Troy Stith's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 36
7.1Avg. Review Rating

Im happy that Ive stuck with this book and Im really looking forward to issue #5. I cant wait to see Bob kick his pedophile brothers ass!

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Even though this is the first issue of Locke & Key that Ive had a complaint about, that just goes to show how strong of a title this series is. In the spectrum of how much has happened, I can dismiss Tylers personality hiccup as something that Hill is going to play off of in future issues.

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Even though I gave this issue an average rating, I will be picking it up again next month. I need to find out what happens to Bizarro.

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Needless to say, issue #5 will be purchased by me next month.

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By the time I was done reading this issue, I had become a fan of the dirty bastard Grimm, and I am looking forward to see what genre he will be invading in issue #2.

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Ryall and Templsmith have hooked me to continue on with this series. Ill definitely be picking up a hard copy of this issue and impatiently awaiting the second issue.

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Even though I've given away the gore aspect of this issue, I didn't tell you any more than what the beautifully crafted cover already showed you. There are still details to be had so go out and pick up this installment.

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The last page splash really shows that this title will keep pushing the limit of disbelief, something it did a fantastic job with in the initial run and a trend they've thankfully kept this time around. To reinstate what Matthew McLean said in his review of the last issue, this comic is definitely worth the $3.99 price tag it wears. If this comic hasn't captured you yet, then I'd suggest going out and picking up the first run and start catching up, hell, I'll goes as far as saying, go pick up any book with Hill's name on it and you won't be disappointed.

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I'll go ahead and stop this review here, since I'm afraid what else will come out if I keep going. I was sorry to see this anthology bomb as badly as it did in my eyes. Even though I liked the start of the Punisher/Wolverine story, it isn't enough for me to go back next month. The other "to be continued" stories aren't intriguing enough for a next months viewing. Disappointing, Marvel. Very disappointing.

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In closing all I have to say is, hurry up issue #4!

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After the last page cliffhanger that this issue leaves you with, Im onboard for next month. How Niles will tie this story together and what effects it will have on the sterile world Khrome lives in, is enough to entice anyone to keep going that has read this far.

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With the lackluster ending of this issue Ill be reluctant to carry on next month, although, I probably will give this title another shot. Its really disappointing to become a Spawn reader once again only to be let down so soon.

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Even though I have the long wait ahead of me again, Ill be there on comic release day to get issue #3. I mean, come on, youve got a cool looking serial killer of the vampiric sort running around a city dining on its younglings--of course Ive got to read it!

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There are a lot of revelations made in this issue, many of which I dont want to address in this review in consideration of those who havent had the chance to read it yet, but there is no doubt that Ill be getting issue #4 and Im sure you will as well. The battle has ended this time around, but war looms over the Valusian kingdom and I cant wait to see what happens.

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Other than the ever-growing art team I didnt have any other complaints about this issue. Even though I read it at a lightning pace I didnt feel cheated in the end and I only wanted more. So far Niles has done a great job transitioning between issues and hooking me for next months trip to the comic shop.

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Overall, this issue sets up the tale for big events to come in Kulls short ruling and Im really looking forward to see what issue #3 has in store for him. If you enjoyed issue #1 like I did, then I suggest picking up this issue if you havent already. If you did, kudos to you.

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Even though this mediocre issue did let me down, the revealing of the new Spawn and the art made this book satisfactory overall. In my opinion McFarlane seems to be dragging out this intro for as long as he can and I really hope he speeds things up in the next issue.

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If you havent read this title before, go out and get the first arc and then get started on Dallas.

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Overall, the action of this book was the only thing keeping me going. As an old Punisher fan, I appreciate the violence and can see where Aaron was coming from when writing this X-Mas Special. If you've got the extra dough this holiday Wednesday then treat yourself to this bloody tale, or pick it up to introduce a friend to Frank Castle.

