Omar Holmon's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Black Nerd Problems Reviews: 255
8.8Avg. Review Rating

This issue was a Bret The Hitman Hart-level technical one shot. There was so much back story and hilarious turns of events executed with extreme excellence. The best part is that there's still more to come with Kevin, the ending with T'Challa is an excellent entrance into new territory for not only Cole, but his relationship and dynamic with T'Challa as well.

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This issue comes across as what we've been waiting for all along with this new series for Black Widow. We got grit, grime, and most of all we got bars. Natasha is talking that straight cold killer shit on everybody this issue. The hardship of this is that you start to understand the perspective of Weeping Lion by the end of the issue and realize that although his actions are extreme toward Black Widow, they aren't unwarranted.

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There's a lot at play towards in this issue and especially towards the end. Waid and Samnee are a great creative team at turning people around and giving them their own block in Marvel universe to run amok in. They proved it on Daredevil and they're continuing the work here in Black Widow.

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This story serves as a one-shot that you can revisit constantly. It even makes you desire to see another encounter between the two down the line. The contrasting ideologies between these two vastly different Martians was a genius approach for grade-A story telling from this collective.

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Mark Texeira and Jimmy Palmiotti didn't let the Loony Toons od DC Universe fandoms down with this mash up. Jonax Hex comes across his usual bad ass self but they character development between Yosemite and Foghorn is perfection. Their humor with one another, how deep the take their debts, and their since of friendship is such an endearing aspect of this book.

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I am completely floored by how great this special is. The funniest thing about this issue is trying to suggest it to a friend and knowing how crazy you're going to sound saying, “So Batman and Elmer Fudd face off, right?” When we talk about real rap raw from our favorite hip hop artists, the same can be applied for writers and artist in the comics industry. I have no problem saying Tom King and Lee Works are on a real storytelling raw level that needs to be recognized and credited.

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I can't say enough good things about this issue. I really enjoyed it. Jemisin choice in having Jo not using her lantern all the time or at every instance like most Green Lanterns makes her such a different power ring wielder. It's almost reminiscent of Green Lantern Hannu's use of his ring in that when we see Jo go all out, it's going to be a big thing. Jo's minimal use of her ring has made her even more interesting which isn't easy to do with a Green Lantern. N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell are creating a new, interesting approach and chapter in Green Lantern lore with Far Sector with no signs of letting up.

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If we keep with this level of depth then we are on par for a monster of a title run. I was already bought in with the premise of the series, but this issue is what solidifies that Cates and Shaw are about to knuck if you buck with this these characters.

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I'm really glad I was following the release of this book man. I love the approach and I love the themes intertwining into this story. You know the movie deal coming for this shit right? You know that's coming in like five to ten years time. Yo Cates. Shaw. When that happens y'all gotta put either Denzel Washington or Idris Elba as Emmet [and Michael B Jordan or Michael Pena as Roy]. Nobody does grizzled old man that'll snap your face off like them, don't sleep on'em.

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Listen, stop reading this shit and buy this fucking book. It's women's history month and Kate Bishop out here putting mofos down for the count. You feel me? Kate Bishop out here defending the block! Kate Bishop out here so everybody best respect her spot on the shelf and recognize greatness when you read it.

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You couldn't have a more beloved character in safer hands than this right chea.

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My god man, this issue was so freaking great.

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I didn't get that in-depth into the issue this week as it is best that it be seen. There are so many storylines weaved in together that I don't want to spoil anything. Thompson does a great example of calling back to prior story arcs and tying up loose ends as a surprise for the reader, while at the same time starting a new thread for a different story to run parallel with the main story arc. Thompson is out here crossing folks over with the plot, dialogue, and storyline then passing it to Romero for the reverse windmill in the paint (that's three sports references for those counting at home). Kate Bishop is living her best life under this creative team, I never want it to end.

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Starks did an excellent job balancing the humor and violence that when the heavy depth, heart, and narrative surprises appear, you'll be left thinking he's a magician. I want this in video game format and on film asap. Cut the damn check.

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Scott Free is burning a fucking hole through Orion's dome and you know this is impeccable foreshadowing. This that good-good foreshadowing. Scott Free and Orion's relationship and animosity toward one another (due mostly to the truce brought about by them being exchanged to their father's enemy [Orion to Highfather, Scott to Darkseid]) is going to come to a head and I can not wait. King and Gerads have given a new life to this ageless war between New Genesis and Apokolips by making this feel like actual wartime, upping the stakes, spreading paranoia, and showing that this war is only going to get uglier from here. Mister Miracle is not a title or character to be slept on this time around.

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New Genesis needs the Sloman's ShieldThe dialogue and action go hand in hand and I never get tired of seeing how Scott Free fights or uses his Aero-Discs on the offensive. I've never seen Mister Miracle be this physical in a series and I'm loving it. King and Gerads outdo themselves each issue. Barda and Mister Miracle are having a hell of a run and a hell of a year.

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King and Gerads continue to be on some other shit with this Mister Miracle run. Not only is the story thrilling, but the psychological aspects behind the characters and motives keep the reader uneasy. Even with its hard-ass scenes and bars, there's still moments of humor able to fit in at just the right moment. Mister Miracle aka Mr. Escape The Room is standing on these shelves daring someone to take the crown.

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Grevioux and Benjamin set the bar very high in their first issue for this series, then did a one-arm pull-up on the bar like it's nothing. If the creative team keeps pumping out work with this great formula of pacing, action, engagement, and world building then a miniseries ain't going to be enough. We're going to need a volume 2, ASAP.

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What, you want me to tell you that Zdarsky does his damn thing yet again? Has he ever not done his job? No, because the man is tag-team partners with Matt Fraction for a fucking reason. This creative team is the World Tag Champs in the comic book industry as far as I am concerned. Zdarsky's artwork reflects how this book continually outdoes itself. Sex Criminals is Diamond Dallas Page back in WCW saying there are over 150+ ways to hit his Diamond Cutter finisher, and we're going through each and every way, and gasping at their difficulty and innovation. That's what the fuck this book is. I'M DONE. I CAN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE.

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I'm not even going to wrap this shit up in a bow telling you how good this book is as I usually do. Nah, you check my other reviews for that shit. Fraction and Zdarsky are givin' you that art work right here. Take notes. All I'ma tell you to do right the fuck now is take notes. They not playing with y'all no more. This ain't for play-play no more. Bars only. Bars only fangirl/boy". Bars only.

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The pacing for this showdown has been a steady calculated pace, but Ewing and Foreman made it well worth the wait. Ultimates 2 is on another level with galactic level events occurring. I'm not even sure if these were obscure Marvel characters or characters Ewing made up for world building. We are getting peak storytelling right here, y'all.

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Listen, The Ultimates 2 is the CNN of the cosmos reporting in on what's going on and it's a straight up war zone right now. Y'all better put respeck on this book's name and creative team.

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Foreman and Ewing have transformed this new universe using old characters, as well as linked in America Chavez's current story in her own series. Ewing is having these characters getting prepared for his phase three, which is a cosmic-level war. Listen, Ultimates 2 makes me so angry because way more people should be talking about this series. This is Oscar-level script writing we're getting here, people.

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Ultimates 2 is a book that deserved to have as many eyes on it as possible. You want to know how to write a team book? Read Ultimates 2. You want to see characters of color at the forefront of issues, being leaders, and assets to their team and plot? Read Ultimates 2. You want a creative team that'll give your favorite heroes some character, depth, and breaks away from the usual tropes? Fuck with ya mans and dem Al Ewing and Travel Foreman.

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Listen, you gotta get this book as a trade when it comes out. There's no denying this shit. I really hope we see these characters in the Batman Family Universe again. We really got to because this creative team did so well building all these characters up that for them to not pop up in Batgirl or anywhere else would be a shame. Rebirth better have these trill ass heroes too. That's all I know.

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The team of Tom King and Mitch Gerads (or “King” Gerads) are the new cleaners for DC comics. A ‘cleaner' is a creative team that can take a character that's not so popular and build their mythos to becoming a household name. These issues of Mister Miracle are going to be a blueprint for how to rebrand a character with incredible stories, homages, and fresh ideas.

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So far, Black Panther & The Crew is CSI: Harlem meets the super power of Black girl magic and they're doing a damn good job with the execution. Harlem is unveiling its own history of heroes from the Golden / Silver age of comics that we're seeing our present heroes discover and it makes for a truly original and unique story to take in.

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Let's be clear, Chris Samnee and Mark Waid gave Natasha an incredible year. Marvel's never rocked espionage deeper than what this creative team has done with Black Widow. This series was the spy version of Ninja Warrior/Ultimate Beastmaster and it's what the Marvel Universe has long needed.

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Champions is coming on strong and building up opposition for this team. I gotta point out how similar this is to Sam Wilson's title where he is dealing with a private cop policing unit causing angst and discriminating. We are getting more stories indicative of the present regime in play over jere in the states. Art is not being subtle at all about imitating life anymore.

