Stuart Fitzwilliam's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Capeless Crusader Reviews: 2
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Bill & Ted's Most Triumphant Return #1

Mar 10, 2015

Bill & Ted sets us up for what looks to be a fun ride through time and early 90's references. This is one of those titles that could have so easily jumped the shark, but the creators have been most excellent to us and delivered a comic that's fun, faithful and in no way bogus.

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Morning Glories #43

Feb 11, 2015

It's almost impossible to write a summary about a single issue of Morning Glories without writing a thesis to explain the quantum physics that twists the plot around itself, and some issues on their own can be baffling, but issue 43's focus on Ike, and Casey's campaign for student council president as a framing narrative, makes this a wholly satisfying issue that sets up several pieces for the next narrative arc.

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