The Massive #2

Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Kristian Donaldson Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 11, 2012 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 6
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Hidden from pirates in the ice and fog of the Bering Sea, the crew of the Kapital weigh the risk of detection against the need to rescue their missing crewmates. Revealed are details about the events of the crash, including the Kapitals resupply visit to an underwater Hong Kong and the new city that has, literally, grown out of the debris.

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jul 12, 2012

    Donaldson's art is very strong in this issue, grabbing my attention several times to the point of me having to re-read what actually was happening. The primary location of this book is stunning and one of the most interesting locations I've seen in comics in quite awhile. Needless to say, it is a wonder to behold and Donaldson evokes a sense of absolute awe with those pages. Wood and Donaldson are a great tandem, and this issue is what happens when a writer and artist are exceedingly talented and in sync. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 11, 2012

    "The Massive" is an impressive series, and we're only two issues (and three short stories in "Dark Horse Presents" giving some pre-Crash origins of some of the characters) into its run. If you aren't reading "The Massive" yet, I wholeheartedly recommend it. With titles like "MIND MGMT" and "The Massive," Dark Horse has lined up some great new ongoing series. "The Massive" doesn't just introduce you to a dangerous future, it drops you in feet-first and lets you try and swim for safety. Definitely check this series out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Jun 29, 2012

    A highly-touted book prior to its release, The Massive is still running strong. With the finale to the "Landfall" arc coming next month, The Massive looks like its going to hang around awhile, even if the world around them seems to be running out of time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jul 12, 2012

    I’m getting the feeling that unless you’re really enjoying this series already, that you will have to wait out this first story arc as Wood gets his barrings on where the plot is going. I enjoy the fact that everything doesn’t feel set in stone with the story, but right now the series is all over the place and it’s making it difficult to get invested in all of the different elements. A different Brian Wood would have told his first arc and then had one issue showing the devastation that fell upon the world and it would have been impactful. Instead you get it all at once. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jul 14, 2012

    Despite my few nitpicks, I still like this series and believe it has a lot of potential. Check out my review for The Massive #1. From Dark Horse Comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBuzz - Niall Doonan Aug 7, 2012

    The Massive is a slow paced and detailed comic. There is nothing wrong with this as such, but the characters are not currently engaging enough to support all the detail. When the characters become more prominent, I think I will enjoy this series more, but for now it is not overly interesting. Read Full Review

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