Hamilton Ortiz's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: 16BitMonster, A Comic Book Blog Reviews: 67
9.1Avg. Review Rating

Geoff Johns continues to deliver a stellar story line that fills in further clues to alot of readers who were not familiar with The Crime Syndicate. Justice League #23.4 can not only be read as a stand alone story but it flows perfectly into the Forever Evil series. It Wouldn't make much since to read the issue unless you have been following Trinity War, Forever Evil already or are just interested in The Crime Syndicate.

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Lady Rawhide's intentions are just fight for the poor and rebel against the corrupt government. Maybe the idea isn't anything new but Trautmann tells a great tell in a world where there isn't enough cowboy hat bandana wearing bandits packing six shooters. Not only will Rawhide face off against the local Mexican authorities it seems as if she might be posed to face off against a ruthless gang of female bandits. Lady Rawhide isn't the best book of the week but its a great solid read for a western book. If you're looking for something new to check out then I can definitely recommend Lady Rawhide #1 by Dynamite. Issue #2 will be on my pick up list.

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All and all I am happy Snyder is trying to deliver something new and fresh with a story thats never been done before. Readers will get a kick out of seeing some of Batman's earlier style and take with combating crime. Bruce was pretty unorthodox during a few skirmishs which got a little more extreme in Snyder's back up story which also elaborates further on some details Snyder referenced in the main story. Honestly I loved it.

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I have tried for years to get into a Superman book and usually they are not my cup of tea mainly because they have been a bit boring. Superman has been and will always be an awesome character but like every other character in the comic world unless you find that right story line to pull you in then its a hard pill to swallow. Thankfully I am happy to report Lee and Snyder's Unchained definitely peaked my interest and its not because of the powerhouse team behind the book but because its an appealing opening plot that is layin down the ground work for somethig epic. Jim Lee's art work is still top 5 for me and with Unchained its no different. Very beautiful poses and details as always.

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Guardians of the Galaxy #5 flips back and forth between the meeting of the Empires and the Guardians of the Galaxy fighting off the Badoon invasion in London. The GOG crew only consists of 6 members and all 6 are very interesting and different. For a crew of just 6 members Bendis has managed to make them all out to be very hip, cool, and simply put “bad ass”. Drax is the powerhouse who is seemingly hurt during thefighting'send which was unsual, Gamoora is the best hand to hand combat specialist in the crew, while RocketRaccoonjust loves killing everything. Steve McNiven & Sara Pichelli's art is spot on good and appealing. If you are looking for the next big Marvel story line then now's the perfect chance to jump on board or if you are just looking for solid reading material then definitely give Guardians of the Galaxy a shot.

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Richard Elson's art is very good and looking at Germain again I really liked how the guy can look so hulking, badass, and intimidating yet have no super powers. Mike Deodato's cover is simply awesome. If nothing else interests you about the book then the cover alone is definitely eye candy. Joe Keatinge is writing a good series and it might not be what you would expect of a Morbius series but giving the book that street level feel is enough leeway for it to stand alone.

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I am pretty excited about the new arc as Brian Wood continues to deliver issue after issue on Conan. 13 issues in and I continue to enjoy every bit of it as I did the first issue. If you've already been on the Conan bandwagon then its pretty easy to get excited with whats to possibly come and for new readers issue 13 is probably not as exciting as to old readers but a great jumping on point with enough to draw you in. Pick it up.

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Again another great story and brilliantly showing off how well New Jersey folks pulled together to help each other during a natural disaster and a time in need. Even though the series deals with Hawkeye we rarely see him suited up in his purples tights and instead we see an ordinary man doing what's right when not on active duty. Truthfully Clint's never off the clock and if I had to guess what a worldly known superheroes life would actually be like I would have to guess this is as close as possible. This is the perfect issue to jump on and get a feel what kind of character Matt Fraction is making Clint out to be. Oh and the art is on the money as always.

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Overall, it's a great new take on Uncanny X Force and though the opening issue did not elaborate on what's the new X-Force's mission it does let new readers jump on easily without any issues and sets them up for what looks to be another possible major epic story line.