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Bedard and Kitson provide an addition to the mythology of Wonder Woman with this Labyrinth that I hope will come to be referenced over in her main series as well. We've got a solid story, character depth, and world building all in a one shot. This creative team put meticulous thought and nothing but bars into each panel in this special, and it shows.

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God Country is peak unique storytelling with god tier art. If you want to get someone into comic books then God Country is the series you hand them. I'm so mad this is a mini series but it makes sense, man, it makes sense. If you're not up on God Country by now then your bringing dishonor to all that you hold dear in whatever fandom you rep.

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There's not enough good things I can even say about Hawkeye as a title. Not reading Hawkeye is like missing the game winning catch in the big high school football game, it'll haunt you for all your days til you redeem yourself (that's not about me, I ran track

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The best thing about this issue is how much fun it is. It's quick, concise, and cute as hell. The closing is perhaps the best as we see some name dropping and hilarious gossip occurs. Thompson, Walsh, and Romero continue to make sure the Hawkeye name stays relevant, different, and brilliant.

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You're not fucking with this title, man. You're not fucking with this creative raw right here. Mister Miracle is yet another example of what a great story and incredible team can do to push the fandom of a 2nd-3rd string character hero.

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If we talking educating folks on policies, practices, and how differences can be made. Then we gotta be talking about this issue of Ms. Marvel. I could easily see this book being taught in schools, used for lesson plans. Hell, if this was out when I was in high-school I'd be presenting for my book report in social studies.

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Ewing and Foreman have made Ultimates 2 a series that is synonymous with great story telling, character development, history, and surprises for anyone that appreciates an amazing book. Ultimates 2 is leaps and bounds beyond whatever you think is changing the comic book game right now, I promise. Ewing isn't fucking around with any of you writers out there. Foreman ain't making stunting on artist any easier. This creative team has turned obscure space entities into powerhouses that need to be respected as such.

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I love this book, and this issue really gets things underway as the danger increases for our young vigilantes. You know the band is going to get back together, but the dynamic is going to be something that's going to take time to adjust to for them. Read this book. We Are Robin is such a fresh breeze into the Bat Family.

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Rucka, Sharp, and Evely gotta get their due credit for being the ones that revitalized Wonder Woman's mythos for DC Comics. This team brought us a lot of depth and closed many gaps, questions, and speculations in Diana's deep rooted history in DC Universe. The series closes out a light note that not only Steve and Diana deserve but one this creative team deserves as well.

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This is not a series that should be slept on. I can't stress that enough. Especially after the success of the movie, this series keeps the momentum going incredibly well. This book is truly a treasure and turns a Scott Lang " who you may consider a 2nd-3rd tier character " into one of your Top 5 Dead or Alive favorite heroes.

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I've been fanboying for this new iteration of The Crew, and it came through with the quarterback sneak hitting us with references of Little Mogadishu from the original series, as well as the Americops prior to the ones Sam Wilson encounters. Harvey and Coates did their homework and not only did their own world building with new characters, but seamlessly incorporated unique happenings taking place in other series as well. We're in for a compelling story with this one. We got a winner over here, guys.

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Aye, if you see Blue Beetle on the shelf grab that shit man. We got some heat on our hands with this series right here. The Blue Beetles are back and together for the first time and it feels good but more importantly, it reads even better than it feels.

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Hopefully Emmet's condition will be a recurring issue through out this series. This take on Emmet covers new ground as a spin on the hero's journey, as well as highlighting how Alzheimer's affects not only the character but those around him.

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God Country is a story with heart, complexities, and so much more than the beat 'em up super heroics approach to telling a great tale for readers to appreciate. Cates and Shaw should be proud of the world they've built for this mini-series (why you do us like that though? Only six issues?), and need to lock in that movie deal ASAP. God Country built an incredible journey through alzheimer's as an illness to express how far someone will go in order to hold onto something as precious as a memory and life as they knew it.

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We're seeing Kate Bishop in a new light with her being a P.I. We know how dangerous she is with a weapon but now we're seeing how cunning she is using her surroundings and mind as a weapon as well. Thompson isn't pulling any punches and the ending lets you know that there are plenty of surprises in store for our hero.

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I love this series man. What do you want me to say? Hawkeye is the book you read last because you know it's going on New Comic Book Day because you know it's going to be clutch. I don't know how much realer you want it to be than Kate Bishop out here living her best life in a series you need on your pull-list. ASAP. Muh fuckas out here saying Women and Black / POC / Diversity ain't cutting it in these panels? Thwwps *sucks teeth* they lyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.

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Fraction and Aja couldn't have wished for a better successor for the Hawkeye series than with Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Romero. This is how you pass the baton and fucking run the distance with it.

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I love this series so much. You know when you just know shit is going to be good? This is by far my favorite iteration of Barda and Scott Free. The risks and unique approach to the New Gods lore by Tom King and Mitch Gerads is how you transform and pay homage to the characters and creators before you.

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From Scott's worrying, to the cashier's answer, to Scott's impossible question; Gerads continues to be the perfect pairing to bring these characters to life with Tom King.

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Yeah, this book right here is getting recommended quite highly from me, ain't no doubt about that shit. I'm really excited to see what this creative team can do with this character. I'm also looking forward to more bars" Wait till you see the shit she says about her sword, yo. I'ma end this review but I'm just trying to point out that sword line goes hard.

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Cheetah was the real MVP for this issue. You're not going to convince me otherwise. Rucka has been building a thicker and well mapped out history between Diana and Barbara Minerva that's way more solid than what we've seen from previous incarnations of Wonder Woman history and mythos. Evely and Sharp continue to bring that road map to life from the various stages of their interactions throughout the years. When we talk about the dream team of creative pairings for Wonder Woman, this is the crew that will be argued to the front of the line.

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Samnee's artwork got me thinking the homie should do stunt choreography " he has Natasha doing so many tricks that seem so invisible that you find yourself going back to see where Natasha set up the action up two panels prior. The maneuvers look flawless and almost out of nowhere by the final panel. Samnee makes Natasha look like a master of the prestige. Samnee and Waid did great creative tag-team when they had Daredevil flourish with the revamp during their run; I expect nothing less with their run of Black Widow and it's even a funny coincidence that they jump to Natasha's title as she and Daredevil used to share a series back in the day (but you know what we say about coincidences around here). Natasha's first issue delivered glory and left me sitting her like "TELL'EM WHY YOU BAD, BLACK WIDOW! TELL'EM WHY YOU BAD!"

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This issue felt really long which I loved. I don't know how Thompson tricked my mind into thinking I was reading an entire graphic novel but I loved it. That's A1 writing, making 32 pages feel like 64 and keeping the reader engaged as fuck. Thompson and Romero are out here making the fandom recognize game right now. They got your girl Kate Bishop on some real shit out in LA, and you should be getting familiar.

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As much fun as we got in this issue, there's a good look at how Kate Bishop can sink into herself in moments and hold off on stepping up to the plate when things revert back to her father and her family. Family is becoming a big echo in this series as well, which I appreciate. You don't realize that's an underlying theme until later, and seeing the cast that Kate Bishop has now puts all of that front and center.

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I'm sad to see this series go yo. It was just getting good and your boy was rocking with it. These seven issues serve as a great add-on story for the return of the g.o.a.t. Nova and the legacy that's been keeping up the good work during their leave.

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This issue took an extreme turn in the plot that I don't think any of us saw coming. I was waiting for the story to come along with a little more action but Bast damn, Grevioux done went and hit us with a south paw left outta nowhere. Odyssey of The Amazons is shaping up to be a limited series you'll want in your collection to come back to years from now.

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This book goes hard in the obscure but the character development and story is straight up Pulitzer level (IDC, IDC, IDFC). Matt and Chip, the tag team champs, do it again.

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I have no idea where we're going but it's clear the divide between Jon and Suze is going to lead to an even greater story overall. I put that on my orgasm, my g. Sex Criminals is that book you still look forward to grabbing off the shelves first from your pull list, especially when they're back from hiatus.

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I really enjoyed this issue and it was a much needed win for team Bendis because the race talk shit is killing me, fam. And it always happens on the even numbered issues that I review while Will gets to fuckin sit back lookin' with the odd numbered issues he review lookin at me like, "sucks to be you". I'm glad to see Bendis back on that trap house story telling he excels at. This issue felt long too which I liked; Bendis was able to get a lot into this issue as if it was just a busy day for Miles and it worked very well. This is probably my favorite Civil War tie-in and even issue of this series' run so far.

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I love this series, man. You never know what to expect from an issue of Ultimates 2, but you are guaranteed an incredibly detailed story each time.

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Black Panther and The Crew continues to be a gem glistening on the shelf that folks should snatch up as quickly as possible.

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Thompson makes this one shot count as an anchor point for both Hawkeyes. We get the humor, skill, and understanding between these two Hawkeyes from different points of time in Marvel but despite that we see why they're so close and why only Kate Bishop can be Clint Barton's successor.

