Darren Schroeder's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 2
6.0Avg. Review Rating

Telling Stories: The Comic Book Creators (DVD) #1

Aug 4, 2005

Unless you have a particular interest in the creators involved the general level of discussion tends to be too general to rate as compulsive viewing. Most of them are confident in their own abilities, so some of the discussions will no doubt raise jeers from opinionated readers. I know a few comments made me want to challenge the creator to justify their train of thought. Howard Chaykin gets my award for most interesting talking head, with a line in self-depreciation that is so earnest that it's amusing. Everyone walks away for their time on screen with their reputations unscathed - there are no scandals, bad behaviour or seriously over inflated egos, and a fair amount of good sense on display. This film takes a similar approach to its subject to the "making of" film promos that end up on DVDs; Nothing earth shattering, but fans will find it very watchable.

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Zendra 2.0: Heart of Fire #1

Jul 17, 2002

The art department do their job admirably. Apart from the ridiculously skimpy attire of the humans (maybe they are descended from the cast of Baywatch?) and a tendency for women to have improbably long legs, the visuals in this book are okay to the eye, with some rather cool technology on display and some nice laser effects in the battle scenes. It is therefore a shame they didn't have a better plot to support them. Then again, they are the ones insuring that we keep seeing Halle's buttocks and crotch, just in case we forget she is a woman. This kind of thing is kind of insulting to the readers (I can remember that sort of plot point after about two views) and the characters as well.

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