Magic #3

Writer: Jed MacKay Artist: Ig Guara Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: June 9, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

*  When their investigation into the role of one of Ravnica's biggest Guilds in the assassination attempts on their lives lead Planeswalkers Kaya, Ral, and Vraska deep into the Undercity, they will need to succeed in the impossible - uncover the location of Duskmantle, the Dimir guildhall, and survive to tell the tale!
*  Meanwhile, the assassin is amassing guild members to betray their own Guilds, even as their true motivations remain a mystery...

  • 8.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Timala Elliott Jun 9, 2021

    The Assassin gives a brief overview of Ravnica in his narration. He then meets with several connected individuals. They gather for an unexpected purpose. Elsewhere, the Guildmasters travel through the Undercity in search of Duskenhall. After a series of deadly encounters, they make a surprising discovery.The Story: Jed MacKay creates an exciting story filled with action and intrigue. The developing plot is interesting and holds lots of promise. I liked seeing the interactions between the Guildmasters. It gave me more of an emotional connection with them. Im interested in their well beings and look forward to the next chapter.Ig Guaras drawings emphasize form and character expression. The bright color palate has a variety of tones throughout the story. Overall, this issue is very engaging and visually stimulating. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Jun 9, 2021

    Magic #3 as a whole manages to both entertain its reader as well as further informing them about the nature of its stars and the world they live in. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Gregory Ellner Jun 14, 2021

    Through intriguing characters, understandable plot, and amazing artwork made even better by phenomenal colors, "Magic" continues to cast a spell over readers new and old. Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - Jamie Lovett Jun 9, 2021

    Magic: The Gathering #3 sees writer Jed McKay slowing the pace to spend some time fleshing out the Planeswalkers' backstories. Unfortunately, it's an exercise in telling instead of showing. Read Full Review

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