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Tom King and Mitch Gerads are giving us Game of Thrones in space. I gotta repeat, this isn't just a stale rehash of the beef between New Genesis and Apokolips. This is a war. I repeat, this is a fucking war. Mofos are getting got out here. By the time it's all said and done, Mister Miracle will be the gateway comic you give to newcomers to introduce them to great story telling, grounded gritty art, and the psychology of rebuilding a character for the modern time.

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Again, no action this issue but you wouldn't even notice it. King gives us a haymaker with the dialogue. Gerads's art and colors are the sucker punch you love getting caught off guard by. Mister Miracle is proof that with the right creative team, *Kevin Garnet voice* anything is possible!

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This series starts off hot. It helps if you are familiar with Moon Knight's previous runs with Brian Wood, Bendis, and Waid, but they aren't actually necessary. Hell, if you're familiar with Moon Knight's back issues you'll catch things I'm sure I missed that serve as Easter eggs. This run feels like the exploration into Spector's mental health that we've been waiting on for years. Add some Egyptian mythology on top of that and we got ourselves a very different adventure for Moon Knight than we've seen for him in previous years. It's a run we should all be looking forward to.

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This issue was very fun. I'm glad I picked it up and am looking forward to Sam Alexander meeting the original Nova. Sam is a legacy character for Richard but in a sense he's also his own character as he inherited his helmet from Black Ops Novas which were more elite than the corps Rider was apart of. It'll be exciting to see these ranking dynamics play out as well as the gap in experience between the two.

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We're still no closer to finding out who locked eternity up but we got some major problems happening out in the cosmos with Order and Chaos running around. We're getting introduced to characters (the inbetweener) that play major obscure roles in the grand balance of things and they come into play in major way. Ewing has set up a real First 48 in space vibe with this series with recent developments in the last issue and this one.

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Aye, man. I dunno what to tell y'all. We're getting great character development and huge depth from these teens' backgrounds. If you don't believe that, then check out page one of this issue and see what family Dax comes from. THEY HAD THAT REVEALED IN THE FIRST PAGES! Shit is lit in We Are Robin. Believe it.

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You can't help but love Rosanas's art detail, man. He's able to get the sarcasm and quips from character to character flawlessly. Nick Spencer is such a master of driving this C-string character into an environment that's not an Avengers-level adventure but still has high stakes nonetheless. We got a street level sci-fi hero here, folks. I'm not even sure if that's a new genre or been done before, but I am fucking with it.

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Black Widow's book is a pretty fast paced, and the motivation behind Natasha's rogue movements aren't revealed per se, but we could have guessed the “why” seeing the type of business she's in. This book is stillmatic though! I would really suggest picking this up, not just for the story, but for the art, man. Samnee did wondrous work on Daredevil and he is out her making Black Widow look even better. She gives a dude a modified version of Chris Jericho's Code Breaker finisher. The action in this book is a perfect mesh with the plot. Get this comic.

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Samnee's art work is such a blessing upon this series, as well. We gotta talk about that shit, man. This dude has a unique way of setting the scenes and character movement. Natasha never seems to be in the same condition at the beginning of the issue when compared the end. Samnee's last page with Natasha this issue again serves as a great visualization of the new found pressure being applied to Natasha and how she is struggling to make do.

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We get a good talk and bonding between Hulk and Cyclops that results in, of course, the greatest X-men tag team team-up move. Also, Nova takes action into his own hands that will force the group to see him in a different light and highlights just how underestimated the MVP Spaceman really is. Champions continue to be a book that's not only needed for the teen heroes in Marvel, but for the teen audience of readers, and team books for Marvel in general. We're eight issues in and Champions continues to separate itself from the majority of team books for not only Marvel Comics, but other publishers as well.

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There's a huge setup involving Sam's Sister and her sneaking into Sam's shrine for the dead Nova helmets. This issue really left me with excitement and a different feeling of fulfillment I wasn't expecting " Nova is still going strong as a series, and with this type of storytelling it can only get more trill from here.

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Williams' character structuring, environments, as well as the detail and running gags make this such a joy to read. Also, MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THING is that this is Patsy's character from Jessica Jones in terms of personality, but economically her circumstances are different from that incarnation and from when we last saw her success over in Marvel Divas. I won't stress on what that change is, but for me that made the character more relatable, especially living in New York. It feels like art imitating life superbly.

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Leth and Williams may have just brought on the best part of Civil War II (it's been so slow) with this tie in. This team does a great job at making Pasty Walker interesting outside of her superhero identity as well as giving her cast important developments too.

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With so many books coming out (and having to review them, no less) there's just something about Sex Criminals that puts you on notice. It's a book that doesn't rely on heavy action (unless we count pounding the yams) and is far above the bar in its uniqueness.

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I didn't think we'd be seeing Miles' take on being a dark-skinned Spider-Man within comics at all. You know this is going to have to be addressed further down the line and I think Bendis and Sara are going to give us more heat makers down the way with this topic. We're also seeing a setup for some old Parker enemies to take a shot at the newbie Miles. Plus, we get a new player stepping into the arena and this person has Mile's father shook!

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On everything I love, if you are a comic book fan and not reading this book then you are missing out. My gawd, my gawd, my good loooooooord, Lee Bermejo has our characters in the thick of things this issue.

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It could be argued that Troy's death is sudden and moves too fast, not giving enough grievance time. And I felt that way too at first, but then you have to realize that when you take up the cause and become a vigilante, especially in Gotham, your life is on the chopping block 24/7, in and out of costume. Bermeejo is keeping it a hunned from jump street as far as I am concerned. These are the mean streets of Gotham, baby. Riko and the crew learned this ain't a game, this is all for keeps.

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There is a lot going on in this issue and the stark contrast between family as presented with Duke Thomas and Smiley's case was an incredible detail that Bermejo pulled of with perfect precision. This book is getting us moving towards a reaction to the We Are Robin group. Just like Alfred said in The Dark Knight to Batman, these kids chose to do something and we are about to see that action returned by other teens that don't share their point of view. IT'S GETTING LIT UP IN WE ARE ROBIN, YO!

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Diana and Steve finally arrive where Cale's team is stationed, the entrance they believe to be to Themyscira. Diana gets another confrontation with Cheetah, but while that's happening Cale's daughter heads towards the entrance and everything we thought we knew gets turned out. Evely yet again does an incredible job with the visualizations of our Amazon warrior. The fight scenes are scarce but look so good, from Steve Trevor busting out the choppa to an up-close, detailed shot of round 2 between Cheetah and Diana. You can't deny how good this book looks and reads across the board.

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Speaking of, visually seeing the toll this is taking on Spider-Man, let's give credit to Giuseppe Camuncoli on the track. This issue is visually vibrant and I love the contortions and movements he has Parker making when he has the mask on. Camuncoli is the perfect tag-team partner for Slott on this book. Don't even get me started on how he's making the background of all this foreign cities pop just as well. Amazing Spider-Man is flames and continues to be so yet again.

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Rivera and Quinones are not only world building but multiverse building out here for Chavez. We've seen her comrades, we've seen her friends, we saw her get a cosign from Storm [aka the Beyonce of Marvel 616] so you know what's really good, and now we're going to see our girl in action on her own. America Chavez is the perfect choice for voice of reason in our current times [ya girl oh so militant, ain't she] and this team is going to have great a time with that.

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Thompson and Rivera are a good match together. We got a new story, new direction, and a thread tying it all together as the answers Chavez is looking for are starting to unwind and more of her past gets unveiled for us readers.

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This book is still going strong and I highly suggest jumping on.

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Ant-Man is a book that's constantly bettering itself, and with the stakes raising as we begin a new arc I suggest jumping on now. You've been sleeping on Ant-Man for years but now is the time to get on board with one of Marvel's best sleeper titles. I promise this shit is trill.

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Rosanas and Spencer make Astonishing Ant-Man a joy to sexperience their work together.

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Natasha is truly the best at what she does but we're seeing that she may become second string to the title of Espionage champion. It's interesting the way we're getting new lore with new villains from Natasha's background. We've yet to see what Weeping Lion is made of and we're still getting people as obstacles from Nat's past. These are people that are going to manifest down the line in the series as boss battles for Natasha as well. This creative team delivers yet again and it's really no surprise. I got total trust in Waid and Samnee giving Natasha the treatment she should have gotten in her own movie years ago.

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The status quo has changed folks. I'm hoping that it continues to do so moving on with this book. We still have to see some characters join as well as see what other villains they'll face off.

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Y'all going best believe that Champions is flames with only their second issue out. This series is reminding me of the original Young Justice run back in DC comics. Marvel needs more books like this one with the legacy characters coming together. This is also a diverse as book across the board in terms of the characters as well.

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Waid and Ramos gave us a curve ball in a situation that's going to need a long-term solution that isn't punching someone's face off. I'm feeling the direction that this creative time is taking with these heroes as we're seeing challenges that aren't just going to be something to physically overcome. These teen heroes are now going to have to figure out ways to win the long game, which will include legalities and perhaps working with a system that they're trying to change.