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If you're tired of reading all the serious story lines floating around and just want some light hearted and action filled laughs then pick up A+X #4 as a good starting point with the series.

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Overall, I think Jonathan Hickman was successful at getting readers excited about the new members and possible new team dynamics which will be a fresh of breath air with all the possible new team ups and story lines. Granted only a small amount of dynamics was shown and not all the new members showed off their potential abilities but that can be left for another issue. Anticipation is the key and I am now excited to see new members like Cannonball and Sunspot made use of when the time is right and further exploration of a character powers like Captain Universe, Hyperion, and Manifold which we only got a teaser. Jerome Opena's art is down right gorgeous and sin to dislike.

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Kieron Gillen's story alone was good but combined with Jamie McKelvie's and Mike Norton's art work and a $2.99 price point it just makes the book that much better to run through. I highly recommend Young Avengers #1 as I am locked in for Young Avengers #2.

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We can sit here and debate all day about which is the best DC book out but Scott Snyder's run is among the top three and has been top 3 since it launched. Looking forward to next issues grand conclusion and Alfred's fate.

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As usual Charlie Adlard nails the art beautifully with an impressive shot of a zombie getting his brains stomped out. It's obvious that the story line with Negan is seemingly ready to wrap up in a couple more issues as I am ready to move on since its been 7 issues of Negan and though Kirkman is doing one heck of a job fleshing him out as a cool bad guy but I just don't want to get over Neganed if you know what I mean. With the climax of the story line very close I am still on board but any new readers might not find issue #106 as the best jumping on point.

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Between Slott's witty Otto dialogue to Ryan Stegman's beautiful art work this issue is spot on perfect in my book. Slott has definitely maintained the same great pace he left Amazing Spiderman #700 off on and not only do the bad guys know this is a new Spiderman willing to push them to their limits Otto wants the world to know it as well.

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The series continues to be an interesting one with this being possibly Grant Morrison's last run with Batman I am thinking things might end with a major bang. If a great story isn't enough to talk you into checking out the series then Chris Burnham's art might just do the trick for you. This isn't the best jumping on point for new readers so I would advise you to pick up the previous two issue to bring you up to speed. It's well worth the hustling if you're looking for something different from Scott Snyder's Batman run.

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As I try to look for a reason to cut this book from my pull list I just could never find any reason and that's a bad thing for me because I need to drop a few books. Damn you Lemire! Jeff Lemire continues to put out an awesome series issue after issue and now with Ray Fawkes lending a hand to Lemire hopefully things will get even better if that's even possible.

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Matt Fractions very specific choosing of words is what makes the issue an interesting one and David Aja is just killing it on art duties. Matt Hollingsworth is brilliantly using for the majority of the issue the dull colors of purple, blue, and gray which are helping Aja's art worth stand out more and more. When you are talking about what is Marvels strongest title you have to rank Hawkeye up there in the top three. Clint might be one of the Avengers major players in their main series but his escapades during his free time are really enjoyable.

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Brian Wood is in my top three of current favorite writers in the industry today. He continues to due a stand up job with delivering Conan and making us all believe in this under 25 year old inexperienced warrior that will one day become king. Issue #11 is definitely a critical issue in the Conan run as he questions if its time to let Belit go or risk becoming sick himself while trying to save her. I am hoping to see Belit stick around a bit more but if Wood is planning to go into another faze with Conan then "The Death" arc would be a perfect exiting point for Belit. Theirs plenty of untold Conan tales to tale before we hit Brian Woods 25 issue run and I am looking forward to it.

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I've been reading The Walking Dead since about issue #97 and issue #105 has been the most interesting to me since issue #100. Rick and his Crew are in a very deep mess against Negan but in the end all he's trying to do is ensure the survival of him and his crew just like Rick. The series is definitely heading towards another major event very soon and with Carl now under Negan's control things are going to get hairy for everyone. I will continue to stick around.

