Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #36

Writer: Marguerite Bennett, Ryan Ferrier Artist: Simone Di Meo, Bachan Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: February 27, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 8
9.0Critic Rating
4.5User Rating

The newly-assembled Power Rangers put everything on the line to win the battle but now a war has
begun...and it's one they never anticipated! But if Grace thought her new team had time, she's wrong - the universe itself is collapsing!

  • 10
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Mueller Feb 27, 2019

    Honestly, the only negative is that this issue had to end, as it's one of the strongest in "Beyond the Grid" thus far, and if the third act is as good as this fans are in for quite a treat. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Jonathan Mullen Mar 1, 2019

    In the end, youre probably already on board at this point. And, surprising absolutely no-one this is another really, really good issue of what I can easily say is my favourite Power Rangers comic run to date. The end is drawing near, and, knowing this teams track record, its going to be one hell of a finale. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    I Review Comics Mar 14, 2020

    I used to be excited to read Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Now It's just another book in the pile. Sometimes the comic is good, sometimes it's bad but lately, the title has just been meh.

    I am Reading MMPR/TMNT and in that series, Simone Di Meo has been putting on a storytelling clinic. Here he's reduced to drawing page after page of exposition and it totally kills the pacing for this story arc.

    I almost lost the plot of the issue until something cool happened toward the end of the comic. It's a damn shame because Jamal Campbell's cover of Ari in mid morph is simply incredible and is one of the best covers I've seen in this series.

    When Simone is able to create he's able to pull emotion out of the reader more

  • 4.0
    BradleeBaxter Mar 3, 2019

    This “Beyond The Grid” storyline continues to disappoint. Following around “pwerless” rangers seems notthing more than filler/set up for a war about to take place. This book should have been a spin off series of it’s own. The book is titled “Might Morphin...” but no longer follows any Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. This mash up ranger group is average at best. As much as I dislike this story arc so far, I can appreciate the creative direction. #Trash

  • 1.0
    Danger Jun 2, 2019

    If I could give this 0 stars o would
    This whole story has been nothing but garbage. The moron reviewer who gave this 10 stars has to be brain dead and obviously hasn't been to. A comic book shop to see stacks of issues from this storyline littering the aisle haha. Boom even shortened this story from 12 issues to 8 or 9 because sales have been so bad. What a terrible idea. I hate beyond the grid

  • 1.0
    Chris b Mar 28, 2019

    Talk about boring. I buy this comic for the original power rangers. Not this crap. I’m so checked out of this comic until the next story line. Horrible. I don’t care about this dying universe or the characters within it, who thought this would be a good idea?? They leave us hanging with what happened with tommy and the rest of the gang for 6 months to explore a story that doesn’t even make sense. Come on boom, what are you doing?? I hope the sales for this comic run tanked so they don’t pull this crap again

  • 9.0
    mikesbr42 Mar 3, 2019

  • 7.5
    Julhin Feb 8, 2021

  • 6.0
    ed1138 Jan 1, 2023

  • 1.0
    ComicMan Sep 8, 2020

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