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Waid and Ramos continue to be a great team together especially when highlighting the team together or individually. It's like seeing a character on a couch in a session of therapy. While this issue mostly serves to grow Scott as a character it also serves as important reading for the end, to see how the team sees him afterwards. Listen man, Cyclops my mutant, I hate he had to get the raw end of the deal. Spider-Man (not the one on this team, the Parker one) always says “with great power, there must come great responsibility.” In Scott Summers' case he got a great power that continuously strips away all the norms most take for granted.

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Shaw draws a hell of an underworld and continues to be a great artist bringing this series to life. Each god has been presented very different and Balegrim looks to be the Hades representative, coming across very callous and above it all in his dealings. This series leaves me interested in seeing more new gods and hopefully some characters or other weapons to help Emmet on his quest.

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Y'all gonna bow down to greatness, man. Thompson and Romero are putting in all the paperwork to get through customs so you can't deny how hard this series goes.

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My favorite scene from this issue was actually a shot of Jersey City as the incursion is about to happen. The focusing on the scenery was an important and needed visual. This is creative team made it damn near impossible for you to get through an issue of Ms. Marvel with a reaction of "Eh". As they've done for the entire series G. Dubbs and Alphona have moved the story and characters at an incredible pace building up KamalA's legacy/mythology as well as supporting characters coming into their own.

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We were due for a real banger in this series and per usual Ms. MArvel came through with the launch codes.

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I'm really liking the direction of this Nova book, Sam and Rich together, and Sam still keeping what's happening to him since being back from the cancerverse a secret form everyone. Ya hero ain't perfect and I'm excited to see how that plays out for this iteration of the Nova corps.

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Zdarsky is killing you artists with his work in this book. Every scene is amazing. Every character drawn with an actual waist and realistic bodies. My only complaint is wanting to know what was in this bag.

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It's been 8 issues of Ant-Man so far. If you haven't started buying this series, if you haven't even been following it in the shop out of curiosity, then I failed. I fucking failed this review, I failed Spencer, Rosanas, and Marvel because I swear on everything I download you need this book in your life. Give Ant-Man a chance, people! Do it! Do it now!

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Samnee and Waid continue to do the work that needs to be done for telling stories to make a reader react like they just heard a disgusting bar in a battle rap. Black Widow is finally in her final form thanks to this creative team and the 616 universe is all the better for it.

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If we talking that real, then this is a great issue for Deathstroke. We're seeing more to Slade than just being guns, swords, and body counts. We're seeing how real a pro in the mercenary world works, on some true zero dark thirty game type of shit people.

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Williams' style is such a staple for this book; I love the way she draws Patsy shifting between wholesome and her anime-ish/cartoon-like anger, and you also notice the subtle ways she draws She-Hulk as well. She doesn't accentuate all the muscles and strength She-Hulk has (as most artist do, which is fine) but rather focuses on her academic demeanor and softer features while still maintaining her presence of strength. Williams truly knows how to highlight details in her style that we don't see other artists do. Her Jessica Jones just comes across cool as fuck, man. Flat out. That's it. She draws Jones, Luke, and Danielle as that cool as a photogenic family.

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You should mos def get this book, if not to see Miles floundering over a new love interest then to witness Peter Parker at his most Peter Parker. I've really never laughed so hard at Parker's dialogue before and it was dialed up perfectly in this issue. That Armadillo roast is fucking legendary y'all, I promise. We've been waiting a loooooong time for this sequel and the first issue brings us back to what we love about these two vastly different characters in Miles and Peter interacting with one another.

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People, we're dealing wtih some mega-ultimate above your paygrade type shit in this volume of Ultimates. Threats of the highest order are coming out the woodwork while we're still trying to CSI our way through space to find out who chained Eternity.

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This team has transformed an obscure, often overlooked B-list hero into a such a great, great character of interest. If you have a friend or random stranger next to you that isn't in the know about Astonishing Ant-Man AKA Shrink Game Scott Lang — do them a favor and put them on point for one of the most underrated heroes in the Marvel Universe.

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This is the 12th issue in the second volume where this creative team has given you nothing but fucking flames man. I dunno what more you want me to do or say cause I've been telling you for almost a year and some change that this is a book you should be reading right now, and ain't a damn thing change about that.

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Look, I love this shit man. Aint any other way to say it. This is how a Green Lantern book should freaking look. The way N.K. Jemisin presents these aliens' names, customs, and cultures (that we've seen so far) is how you make characters stick out. Jamal Campbell's visuals on the world building, scenery, and each character's outfit. I'm ecstatic that this is the Green Lantern we get to rock with in 2019. This is how a space adventure should be. This is that otherworldy shit we been wanting. No more white men taking up space in space, yo. Black women coming for the cosmos, and I'm here for it.

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I love this series, from the visuals to the plot. Anwen struggles with notion of family being a weakness this issue (as told to her by Thanos) which is great for the character build. We see a lot of characters appearing as the giant fight is all encompassing. There is one huge part that felt rushed when Thanos joins in " the moment happens suddenly and rather matter-of-factly " but that would have to be my only complaint thus far for the entire series. It's still a great issue to read.

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Ryan Benjamin again keeps the art work looking incredible and straight out of an episode of Kevin Sorbo's Hercules or Lucy Lawless' Xena if you're nasty. The Amazons journey is bright and the worlds they've visited continue to look vast and majestic.

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Brittney Williams captures Patsy's squeamish disgust perfectly. The art continues to put Patsy in two very different auras when she is drawn in her civilians as opposed to her being in her superhero attire. Williams has given Patsy a great look and superb detail on personality as well. I feel like any issue for Patsy is a good jumping on point and makes you want to re-read what happened previously.

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There is a lot more that happens in this issue, especially with Kegel face taking measures that will delve into John's background. This was a fun issue as well as informative, Matt and Zdarsky always leave us satisfied.

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Zdarsky's art is delightful per usual. What did you expect me to say? I'd be surprised the day he isn't detailed or technical with his characters' mannerisms and visuals on this book. Dude has this shit down to a science. Respect game, man. Get this freaking series. I mean, what are we even talking about. Just get it.

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Ewing and Rocafort keep the momentum high and the universal diplomatic resolutions on one hunned this issue. This series flourishes so far in only it's second issue with the team really being a team. They are coordinated, they are precise but still getting to know one another, which will be a fun road we embark on. But in one issue they've basically shut down Galactus' huger which has plagued the Marvel universe for millenia? Bars. Come on man.

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The Ultimates is still that book that's delivering what it's promised. We got a team full of powerhouses doing real powerhouse shit and also having to work with one another and deal with the shit the universe throws at them (that they're supposed to be getting ahead of). You want a consistent banger with a vast array of diverse characters, women shining, and smart folk, then hop up on this series people.

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I like how gritty is shit has gotten in the tone of this series, it's also obvious Rucka has a whole plan laid out and as a reader, I'm not seeing where and how this is all going to collide together which is what makes this series enjoyable.

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Slott and Giuseppe are upping the ante by jumping right into the fire with Scorpio and his plan coming to fruition. The bar is set not too high yet, but just in position where you know the next installment has to bring the heat ten fold.

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Listen, America Chavez is a brown girl wrestling aficionado WWE champion we deserve. You ain't even gotta say more than that, if that doesn't get you interested in this series then you might wanna check your pulse.

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The art is a little rough at moments on the facial features but there are other moments where Guice has these characters lookin' like they back on their ol' bullshit. When Luke Cage lands like The Terminator after jumping from his building being blown up? I was like, Oh. Oh, Cage back on his ol' dumbshit. The action scenes look so street and raw, which I truly enjoy with the artwork. Man, this series is looking like it is going to be another cult classic just like Priest's original Crew incarnation. I dunno what the fuck Marvel was thinkin' by not letting this shit breathe but they gone see the truth. Don't sleep on Black Panther or The Crew y'all.

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Again, if you were a fan of Patsy on Jessica Jones you should get this book to see the difference in her start from comic books. This creative team gives Patsy a wide range of variety and humor that doesn't come across as much in the Netflix series. This book is still strong with disappointment nowhere in sight.

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Kenneth Rocafort does another great job of making space his own with his style. Where his detail on certain character features can come off as a bit jagged or rough, it's just fitting for this book. That detail becomes trivial when you see the large-scale drawings he does of Galactus, the time stream, and space. Rocafort has nailed the sci-fi look and feel, and now I'm really eager to see what he'll do when our heroes are back on Earth.

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Listen, Al Ewing continues to do what he's supposed to do with these characters. I love seeing him on team books because he continues to make sure everyone is developed and everybody eats in the spotlight. The second installment of The Ultimates story is right on time because I've been ready to get back into what these characters are being prepped for in the Marvel Universe.