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Most readers love a serious high end story line and rightfully so with how expensive a comic can be but we all can use a break from all the world ending encounters issue after issue in other series's and enjoy Deadpool for what it is. To describe the series using my now Internet famous catch line for DP “A balls to the wall action series” with cheesy funny jokes. Highly recommended especially for its $2.99 price point.

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There's not much else to say about the issue because Matt Fraction's Hawkeye run has been epic since issue #1. Everything about the series has been perfect and I am really excited for issue #6 which will deal with Clint and Katie during hurricane Sandy in New York City. We also had Matt Fraction make a special appearance in the letters section for some replies. I won't spoil anything but well worth the read. Readers can debate all day whether Hawkeye is Marvels best series at the moment but the one thing we can all agree on its definitely in the top 3.

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Brian Wood has been knocking Conan out the park issue after issue and his supporting cast of artist and colorist have definitely played a major role with giving you that savagery of Conan feel. This is a solid title all around and I have yet to fine a flaw in any issue.

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Posehn & Duggan are doing a great job telling a balls to the wall action story while Tony Moore & Val Staples perfectly complement them on art and coloring duties. If you're looking for a straight up action series that will make you laugh while not taking itself too serious then Deadpool is for you.

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Bendis story line is definitely an interesting one because something is going to give in a major way! How will old Angel take in what has happened to him when he meets the current Angel? and what about young Hank possibly seeing his older self die? I am willing to bet when young Scott Summers meets his older self he wont be able to maintain his cool. Jean's couple of crossings with Wolverine were great for a few laughs as was seeing both Icemen meeting each other.

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Issue #4 continues the momentum with more laughs and action as we see Archer and Armstrong battle Nazi Monks. Yes you read that correctly "Nazi Monks" and they can throw down for sure. Clayton Henry does a superb job on art duties and I am loving the little info boxes that Valiant throws in during the fights scenes that will highlight the particular style the fighter is currently using. A very awesome and cool book read.

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Great drawn action scenes in this issue. Not the best by far but they are very well drawn. Story, art, and pacing are all done right. Overall, a great balance.

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Who else would know better how to write a Batgirl comic then another female Gail Simone. I am hooked. Pick it up.

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Batman Incorporated is definitely one of the books I look forward to reading monthly and too bad I did not get around to reading the series pre New 52. For those reading the main Batman and Detective titles and not Batman Inc should really check this series out for a completely different pace of action and story telling for Batman.

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Captain America might or might not be the best of the Marvel Now titles to certain people depending on how open you are to seeing Captain America out of the norm but personally, I loved every word, panel, and inch of Captain America #1. For me it could be because I have never been a big reader of any Captain America books. Not because I have never liked Cap but because I have always been drawn more to the X-Men side of the Marvel Universe. My interest Captain America was generated after reading what Marvel, Rick Remender, John Romita were planning to do with Cap. It's different, tasteful, and was down right an awesome read. Pick it up.

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No villains, no fallouts, nothing. I am sorry but not my cup of tea. Nothing worth reading here. The writing was pretty good but the issue just didn't hold my interest much and flat out slow and boring.

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I am in love with this issue, series, and thanks to Matt Fraction's writing and Aja's art I have found a new love and favorite character in Hawkeye.

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Without including my minor problem with the Superman preview, which wasn't bad at all, I can recommend the issue and series all the way.

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Masks #1 is just one of those books that on paper might not sound as appealing other than its much anticipated team up of vigilantes but it has som much going for it. I might be as familiar as I should be with some of the characters but I know of them and that was a good start for me.

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After finishing up issue number one I am anxiously waiting on Spider-Men #2. Not much was spilled as for as which direction the story will go with both Spider-Men so I am definitely left wondering and craving more!

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If you are looking for another superhero genre book then look elsewhere but if you want to read about an everyday situation getting twisted up then this is for you. With 5 more months to go until the end of the year Jeff Lemire's Underwater Welder sets the bar high for Graphic Novel of the year.

