Jake Swirsky's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 3
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Catwoman (2011) #52

May 15, 2016

Even acknowledging those flaws, the book is a solid read, with nice visuals and a fun, if somewhat hollow, plot that focuses too little on the characterization of both David and Selina. The book's main strength is its pacing, which zooms along at a brisk, thrilling pace. As the middle chapter of a three part arc, it would've been great. However, for a conclusion it's merely good, as it's unclear what changes Selina has truly gone through. It's unfortunate that the series has to end now as there's a great deal of material to explore, especially how this betrayal impacts Selina's future relationships and Black Mask's power grab.

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Hyper Force Neo #1

Apr 30, 2016

Like many inaugural issues, HYPER FORCE NEO introduces numerous characters and plots with little payoff, setting the stage for future issues. Neil and Layla will most likely join Hyper Force Neo, aiding Dean in his quest for justice. Although its colorful kinetic imagery might cause minor headaches for adults, HYPER FORCE NEOwill most likely enthrall younger readers.

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Imposter #1

Mar 23, 2016

The book's pacing is one of its greatest strengths, leaving the reader left immediately wanting more. However, due to the book being a four issue miniseries, parts of this issue can feel like pure setup. Hopefully we'll see a bit more investigation into Hale's mindset at playing an Imposter. Although I don't know if the execution will match the concept with the rest of the series, I'm definitely excited to find out.

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