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Bufffgani's depiction of the fight scene on the side of the skyscraper was quick, but so well done as to feel very cinematic for readers. He also keep Parker on the move and very low key in great creep-like spider movements. I loved Parker's interaction with Cloak and Dagger as well, especially considering how far back they all go. All around this was a solid issue with some good action and resolve.

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Now, is that the cause of Lang being behind bars? We don't know. However, as bad as Scott is with his flaws, we see that others can be just as selfish. When you see the capacity in which the Hench App appears in this issue you're definitely going to be torn in your feelings. This book doesn't fail you on delivery of development for situations and characters with each issue. Roman and Spencer made me a HUGE Scott Lang fan with their iteration of him as a hero. Get this book folks. Get. This. Book.

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It's so hard to try and find fault with this book even when it is dialogue heavy because this team has kept us interested and we can trust that the tax return of the plot is going to be glorious.

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This marks the closing of the Waid & Samnee run. The ending is a full circle on what it means for Matt's identity to be public for himself and those around him. Waid and Samnee truly made Daredevil work in a new setting, with different villains as well as with familiar ones. This issue was a good close to this volume and for once leaves Matt in a good place. Although revenge is certainly going to be coming for him from a multitude of people.

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8.9 Missed opportunities for renter's insurance out of 10

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Tom King took this book in a great direction and Khary Randolph has all the Robins lookin' great, especially our mans and dem Duke Thomas. I'm here for it, especially if we are getting more from Duke Thomas and his squad.

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Hill and Blake II have the pace quickening right from the jump of issue two and while I'd rather have not gotten a new character with such an incredible ability so soon, Hill obviously knows what he's doing in terms of an endgame. Hill's ability to use the captions as to not only simply state Ashlar's internal dialogue, but to add an air of poetry to it as well, continues to be a staple in this book that I hope isn't being overlooked by fellow fans. Hill's detail and Blake II's visualization to bring those specifics to life are going to keep Romulus on at the top of your pull list.

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Romulus continues to be exciting in its pacing of the story being told. We're seeing a new face, but more of the characters we've been introduced to fleshed out even more. Ashlar's a hero that's still learning and we're going to see if Nicholas' convictions can stand.

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We've seen the science team that can do the impossible still fail, and how that is effecting them as a unit, and soon individually as well. This is a book for those that question the "why" of the universe and like to explore. Ewing and Rocafort keep putting their best work forward with this series.

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Ewing is building up Adam in the same way that Bendis gave Luke Cage a new status quo. That's one of the best features of this book. Each character is utilized and shines on rotation. Rocafort's art work expressing the threat that The Infinaut serves was perfection. Especially when it comes to the most recent confrontation with the entity. Everybody plays a role without having to be lead, which is so unique in a book.

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I don't know how many times I can tell y'all to read this book, man. This book divvies up the focus between family, heists, action, story, and character depth with excellent execution. The direction that we're being taken at the book's end raises many questions and a mountain of anticipation. Look, Marvel could have closed up shop on Ant-Man after the movie dropped, but this creative team has been doing something special with Scott Lang. Scott is the epitome of the everyman representation in the Marvel universe. Do yourself a favor and jump on to this series now.

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Astonishing Ant-Man continues to be the book more people should be talking about. Spencer and Rosanas continue to make Scott Lang the most smug underdog in the Marvel universe. There's really a lot to love about this series, this character, as well as the supporting characters. Ant-Man is a book with a copious amount of heart, comedy, and tragedy that any reader would respect and appreciate.

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Spencer and Rosanas have truly created a great pocket within Marvel for Scott Lang. We see him as a hero but at all times we see just how much he loves his daughter and how he puts being a father first before everything. The suspension of disbelief for how crazy the trial gets starts to lose it's bearings, however, and this looks to be the loose ends being tied up on this adventure for Scott Lang. This series continues to be one of the best series put out by Marvel and I firmly stand by that statement. This team has Ant-Man filling a void that needed filling in Marvel but they did it on their own terms, and looking back it couldn't have been done any better.

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Listen when I tell you that Thompson, Romero, Walsh, Bellaire, Alana Smith (editor), Sana Amanat (supervising editor) and everyone else that made this series happen deserve to have respect put on all their fucking names. Hawkeye is the blueprint for what storylines, character depth, and fun should be in a comic book.

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This is a book about family but it's also about survival, the two interweave with one another so well in just five issues " so much so that it's truly a sad sight to see it end. This is a book comic fans should have siting in the book shelf.

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Aye, all I'm trying to tell you is this shit is worth a look right here. The new gods are back at it. Our girl Big Barda is back at it and Scott Free aka Mister Miracle is going through it and finding his way to be back on his bullshit.

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Perez has the art work jumping off the page. The bomb scene between Rich and Sam especially comes to mind as a memorable one for this new relationship between the two. My only concern was for the novas being taken out rather easy this issue when these cats are mad powerful, but I do actually like when characters are given a limit to what they are invincible against.

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It appears we're putting a nail in the first arc and then moving onto a new one that finally has Patsy having to deal with her past while getting her special project off the ground as well.

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Ryan has great use of repetition and mirroring with the beginning and end of the book that I hope we see more of. I'm very invested in the direction they'll be taking Hobie, and extremely glad to see him no longer impersonating Spider-Man as a job and is instead on a completely new venture. Is Hobie a hero or is he a villain? None of that can be answered a the moment but it's going to be a great ride seeing which road Hobie takes in the end.

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Sex Criminals feels more and more like a sitcom than your typical comic book, which works well for the series. It's not a show about nothing (Seinfeld), it's a book about sex, sex education, feminism, mental health, getting these jokes off, witty dialogue, and only occasionally nothing.

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When Bendis is on, he is on. You can't help but feel the build up as Hammer Head has his blueprints ready to make his move. Miles' social life and reasons for being Spider-Man continue to be challenged, serving for an even deeper look at his character as the issues press on.

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You know you're putting out a hit when you didn't even have to include the heroes in the book for it to be a banger. You know you on one when you can add depth to a new character, retcon, world build from the past, all in one damn issue. I'ma Fisk stan 'cause of Daredevil, it's hard to not be biased, especially when I'm getting some unexpected depth for Fisk with his loyalty, care, and friendship with Miles (616) while getting a fleshed out history for Miles as well, at the same damn time. I'm with it.

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We can tell there's more on the horizon for Quill as well as his past coming into play. There's remnants from the previous Guardians series that will be addressed this series, which appears evident. This is a good creative team to display Quill out of his comfort zone and dealing with what threats may come.

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Ultimates has yet to disappoint and it shows no signs of even coming close to doing so.

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For me this issue was one of the most fun ones we've had yet. Midas is still coming into Chavez life without any subtlety whatsoever, which can make it feel over the top at times but the reveal now is having it make more sense and making the importance of America Chavez stand out.

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Waid and Samnee are at the peak of excellence in delivering new life into Black Widow.

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Giffen and Kollins really gain a lot of traction this issue.

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I'm with Waid for the angle he took with this story. This could have easily been a throwaway Gwen-pool crossover, but instead we get a problem the team can't punch their way out of. Ramos continues to give us the art we deserve whether it be in an action sequence or the gang just hanging with one another. The Champions are truly coming together as a team with each passing issue. This series continues to be the mouth piece for the teen legacy youth in Marvel and I'm here for it.

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I focused heavy on Jen Walters here, but we are also seeing a vibrant story coming up that Tamaki has kickstarted with J-Walt's job. Again, this isn't an action-packed read, but it's important to see a hero come back into who they once were, or in this case becoming comfortable with who they are now. We can't have that process only taking one issue, and luckily we have a creative team that's up to the task.

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This issue is pretty good in regards to the character development. Thanos having to alter himself so much into this double agent is the most entertaining part of this issue. The book is still one of the best moments Marvel has given us.

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Ryan and Campbell are a devastating team together, I'm really looking forward to what they're going to have Hobie doing outside of The Spider-Family related events. Much like how Ryan loves to use entendres with his opening captions repeating under different circumstances at the end of the book, this book keeps coming through and making you change your point of view on Hobie Brown for the better.

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Ewing is really giving us an odyssey through space and it might be too soon to say, but it seems that Galactus is going to be the liaison between the Ultimates and the grand scheme of things happening in the universe. If this is true or not has yet to be seen, but it's great to see such a major character as Galactus playing a larger role in the Marvel universe and seeing exactly what makes his role in the galaxy so important, especially now that it has changed.

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The pace quickens in issue #5 and we are beginning to see more plans set in motion for the first chain of the Robins. I'm telling you straight up, the streets of Gotham lookin' real Streets of Rage right now. Y'all need this book in your life, man.

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Rucka has been having the Midas touch with Wonder Woman, especially when it comes to her character. Rucka never wastes an issue, and his path for Wonder Woman has been clear cut and always made sense. Each issue, monologue, and dialogue have been a stepping stone toward growing Diana's mythos.