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Aaron is doing a wonderful job fleshing out Gorr and is truly convincing readers how powerful Gorr is as the butcher of gods. Thor has faced many opponents before but Gorr is in a class all of his own. In issue #1 modern day Thor encounters an entire race of giant gods who were butcherers themselvesslained, tortured, andbutchered by Gorr with ease. Esad Ribic has been able to perfectly capture the look of fear of the dead gods which is what has helped convince the audience of how brutal Gorr can be. If you ever were on the fence about picking up a Thor comic then this would be the perfectopportunityto jump on.

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Brian Woods is definitely kicking this side story to Wolverine and the X-Men off in the right direction. Quentin Quire has been playing a major roll in the regular Wolverine and the X-Men series and its great too see Brian Woods doing a great job with him just like Jason Aaron has done so far. There are several artists on duty for the book and it was pretty cool to see them switch up styles between realities giving each reality a distinct look. Great start.

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Joshua Williamson continues to provide great verbal exchanges between the Xenoholics and I am loving it. Their smart remarks, jokes, back and forth exchanges are what makes Xenoholics stand out. I will admit it the first two issue started things off insanely awesome then in issue three things got a bit slow but with issue four Williamson is back to providing that good stuff that originally drew me in.

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Check out our Spider-Island Event Hub for all the latest news! [Link](Spider-Man is on the receiving end of several Avengers member) (Mayor Jameson providing some more classic dialogue as usual)

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It was a great finisher for sure and judging by the preview cover of issue 2 Cable will try to take down Iron Man which I hope he does! Jeph Loeb definitely is penning a great story and Ed Mcguinness's art work is superb. If Cable is going to continue to take out the Avengers systematically one by one then I am completely sold on the series. What a great way to kick off Avengers vs X-Men.

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I am very interested in seeing where Claudio Sanchez with The Key Of Z's story. I have previously read his work Armory Wars which was an interesting title in its own but I really think Key Of Z has the makings to be something. Boom Studios labeled Key Of Z perfectly in a preview I read somewhere"."The Warriors, DMZ, with a twist of The Walking Dead all rolled up into one". Aaron Kuder really went to town with his art style which I found to be a perfect match with story line. Easily one of our Top Picks for the Month of October. Check out the preview below.

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Key of Z #3 was a bit slow on the reading end and with barely any action happening in issue #3 other then filling in a few blanks for us. I honestly couldn't get into the issue. I am not saying the issue was bad just not enough going on with it to hold my interest

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The Key of Z series is on my top 3 favorite list to read right now and with that said"Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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I have alot of catching up to do with the Planet of the Apes series and though this isn't much of a real review on the actual issue but take note. This series is truly rightous and Boom Studios has gained another fan. PICK IT UP! Check out our Planet of the Apes #7 early preview below and make sure to pick it up this week when it drops at your local comic book shop.

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The end result was Lisa having permenantly gained the same powers as Superman and this time being able to use them for good. The issue even jumps into the distant future and gives you a glance at "The Superman Squad" which I will not spoil and let you guys enjoy the beautiful ending of Superman #714 and the series overall. Like a I said in the beginning, the issue starts off a bit slow but the ending completely made it for me. A perfect ending to a perfect run.

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All and all I am finally back to reading one of my favorites characters and I am digging Aaron's story line involving the Kingpin's The Red Hand sect and Yakuza war. Can't hardly wait for Wolverine 301.

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Overall, not to much character building in issue #2 other then giving Bobby Drake a nice big shine in the issue. Wolverine and The X-Men #2 served as a straight up brawl from beginning to end. I am completely digging Jason Aaron's work on the series so far and look forward to issue #3.

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If you have been looking to jump on board the X-Men then this is the perfect time to do so. Its a fresh start and you wont yet be lost in the novella style story or as I like to call it, The Young and The Restless with super powers. Wolverine and the X-Men is awesome. Definitely worth every penny.

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Jason Aaron is just doing a beautiful job show casing the students as real teenagers would act while being able to give them each equal development. I am loving Nick Bradshaws art work in this issue vs the previous issues art style which at times was a bit hard to make out during certain fight scenes.

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I am definitely feeling the new series and can't help but recommend it to anyone who is looking for a jump on point into an X-Men. Look no further. Wolverine vs Sabretooth? I am sold.