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If it wasnt for the ending I wouldve given this issue more bullets -- the story and art stayed true but the ending is just too open. Hopefully, Templesmith will open the gates to Hoxford in the future to deliver those answers. Until then, Ill wish for more.

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Fabrys art continues to please, except for the aforementioned fight scene between Crusader and Solicitor. I was thankful that the art didnt let me down like the storyline did. Hopefully issue #4 will make up for this issue.

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Dont take my lower bullet review as a sign that Ive already given up on the new Spawn, but I hope that the next issue will start to answer some of the questions I have from the first two.

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Overall I think Ive got another title to add to my reading list. Im really looking forward to seeing how much further things will escalate and what made Bellarmine become a cleaner.

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In the end I was left with more questions than I had started with, but that's OK with me since the comic continued to build on the mystery at hand. Issue #2 eased my hunger for City of Dust temporarily but I know as the days pass Ill be ready for more Philip Khrome and his dangerous city. Bring on issue #3.

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I was thankful when I finally finished this comic. The storyline alone dashed any hopes for the next issue, which if I do decide to pick up will only be because of the art. Furthermore, I doubt Ill be delving into the Sgt. Rock lineage anytime soon.

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I couldnt be happier with the pairing of Nelson and Conrad on this title. Dark Horse has once again proven to me that they are the kings of Howards works. I cant wait for issue #2.

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Even with all of the crawling aspects of the book, the overly gruesome action makes up for it and earns a bullet alone. Bobs skill with a shotgun is flawless, which he demonstrates more than once in this issue, winding it up the with a crimson bloodbath cliffhanger. Bobs mystery has to be in issue #3 right?

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I'm hoping that after four issues, we'll finally get some action in the next installment, but hey, I was wrong this time around. Problem is, I'm too far in now to quit, so I'll endure to the end. Thankfully the growing "bullet earning" art team is keeping my eyes entertained.

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I picked up this title with high hopes, and in the end I was satisfied. McFarlane definitely delivered the hyped "new players, new game" storyline that Spawn needed and he has gained a returning fan.

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Mandrakes art kept up the great detail and action as the last issue, keeping me flipping through the mediocre story. His art alone will probably be the reason why I give the third issue of this six-part arc a try. Im really hoping for a big turn around for the title in the next issue.

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Even with my few complaints, if the Knaufs set out to create an action packed classic Captain America story, they achieved that goal. But some of the decisions they made in producing the book I had to question and it took away from the book for me. So if you're in the need for the "star-spangled" hero since his untimely demise, then I suggest picking up this title tomorrow.

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As a collective, the creative team achieved their goal in getting me to feel for the people of this war torn part of Africa, depicting the atrocities of tribal belief systems in the way of mutilated children and corrupted minds of youngsters molded into ruthless soldiers. Due to the socio-political nature of the book, I felt it started off a bit sluggish but picked up speed once the story moved to Uganda, hooking me for the purchase of the second installment of this book. After all, I need to know who the hell Moses really is.

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Whew! Sorry about the length of this review but I wanted to touch on each story. I cant say that I was disappointed in this book but I would have liked to have seen some different characters instead of those contained within. The answer to my question from the beginning (remember that?) is, Not much." But if youre in the mood for some super-hero laced Halloween stories or a diehard DC fan, than I suggest picking up this book. Otherwise, wait to see what DC does next year instead of investing the $5.99.

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In the end, I liked the stories but this book left me wanting more. I wouldnt suggest running out to buy this book but if youve got the extra $3.99 to shell out in your next trip to the local shop, then I would pick it up. Worth it just to see Hulk up against monsters.

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**On a personal annoyance reading level, one thing that really bothered me was when I hit page five; I was met with a cardboard flier for the navy. Ads are one thing but get that page flipper out of my way.**

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Overall, Ill continue to buy this series. Im actually looking forward to seeing what happens next. I can only hope the art and storyline continue to carry on the way they have thus far. If you arent already reading this book, I suggest going out and starting now instead of catching up. Vertigo made a smart choice in picking up these super-heroes.

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