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There's going to be several assessments of the situation that just occurred come next issue. Jaime, his family, friends, and Ted Kord's squad are going to have a lot to talk about, as well as coming up with a plan moving forward. Here's hoping we get a more cohesive unit moving forward, but that'll only come if Jaime chooses to embrace the Scarab instead of trying to get rid of it.

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Kolin's art does a good job of making the scarab look more ancient in the past in its appearance in contrast to the modernization of the weapons. The Scarab is having more of a tie to magic instead of alien technology this time around, it will be interesting to see how this plays out further now that it's objective as far as we know has been completed with the comeback of a certain evil.

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This book has been outdoing itself slowly and surely since its debut. Priest is at his best in showing how meticulous Slade can be with his disguises, planning, and patience. We are seeing way more of the mechanics that make him so feared in the DC Universe.

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Gabriel Hardman and Corinna Bechko hit a home run with this shit man. There's a lot left in the air and so many strings to be tied up. This is what Green Lanterns needed in order to be re-envisioned. A blank landscape with new rules is all that's needed to separate this iteration of Green Lanterns from the mythology we've become accustomed to.

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The ending is so sitcom perfect. Let's say the Clint effect is strong this issue. Very strong. I'm really glad we're getting another issue with Clint Barton around. Thompson and Romero always deliver and have done so consecutively. This Hawkeye series is what you'll point to when talking about how comics should be done.

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The rest of the series was good, especially the last page, but me being me, I'm sitting there like, nah, man. Don't you try and win me back with that good ass looking art and Easter egg reveal. You know what you did. Greg Smallwood does an excellent job with the characters be they human, deity, or otherwordly environment. I'll probably keep reviewing Moon Knight in the grand scheme of things, but I'm really feeling some type of way about it. With this reveal from Khonshu, my excitement has taken a hit.

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You can't sleep on The Prowler series, I feel like Hobie may have a small fanbase but it's a base that can only grow with this creative team. I'm very invested in seeing where Hobie goes as a character once we step away from this Clone Conspiracy saga and into his own life and adventures.

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Remember how in Community different members of the cast had their own secret handshakes like Troy and Abed? That's how Kelly Thompson writes not only Rogue and Gambit but every X-Man making a cameo and it's brilliant. Rogue and Gambit is just what the X-Men needed to get people talking again.

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This was a good issue to get back into the messiness of Miles's social life and school life outside of being Spider-Man. We'll have to wait till next issue to see what side of the Civil War II line Miles will find himself on when push gets ready to shove.

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This has been one of the better issues of Spider-Man if only for the ending that's a curve ball but also the final page of the series and how much of a "awwwwww shiiiit" moment it provides. I'm hoping we can maintain this pace throughout the series.

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This Tokyo adventure was quick and had a bunch of cool moments, but does it add more depth to Miles? That's a Kanye shoulder shrug for you to decide.

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I'm wanting to see more of this world and Chavez interacting with it. Rivera and the artist team did an incredible job of giving Chavez more depth through Madrimar being added to her supporting cast and link to her past. Chavez has had a lot of truth revealed to her in a short amount of time. There's a lot to think about but as we discover, there are forces at play gunning for America. This origin building is a great look for America Chavez and will def be an issue that's going to be a cornerstone for her history moving forward.

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Blue Beetle continues to be the truth from Dc Comics. There are a bunch of things we can say we miss from vol 8 of the installment (like when the scarab talked) but we're building up a new adventure here so the ride is still enjoyable.

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Tamaki and Leon done teased us with this appetizer of this new Hulk that Jen has within herself for the second month. I'm ready to move onto the next course and see just what type of monster Jen is dealing with now. The pacing continues to be excellent toward that unveil and this angle on Hulking out over trauma adds a great spin to an already top notch (if at times overlooked/underrated) character.

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Again, Hulk is a series that's taking the long game before the reveal of Jen Walters transformation. This makes sense as once Jen transforms that's a whole new character we'll need to unpack in multiple ways. The intrigue continues for Jen Walter's journey into uncharted territory.

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This series is only getting stronger with each issue and this creative team is making the story come around full circle as well. This is the treatment Wonder Woman been deserving off people. Diana dropped that New 52 garb and got back on her GANGSTA warrior shit. Tell'em why you mad, Diana. Tell'em why, D!

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Ramos continues to do the Lord's work on art, we're seeing the team work and utilize one another in various elements outside of everyone's comfort zone which isn't easy to do with such powerhouses on a squad like this. Waid and Ramos find a great way to keep our young heroes challenged as well as figuring out solutions to the challenges.

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Champions continues to be the most fun teen team book on shelves. This run deserves to be mentioned with the likes of Young Justice, We Are Robin, and New X-Men: Academy X. Champions is the perfect platform for these legacy heroes to stand out not only as individuals but also as a team. Marvel needs Champions. The fandom needs Champions. Everybody needs to get familiar with this series. Period.

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Pagulayan did an incredible job displaying how effective Slade's suit is against Superman and the technology that works behind it. I enjoyed the colors of the suit taking blow's and the effect of that suit coming back on Superman. Priest does a good job putting the functions of the gravitational sheath that Slade is wearing down into layman's terms.The confusing part came during the later portion of the issue when it seemed that Superman was overhearing and interacting with Slade's comm link. It proved hard to follow and was a bit of a slow down in such a well placed issue.

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It's safe to say they'll be taking some other not as known characters and making them household names by the end of the run. I think it's also safe to say we can put Tom King and Mitch Gerads up on the comic's creative tag team wall of MVPs. They way these creatives have worked together like a well-timed and tuned machine is nothing but majestic. The struck Nth Metal with this series, and I'm more than sure they'll be capable of doing it again for the next.

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The series is off to a good start because it is just the start. We have no idea where this will lead but what we do know is that even small towns have their own secret. Things happen all the time, and Naomi is on a path to discovering something that is going to have some serious ramifications for the DC Universe. We don't know how big the secret is but Bendis, Walker, and Campbell are hitting the ground running to make this journey memorable.

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You need to do yourself a favor and get up on this Patsy Walker series, folks. The humor alone is great, but the best part of reading the series is how hard you want to cheer Patsy to make it in New York.

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Aaron Davis is still that cool uncle and you can tell that he hopes that he can lure Miles to his view of the world. There are a few subtle surprises outside of Miles and Aaron's conversation that are going to make things difficult for the both of them. Miles' personal life and Aaron's professional life may become very vulnerable very soon.

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If TheSilencer #1 is running the first lap for DC Comics' The New Age of Heroes team, then we're off to a great start. This book is a fun look at the new stories and characters being rolled out. The Silencer is back for the first time and got people out here shook.

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Giandomenico's art fits the bill this issue as well. It's a different take from Randolph's smooth and up close approach on the characters, but it's very flowing and free once the action gets underway. There is a scene with Tim Drake that is absolutely brilliant with how it was handled. There's so much for everyone in this book story wise and art wise.

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It appears that Wonder Woman is about to get the clapping again it seems and things brighten for the Amazons. We've been seeing a lot of build up for this clash coming where Rucka has been incredible in world building and dialogue, it's going to be time for action and hands being thrown. I'm interested to see how the battle will be scripted out with (according to Batman [pre-New 52]) The best melee fighter on Earth in the mix.

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There wasn't a truly huge moment this issue, but the development of the story, Peter as a CEO, and the actions that Parker's employees are being forced to resort to still makes this a strong issue and an enjoyable read.

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We're starting to see more of the Scarab taking control and coming to its own. I'm looking forward to more instances of Jaime talking to the Scarab and us (the audience) not understanding what the Scarab is saying. Luckily enough, the next issue is going to be dealing with the origins of the Blue Beetles. This should be good considering the work Giffen and Kolins have already put forth in creating a path for Jaime Reyes to follow.

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Priest does a good job of displaying how much of a dick Slade is as a father in the past in stark comparison against his present self who holds himself to this "killer's conduct code of honor". The direction he takes Slade will be one too look forward too. This is a series that will surely be a different introspective look at Slade than those that have came prior.

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I never know what to say here in conclusion. The series is dope man. This creative team constantly puts in the work to ensure Hawkeye stays at the top of your pull list. I'm waiting for a weak issue, so I can show I'm not being biased. Thompson, Walsh, Romero, and Bellaire ain't having it tho. Create game too strong.

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We don't get the entire story of Katar's capture but we get enough to know shit is really real. Lemire, Nowlan, and Hitch perfectly integrate Hawkman's piece of the Metal puzzle in this one-shot. Things continue to look bleak for our hero adding to an already incredible story.

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The pacing is very Fargo with its slow build, so I feel as if I am watching a unique Netflix show unwind episode by episode that focuses more on Walters, but we haven't seen her in the same detailed coping of her trauma (via the cooking shows) as that we saw in the first issue. I'm hopeful that once we finally get the unveiling of this new Hulk we're going to see an entirely different mental state for Jennifer Walters that would shake up the pacing of this series.