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If you appreciate awesome writing skills and hilarious characters who have very different personalities yet play off each other so well then definitely check out Xenoholics. Joshua Williamson's writing is pure gold and Seth Damoose's art is the perfect match for the writing. Both go hand and hand. I love it.

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The characters of the series each have very colorful personalities and definitely work together well. The interaction between them are perfect. Williamson's writing is still keeping me into the story even with my personal let down with the lack of funny material. Initially what got me excited about the series was its comedy but the overall story line is definitely strong enough to hold up on its own. The series doesn't take itself to seriously and its really working overall for Xenoholics. I will definitely pick up issue 4.

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This is my very first experience with anything Red 5 and I am happy I gave The Abyss a chance. The story pretty much starts out with two aliens named Zen and Jenna crash landing onto earth and being taken in by the military for experiments. As usual the government takes there technology and learns from it. What they stumbled across what a liquid that was indestructible, with now mass, and well, you will just have to read the comic to find out but trust me"You will enjoy the comedy more then the story line.

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 (Check out the 5 Pageexcerptbelow.)#gallery-1 {margin: auto;}#gallery-1 .gallery-item {float: left;margin-top: 10px;text-align: center;width: 33%;}#gallery-1 img {}#gallery-1 .gallery-caption {margin-left: 0;}

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The issue pretty much serves as a way to get you up to speed on who is the Red Hood and what he loves to do. The cliff hanger ending pretty much keeps the tone of the issue going and left me wanting more. Judd Winicks writing is spot on along with Guillem March & Andrei Bressans's art work.

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On Sale June 8, 2011 

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The first issue was a bit slow but its setting the tone for a major mystery into Batman's past so lets just hope the second issues will pick up a bit more.

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I wont get any further into the story but overall this is a great issue, great concept, and I loved the way it was put together. I will be looking forward to issue #4.

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The issue is admittedly slow unlike the previous issue which was entirely made up of Tony fighting the Grey Gargoyle and getting his ass handed to him while at it. The art by Salvador Larroca is not too bad while Matt Frictions writing was pretty good. The only thing that really saved this issue were the dwarfs the rest is forgettable. Its a great tie in issue into the Fear Itself story line.

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The issue leaves you in a cliff hanger pretty much unsure of whats happening but it left me wanting more. I am very curious to see where this series goes because of how well it was written. I honestly felt like I was watching the opening scene of a movie, Michael Alan Nelson and James Wan deserves alot of credit for their story telling. The story is very well complemented by the gritty yet beautiful art by Piotri Kowalski. In all honesty give this look a serious look.

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Do yourself a favor and just pick it up if you're looking for a comic not too deep with its story line but still contains plenty of action and a story that just grabs a hold of you.

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Overall, Strange Adventures is one of the best titles launched this year by any publisher period. I really hope readers catch on to the series so Vertigo can continue to put the series out. Its such a shame that the multiple short story style in comics doesn't generate the interest it deserves to keep that genre alive.

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With this being the final issue in the series we are forced to jump back onto the main series for our DP laughs. The artwork is easy going and beautifully done while the writing/jokes are spot on. I would actually have rated this comic hire if our system allowed lol.

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We strongly recommend all comic geeks, horror fans, general people who are interested in getting into comics, and of course fans of the films to pick the issue up. Its the perfect starting point for anyone looking for a new series to dive into and the comic book series will directly continue from where the films left off courtesy of Clive Barker. Fans of the films wont be disappointed!

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The series is only at issue five and still in its infancy but it has plenty of potential and theres something about The Traveler that honestly has me a bit drawn to it. Written by Mark Waid and Tom Peyer, I have no worries for future issues. Things are going to get explosive and soon. The artwork is pumped out by Chad Hardin and detailing is a perfect combination of detail. Easy on the eyes yet can get very detailed on certain panels when needed to make an impact. I love it.

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Carl Barks takes on double duty as he not only writes but draws the issue and does a wonderful job of it. I am always a big fan of that old school and simple cartoony art work so looking at this issue was a pleasure for me. It did feel a big dragging with the story but Huey, Dewey, and Louie keep me interested.

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