Richard Wanderman Jr.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outright Geekery Reviews: 31
8.5Avg. Review Rating

If you couldn't tell, this new title hit the sweet spot on my bat and went into the upper deck behind left-center field. I am not sure what it is, but Bunn-Dvila-Atiyeh have nailed it. Conan is in fine hands in this title, and I really am eager to see the next issue!

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I am an unabashed, long time, lover of all things Conan. It is a rich treat to be following a title that seems to truly understand the quirks, mannerisms, intricacies, and failings of the barbarian we have come to love. Bunn and Davila's Conan the Slayer for Dark Horse Comics is one such title. I'm so glad to have this in my pull list. I can't wait to see the next issue and that is not something I can't say about every title.

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If you are a fan of fantasy and high adventure, of magic and might, of brains and brawn, you will be sure to enjoy this new title. Dynamite has wrapped up a nice explosive package for us to blow away the walls between these worlds and we are the better for it. Once the smoke in our brains clears, the smile grows on our lips and I, for one, cannot but be on tenterhooks in anticipation for the next installment.

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I am a long-time lover of Red Sonja and I can't remember the last time I was so excited to start reading a new series starring her. It's like the comic gods opened up my mind and took my two favorite things and put them together in one glorious title. I'm definitely adding this one to my pull list!

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I can tell you this, if you've not yet hopped on board this series' wagon, you'd best get a'jumping. Dynamite has a sure-fire hit here and with a creative team of Amy Chu and Carlos Gomez at the helm there is no telling just how amazing this is going to get. Check this box in you Pull List and thank me later.

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The whole series thus far has been outstanding, but this issue stands out as a burgeoning masterpiece. If ever you were tempted to try out Red Sonja, this is an issue that could make you fall in love. Acting as both a capstone of the previous three issues, and as a jumping off point for the future of this series, this issue is both the perfect entry into, and payoff for readers new and old. I am very glad that this title is in my pull list, and you would be too!

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This conclusion to the inaugural story arc of this title is sure to not disappoint. Spock face-to-face with the Borg? Come on! That is almost too good to give us at the very beginning of a title. I am on tenterhooks to see what they have yet in store for us if that is the first shot across our bow! Like I said earlier, this is a great way to impact our psyche at the beginning of a new year. Surely, we shall all be ready to boldly go into the unknown of 2017. Just make sure to keep the shields up and the phasers and photon torpedoes at the ready because we have no idea what's coming at us. All we can do is await that encounter with a smile.

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It is unusual for me to enter into reverie while reading, but it was a very pleasurable experience. Perhaps, you will experience the same as I, or maybe will simply enjoy the stories as they are. In any case this issue is one I can certainly recommend.

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I am on tenterhooks awaiting the next issue, to be sure, and I think you might be as well. This is one read that not only can entertain, but also can instruct not just for the future, but today.

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I cannot recommend this book high enough. To be sure, every Beatles fan will be happy with story. I think the folks who are new to the Beatles, or not really fans of the music per se, will enjoythis book. The writing and artwork play in concert togetherso well one might easily forget this is a comic book. Just like Brian Epstein averred when talking of the upcoming Sgt. Pepper's album, The Fifth Beatle will make people sit up and take notice that it is art.

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Triggerman #1 is a superb jumping off point in a new direction for those comics readers who are looking for something other than the superhero or zombie stories that are so saturated in today's market. If you like mysteries, especially the hard boiled crime novels and movies from the Film Noir era (and the books that inspired them), please give this new title coming to us from Titan a try. You will not be disappointed.

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Whether you like the old noir filmsor the gritty detective novels that inspired themor just like a tightly wound plotline with danger around every corner, this title will whet that whistle. Every speech, every action, seems like a snake coiled up tightly and ready to strike in a frenzy, and when the action does happen it is like the quick flash and bite from that viper. Each step Roy takes into Los Angeles is fraught with peril and we sit on every word, every panel, with anticipation. This is a fine title to follow, my friends, and well worth the read. I'll be here for Issue #3, you can bet on that.

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We have returned to Zhal, and to Adam Osidis' quest to save his family. It might seem a simple idea, but it is like a tea steeped deeply in the leaves of freedom and servitude, friendship and isolation, and the ability to know the difference between needs and wants. Drink deeply my friends, I have a feeling this title is only going to be getting better and better by the issue!

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Surgeon X #2 is a fantastic read, one that, intentionally I should think, calls upon the reader to experience and learn as they go along. Kenney and Watkiss have captivated me in this future London, with it's dark, right-wing politics, and its menacing antibiotic resistant diseases. Those things are all too real even now. If you like a fast-paced psychological thriller, this is the title for you. Get it in your pull list, and thank me later.

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I am so stoked to see this cult film combo brought out in a comic like this and can't wait to read the rest of the series. You just do what ol' Richard Jr. tells you to do and sit back and let Pak and Bayliss tell you about ghosts and magic, and bullets and war, because I've seen the pillars of Heaven shake.