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Perez is sold on art here, there weren't any major moments that stood out visually until that last page. The space world building that's been occurring in this series have definitely set an adventurous tone for the book. It will be interesting to see how Rider and Sam face this new obstacle that the universe is bringing to their front door.

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This issue moved pretty quickly as we are introduced to more Norse characters and lore at a pretty fast pace. I could tell with these new portions of Norse lore popping up that this was a limited series. As a reader, I definitely wanted the big fight that occurs to be a little more drawn out to show just how much of a force the Amazons can be.

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This is a good book and a great character that deserves the shine he's getting now. I'm really glad this is the creative team assigned to the task of making Hobie Brown carve out his own section of the Marvel universe.

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Oscar does a great job portraying a deathly serious Miles through his mannerisms, which accompany Bendis' undefeated talent for dialogue to push character development.

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Look at that majestic ass spread, yo! Look at the detail, man! That's one of the opening shots that will keep you hooked for this book. Manapul got the skill to not only create great dialogue but also bring it to life with visualizations. We have a writer who's an artist, and winning on both sides handling three of the biggest names in the DC Universe. This issue is a good insight into these friendships that we don't get to see too often enough

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This is the sci-fi adventure we been talking about right here, man.

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We Are Robin is what Young Justice and Teen Titans books used to be in DC Comics. It's a new era for teen heroes, and this season has modernized that and made it work for the streets of Gotham City. And the final page of this is so real, even in fiction.

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This issue is a great look at the endgame and an orphaned America Chavez not only gaining her Abuela / Grandmother but seeing her group of friends forming a family for her as well. There's a long game being played that's only adding more to the lore and fandom of America Chavez.

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Ant-man stay going hard even when Scott Lang isn't the focus or makes an appearance in the book. That's a true testament to craft and skill on both creators' part. I feel like folk keep underestimating Ant-Man when they need to jump on. Listen yo, Ant-Man is the book you need in your collection. For really reals.

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A lot of the changes we see in the DC Comics Universe is going to be taking point from Justice League: Rebirth. This is a book that will be a necessary guide in navigating through the new status quo. While we didn't get anything major with this setup, we've been comic fans long enough to know the realness is about to come. This issue was enough to spark curiosity for this new direction for the League and get me going for the new #1 when it hits the stands.

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We're going to be getting more set up here for the big finale of God Watch. Rucka hasn't disappointed in the last arc and is great at tying the knots on storylines, making them all come together. Wonder Woman remains in the hands of the creative team that's got her at the best she's been at for years.

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Kolins' art remains gritty and dark, which I love. Jaime's story this time around looks different but still feels the same as his iconic first debut into DC Universe. Kolins makes it feel like a serious adventure book with high stakes on the line. The characters are defined and stand out, they're teens but don't look too" what's the polite way to say this? CW drama-sih? You know what I'm talking about.

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Again the most exciting thing about Deathstroke is how fast we're now coming upon the infamous hostage scene involving Joey. We're getting more of an insight this time around from Slade's perspective as this retelling unfolds. The flip between present day and past feels as if we are getting two stories for the price of one which is great.

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We get an appearance from a veteran Lantern informing them that they'll have to work together on their team work (going rather extreme to prove the point by a certain action they pull). The art work from this book makes the characters stand out. We didn't see to much use of the ring being used to create unique constructs which is the most important detail of a Green Lantern book. That's what will really make or break a book, so it will be interesting to see how this team tackles it and puts their spin on it. We got two new Lanterns that are both people of color and our first (official) woman Earth Green Lantern (shout out to Jade). It's going to be interesting to see where the series is taken.

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This was a great journey, and I would enjoy seeing more of Hessia's travels; I had hoped there would be a spin off focusing more on her away from Wonder Woman's mythology. The Amazons continue to be warriors that aren't to be messed with, which this book displays well.

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America's series has done well to add depth to her in addition to her appearances in team books. We're getting even more to her as a character and seeing a more vulnerable side. This creative team has done well to make America Chavez an even more well-rounded character and hero.

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Ahmed is going to give us the root of Black Bolt and Ward on art is the perfect pairing to get this adventure sold for us readers. I found it interesting with the narration style of the captions that are telling the story. It feels like a trek back to the older comic books with the character's point of view being interpreted instead of us listening in to the character's thoughts on a personal level. I'm looking forward to how this way of navigating through Black Bolt's series will shape our point of view for this adventure.

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You know a creative team did a good job when it makes you want to look back for past issues of a character. I was kicking myself for not knowing more of Shilo. I remembered him being brought back in 2005 but had no idea, he too was one of Kirby's creations back in the 70's. Arghhh, well this series will make you go on the hunt for more of Shilo and his tenure as Mr. Miracle.

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We have come a long way with Jaime's journey in this new iteration. I'm fucking with the art from Kolins, my only complaint for this issue is when Jaime starts narrating what's happening aloud. The narration is better suited for thought captions and it comes across rather weird that we are getting narration of what's happening instead of a dialogue of reaction to it.

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There's an issue of secret identities being handled poorly that sticks out to me this issue as the team searches for Kamala with the coincidence of “Kamala” being the name chosen randomly by a scared Muslim girl; or that it's public knowledge that Ms. Marvel's first name is Kamala (which I am doubting) being why it was chosen. That was a pretty big hang up for me. All in all, you can see Waid trying to keep the book themes current with what's happening with life imitating art currently. There's still some handling that needs to be addressed with the approach for a better execution.

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You can tell this issue is a crossover filler, but it's a better version of a filler issue and does a lot to build up its characters during this over-arching Marvel story. I'm happy with this one, but will be even happier when Champions gets back to handling their own business again.

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I like Schmidt's art as well. We get to see a smooth layout of characters and actions. I really enjoyed how Schmidt made the arrows stand out, especially when they get jammed into people (which there is a lot of in this issue). Seeing Oliver and Dinah's chemistry back in this book, especially in the beginning stages, is a great aspect and thread to follow for this series. Hopefully we'll see more of these two together.

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We get a pretty good fight through this issue with a resolution that is kinda fucked up to an extent. We're one arc down with an unsure path of the direction Walters will be headed in next. Hopefully, we'll be exploring more of the Grey Hulk form as well as perhaps seeing Walters converse with this form on a subconscious level.

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There's a lot more to get into this issue as the bridge into the next arc is set up through the cooking shows Walters watches to control her episodes. Tamaki is unraveling more layers of Walters in this new introspective look into how trauma effects the psyche of a Hulk.

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Seeing Mari back in the swing of things in this special was great. They got ya girl looking fresh to afterlife for 2017 and apparently a spot with the JLA. This was definitely a great gateway addiction to get us fiending for the future of Mari.

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The story only gets worse for Rider when you come to find out how the Worldmind was used in his escape and why Worldmind has a legit beef with Rider that's pretty justified. I'm enjoying this trip back to the Cancerverse especially with Perez's visuals, the depiction of the hellish nature of this dimension and how anyone would struggle and give up certain morals in order to escape. Perez did an incredible job visualizing the hell that Richard Rider went through and now we're going to see the hell Sam Alexander is going to endure in order to bring his big homie back home.

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I was wondering how Spider-Gwen was going to fit into things and the fact that the dimension-hopping angle is the key element in here is a surprise I didn't see coming. I'm wondering if Miles is going to remember who Spider-Gwen is from their previous crossover about a year or two go or if this is to be their very first encounter. Either way, we'll be finding out how things escalated next issue.

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Aaron's return is a pleasant surprise that you gotta hope pays off in the end. With Bendis leaving, this character's reintroduction can mean a lot for new creative teams stepping into the series. I'm interested to see the dismount and hopefully by then Miles' identity isn't plastered all over CNN.

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I'm enjoying this book more and more with each read. I love how the team works with one another and reacts to one another. There hasn't been any infighting and a big difference as pointed out by Adam Brashear is that although they've got all these heavy guns on the team, they aren't too big to ask for help on areas outside of their expertise. I. LOVED. THAT. POINT. I don't know why but it just came across as showcasing how different and mature this team is as a unit as opposed to the archaic formula we've seen in other team books when it comes to getting issues solved.

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Rucka, Hanna, and Evely continue to churn out the Wonder Woman stories we been wanting. They putting the fandom on their backs with this series. This issue moves a little fast but even in doing so it's very important character development for Veronica Cale as a villain in Diana's Rogues Gallery.

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We're getting Wonder Woman out on the lamb with Etta Candy. We've yet to see Diana in a buddy cop theme role with Etta Candy. Now that we are seeing this occur between the duo, it feels as if we can rejoice at yet another dynamic to explore between Diana and her supporting cast.

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Wonder Woman Annual #1 is a nice keepsake for this fresh start in the Rebirth era DC Comics has ushered in. It's a great collective of different perspectives for your womans and dem Diana Prince that's being offered. With strong art and a rolodex of stories to map through in one issue, if you got the scratch you should check this out.

