Samurai and Dinosaurs #1
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Samurai and Dinosaurs #1

Writer: Michael Murphy Artist: Sergio Calvet Publisher: Chibi Comics Release Date: May 25, 2011 Critic Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Roberts May 25, 2011

    Still, I greatly enjoyed this book. The samurai are honor-bound and appropriately overdramatic. (One character burns his house down when summoned to battle the dinosaurs. His old ways will now be forever erased.) The dialogue is exactly what you hope for in a samurai tale, and the art is fantastic. I look forward to seeing what these creators do next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBuzz - gordon Mar 9, 2011

    It's a shame that, what the creators no doubt thought was a cool idea, spoiled what could otherwise have been a very entertaining story. Perhaps they thought that the simpler story wasn't strong enough without something extra. They needn't have worried. The plot, characterisation and artwork all stand up more than well enough of on their own. There are also some great ideas in here too with Murphy and Calverts method of introducing the characters particularly notable. Each character gets a full page portrait and a few pages of flashback as a short biography. More proof of how good this book could have been. There was no need for gimmicks. Read Full Review

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