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This being the second of six issues you can rest assured that there are some twists in this issue that will keep you thinking until next month's installment. I know I'm looking forward to reading it, and finding out just how much trouble our crusading Kurts can get into. So, pop that popcorn and sit back in a nice comfy chair and enjoy it!

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This issue sets a good foundation for this second story arc in this series. The story is compelling and the artwork is as well. It hearkens back to previous Conan adventures at the same time as propelling him to his unique destiny. This series is one I'm very happy to have on my pull list, and would encourage you to do the same.

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This series looks to be fast-paced with some big twists and turns ahead and Felix is being giving a proper setting for his headlining act. This is one Dynamite title that any Bond fan should easily be able to love and it's just right to jump into the Bond titles if you haven't already. Put another one down on my pull list, please!

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Dynamite, with the team of Diggle and Casalanguida, have gotten a hold of, well, dynamite, in this title. It has all the feel of James Bond: the dialog, the scenery, the villain(s), the tech, and especially the anticipation for the next issue!

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I like this title, and where it is going. It makes you feel like you are watching the movie unfold before you. You will laugh, you will cheer, you might even send our friend James a knowing wink. One thing is for certain, you will want to be back in your seat for Issue #3.

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This is one fast-moving tale, despite the ‘going nowhere' theme, and the inaugural issue gets us revved up with a dose of tragedy…compounded with tragedy. As our protagonists, if one can call them such, race away from the terrible events that happened in a nothing's space of time, we race after them in search for more of the story. I'm truly enjoying this title, and look forward to the next three issues.

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We have a boy and his dog Q. I must say I'm a huge sucker for stories with dogs asa main character, and Q looks to become one of my favorites. From just being a silly playmate, to hazarding the exterior with his Kyle, Q has a personality that is unmistakable. Give him a pack and we can see what a quantum computer minded dog can accomplish, and just how much that can affect Kyle as he tries to master both childhood and adulthood at the same time. I can't wait to continue reading this six-issue series.

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This story itself is part of a larger framework of stories in other issues, but is also a good stand-alone. You don't need to be fully versed in this world to get into the story and stay there, and want to keep it going after. It's a very well written, and well drawn, comic and I can see my pull list getting at least one title larger.

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Through the eyes of our outcast protagonist as he, truly the underdog, struggles both within himself and his own feelings and with the traditions and honor-bound sheer will of his father and his memory of his family, we come face to face with our ultimate fear: will we falter when the time comes to make a stand. I am unsure if Adam will be steadfast, capitulate, or somehow blaze his own path, but I am certain that I am going to want to read on and find out.

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I must say, this title surprised me. I was all ready to hate seeing Kirk on a different bridge. I mean, really? Come on? Give a guy a little warning first, buy me a drink or something. But, the combo of Johnson's well-written script, and Caltsoldas & Shasteen's artwork made for a wonderful, and satisfying, read. I think my pull list, much to my wallet's dismay, has just gotten one title larger.

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I find myself more and more liking this new version of the crew. They are different from the TOS crew despite that they are the same people. The events that have happened in this timeline have reshaped the crew into new people. With new challenges, some completely unexpected in this time period, facing them I'm enjoying these differences. I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the next issue as I can't wait to see how Kirk engages the Borg!

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We are never outside the situation of time and place in this book, neither the dialog nor the art seems to be anachronistic. The authors take us by the hand and lead us into the world of Sixties American Cold War paranoia and eagerness to embrace anything, no matter how absurd, that can get one up on the Russians. This is a fun read, and I look forward to seeing the next issue!

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Overall this is a fun read. There is much to be said about just letting oneself go in for a ride, like a roller coaster that keeps you off-balance by spinning twirls and sharp, hard cornering turns until it finally comes to rest with a jerk. Also, like that favorite amusement park ride, you nearly always know what's coming up, where the loops are, where the deep dives and heavy climbs, and where the twists will shove you hard against your seat and shoulder harness, but you won't mind it one bit as it's exactly what you got on the ride for in the first place.

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This is the gift of a dog's love, that they comfort us when we need it, and they just love to be with us. Krypto may be a canine-like analog from an alien world, but he's all dog to us, and is the best companion Kal-El could ever hope for.

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It's the story itself for this issue that does not match the previous issues. It's as if there was a rush to finish the arc and have quite a bit of closure for each and every character or group of characters in the story that lessens the effect of this issue. I'm still a fan of the story as a whole, however, but am a little disappointed with the early termination of the action.

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Overall, as much as I enjoy watching some old kung fu movies, I don't watch them because they are good films. I watch them because they are fun. This comic seems to me to be very much the same. It's going to be more fun than anything else. Don't expect to be blown away by the story, nor the artwork, but then again, they are not so bad that they take away from anything, but rather do enhance the feel of a good old cheesy kung fu movie.

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