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All in all, this is a rather fast issue. We got word today (12/20/2017) that America is on the chopping block. Ughhhh, let our girl live, man. It's a shame that there will only be a few issues left. Rivera and Quinones have put in work in building America's depth. Her dress game got even sicker! We've seen her ex come back in the picture, a Star Wars level origin point for her, and a wrasslin' Abuela. Maybe you didn't hear me, Grandma is all about that Luche libre, my guy. I'm ready to see what other surprises we get as Chavez flies into the sunset.

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Priest isn't justhaving Deathstroke merkin' folks out — we seem him being methodical and playing the long game of double-crossingpeoplebut managing to stay true to his word upon being hired, yet managing to screw over those who hire him if need be. I'm not too big on the white savior trope of coming to a (of course) war-tornpredominatelyBlack country overseas to save the day,but it's unusualin itself to see Slade saving folks (amongst putting them down permanently).

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Benjamin's art captures all the action in a very Saving Private Ryan style of art that serves this issue well. The depiction of Surtr was all menacing and encompassed a look of Norse lore as well as Sam Jackson Bad Mf'er. We're now at the finale boss battle for this series as a shitload of new challengers approaches. We're about to see the Jotun Amazon hybrids in action.

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Oscar Bazaldua is very smooth with the character's framing, detail, and look throughout this issue. The intensity of Black Cat and devil may care attitude of Hammer Head juxtaposed with Ganke's obliviousness at reading the room and Miles' frustration told an incredible story visually for Bendis this issue.

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This issue serves as a stepping stone towards the finale coming forward for these two simultaneous story arcs taking place and all that's left is to see how it all ties together. Rucka's track record is more than enough proof that we're going to get some deep developments for our Wonder Woman.

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I'm not one to rush action and cut to the chase but we've seen a lot of Jessica's day-to-day with about two Hulk episodes? The pay day has been teased it's going to be interesting to see how that's played out. I'm also looking forward to Leon's iteration of the art for these Hulk scenes and action as I was already won over and continue to be with the visuals of Jen Walters going about her day to day life.

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I love the way this series started but the end result was rather "meh" with the way it all ties together. I was expecting more input from Jason Todd and Tim Drake at the very end, the spotlight felt pretty lopsided but it was still an enjoyable story.

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In short, this feels really soon for the team to be wrapping up after their third or fourth mission. There's no sense of emotion evoked from the reader due to the short tenure, the sight of the imminent danger coming up, and knowing we're going to be seeing this team gather again.

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The next adventure for this story arc makes itself radically clear at the end of the issue. There's a great cliffhanger implemented for securing our interest for the next issue. I'm here for it and ready to see how this new installment for Diana turns out.

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While this issue had more threats and more questions for us, we can see the world building taking place for Chavez. It's happening at a faster pace, but that's pretty much the pace Chavez lives her life anyhow. We'll get a better look into this radical group that's become Chavez's fandom come at odds with her in the coming issues.

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Joe Quinones and Stacy Lee were on art and kept the outfits and America's kicks looking fresh to death. I am really enjoying their designs for Chavez as well as her friends. America is a bright and colorful journey for America Chavez as she navigates through the storm of relationships, college cliques, and stunting on everybody with her superior dress game.

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Ryan continues to do god's work with his interior monologue of Hobie, as well as the callback to his opening monologue being repeated under different circumstances in the end; it's one of the most unique devices I've ever seen in a comic. Along with Campbell, this team is doing well at character building. Here's hoping this isn't their last book together.

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I'm hoping that's still to come for us readers to see as it will add another layer for this current arc and the friendship between Etta and Diana.

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There's finally an interaction with the shadowy figure that's been in the background "guiding" Chavez. The confrontation isn't what you'll expect and leaves more questions than answers.

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From the characters, background, and dialogue, this creative team has served America Chavez well for her final issue. Who knows when we'll next see Marvel's boss ass bae. What we do know is that this isn't how the story ends for ya girl.

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The issue starts off a bit "What da fuck" but comes around. I'd honestly be more invested if I wasn't seeing Slade out here doing merc work in a Black war-torn nation, but that's my only real complaint.

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I enjoyed this series as it was a side mission to Spider-Man's major arc. My only complaint is I wish there was more time to flesh Hobie out but there's something romantic in not getting that definitive ending as well. Overall, Sean Ryan and Jamal Campbell made for a really stand out mini-series about a hero that wouldn't be on most folks' radar.

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Man, you ever been reading a story where you got an idea of what's going on but you're not entirely sure yet you're enjoying what you're reading? Yeah. That's what has me about Priest's Deathstroke.

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Long story short, CM Punk and Dalibor Talajic deliver a fun side-quest for Shang-Chi. Check out what the master of Kung-Fu gets into on when not breaking faces on the clock.

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Messina's work remains smooth and and vibrant, giving not only Diana but Steve and Etta a more youthful and spry look. It's hard not to see this small arc as a bit of a vacation filler before the upcoming story line dealing with Diana having a brother. However, the deeper question of “doing more” that kept reoccurring for the arc is still a good notch for the Wonder Woman mythos.

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We've gotten far along in this third iteration of an origin story adventure for Jaime. This incarnation is on a much faster pace than when Jaime first appeared but the humor and artwork make this series able to content in the rebirth roll out.

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We get set up for the upcoming issue but this story feels as if it served as a place holder. There's no overarching lesson either but more of an “another day, another person trying to justify doing some villain shit” approach for this story. These two issues still serve as a good short read for any Wonder Woman fan looking for a jumping on point or isolated story arc.

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The supporting characters have more of their story fleshed out while we get a look at the dangers Jaime will be facing with some old and new villains. Blue Beetle is playing a long game with the current series that is still worth getting involved in.

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This doesn't feel like a must-have crossover event but it's still good to see where these two groups stand with one another months later. Let's hope that there's a big pay off now that we know The High Evolutionary world is coming into view as the plot thickens.

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Ramos never fails and never disappoints on the artwork. Ever. The ending is very interesting and I'm glad Waid found a way to pull a wildcard to make this crossover mean something at the end result. Champions is a strong ass title. Waid and Humberto are at their best when they're allowed to play their own game. I'm looking forward to how these recent developments get played out back on this creative team's home turf.

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We're seeing more of Jen Walters out and about and although it's good to get her out of her head, I'm also eager to see Walters back to dealing with her own trauma and the little things she has to do to keep her anxiety under control. Those are the elements that really drove me to checking out this title, and after Jen finally gets a hold of Ollie and helps, here's hoping we can get back to that inner struggle.

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The artwork was great at showing all the characters on their element. It's hard to imagine the series drawn without Kolins as his distinct style defines Jaime and company.

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The artwork brought good narration alongside the text. I've been wanting my Blue Beetle team back for a while, and now that they are, the ride has been alright. I think there's a lot that can still be done with Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes though, so more time won't hurt in fleshing them out. There's a new team coming for the baton pass with Blue Beetle, so we'll see what they have in store. Giffen and Kolins have given us a great bridge into Rebirth with their run.

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Again, it's cool to see these two teams crossing over but I'm already ready to get back to that Champions-led storyline. No more features till The Champions take care of their loose ends.

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Overall, Walters is back in the hero game and entering a scenario than she knows headfirst. Where this street drug will lead to remains to be seen for this story arc. However, this creative team is keeping the readers at attention.

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I'm glad to see this arc ending with a set up for the next chapter. It's looking like the next adversary will be more grounded in Jen Walters' personal life. I'm personally more interested in Walters new internal struggle as opposed to her helping others through what she has gone through.

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Yeaaaaaah, I'm not really with the direction this conversation was trying to go in this issue. I'll keep it at that because any thing more would basically be the sequel to my previous editorial. This isn't to say that Miles or Ganke have to be "woke" and not allowed to be young and have these thoughts or perceptions (many folks comment that they went through this) which is fine" however wouldn't it be nice to see the kids that are aware of these things? I mean, it's 2016 and we have seen this pattern before. A character that acknowledges the Black experience and can recognize the struggles of others as well as their own would be the great deviation, but that would require a Black writer for that Black experience. I don't think there's any shame in passing the sticks in that instance either.

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All in all, it felt like Aaron Davis shined this issue. If this were a rap track, he outshined Miles, which is fine. We need that in order for us to care for Aaron as a character and credible as a villain.

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Can we get back to the cosmic war going on outside which no species is safe from now? The team did deserve a break for all the set up they been giving us but my god, not like this… Secret Empire? Not like this, man.

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We get what we came for at the very end of the issue (no spoilers). This is a very good book and after six issues we've only really had one filler — this is still a good look for the future of this series.

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I'm just not with the shits for this cross over man. I'm sorry, I can't. If this was a team up in smaller points minus the shipping we're being thrown here I'd be rocking probably but this is really drawn out and I'm ready for the conclusion.

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Spider-Men II isn't the best of both worlds meeting that it's predecessor was. Although new, we get a less is more approach with this series that doesn't equate at the end. This almost feels like a side mission. There is a surprise at the end that may be joyous for some but may leave others saying “again?”

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