feel like this edition of How to Talk to Girls at Parties is much more engaging with the addition of the art from Moon and B. Their art really does add to the whole experience and it works lovely with Gaimans story.

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In summary, Huck still continues to intrigue and captivate. This is a really good comic that is now taking the reader through some interesting twists and plot developments. It's all been relatively smooth sailing for Huck so far, so it comes to be quite jarring when things abruptly change, and for me this was a good and interesting change. Yay to change! This feelgood comic has taken a dark and dramatic turn and I'm very intrigued to see where it's all going to go, and knowing Millar, it's going to be good. Bad things are happening to Huck, but we need to remember that Huck won't go down without a fight!

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Overall I really love and enjoy this series. Im always excited to hear when the next issue is coming out and #2 was no exception. Even though the overall story doesnt progress a huge amount, we still get to see some subtle developments and a few interesting twists in the story arc. Its compelling, fun to read and gritty. The volume has been amped up and Millar and Quitely have been uncompromising in delivering another epic edition to this unique story. It really does pack a punch!

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In summary, issue #5 delivers an interesting and complex story. The narrative is being driven in an exciting direction and I look forward to seeing where it will be taking us in the future.

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Marjorie Liu has been clever to reveal a lot to us in this issue, without answering all of those questions we have been wanting to know. The finale to this first story arc is one that really delivered and I am definitely looking forward to venturing back into this interesting world, filled with mysteries and unresolved conflicts.

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If you love a story set in Victorian era London about flesh-eating corpses, occult detectives and practitioners of the dark arts, framed in a Lovecraftian way, then Witchfinder: City of the Dead is the series for you. Issue #1 has laid the foundations for a mysterious and gripping story that I believe will appeal to many. Im looking forward to seeing where it is going to go and how these guys are going to flesh out this story of the undead!

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After finishing Huck I soon found out that the series is going to be adapted into a film in the future, like many of Millars comics. Of course the happy, sweet and super tidy ending now makes perfect sense. The hero wins. And all that he cares for is safe, protected and happy. Everything has gone back to the way it was, with some small changes and additions to Hucks life. Huck and his mother lived happily ever after. The end.

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Although this issue was slower paced and didnt progress a great deal, the deliberate gradual pace was needed to help establish these new and complex relationships. Overall Im really enjoying the character development and the interesting relationship dynamics that are forming. Im looking forward to when the next issue comes out and we get to see more of the super-villains plan to break into Supermax. Millar is laying the foundations for an all mighty raid and I cant wait to see how its all going to unfold.

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Overall Im liking the new direction that Mae is taking. The initial reservations I had about this series are going and I find that its all starting to shape itself into an interesting and cohesive fantasy tale with some dynamic and curious characters. The whole story has a very Oz-like feeling about it and that mixed with these two strong and well-rounded characters makes for a fun and entertaining read. Im looking forward to seeing where this adventure is taking us and discovering this new alien world that Gene Ha has created.

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