Mai's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Fanboys Inc, Capeless Crusader Reviews: 3
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell #1

Jun 20, 2014

Truly though, Joe Quinones stole the show from Paul Dini. While he's one of my long time favorite writers, he just can't write women right it seems. I cannot think of one lady who would write a scene where the two badass chicks went fishnet stocking shopping together. Seriously? If I wrote it, I'd make a crack about it but that would be as far as it goes. I feel like every female who read that part rolled their eyes when they got too it.

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The Woods #1

May 8, 2014

Overall, I feel like The Woods could either end up super cool or get boring real quick. The characters, at this point, aren't strong enough in their personalities and seem a little generic. But like I said, I'm hoping Tynion surprises us and shows his readers what these kids are made of. The art, I think, is the best part. It's just so contrasting to the story that it's a winner.

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Veil #3

May 9, 2014

Overall the story was short but sweet. Not candy-hearts sweet but, bloody rats and red-blood fog sweet. The art was amazing and did a great job setting the tone. I'm always eager for more with this one.

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