REMATCH! Superman puts what he's learned on Warworld to the test as he faces Mongul's unstoppable, reanimated warrior known as the Unmade. But it may be too late for Mongul to salvage his empire before an ancient prophecy is fulfilled. One of Superman's inner circle will fall, another will be resurrected at a terrible cost, and the Authority's traitor will be revealed in the conclusion to part one of the Warworld Saga!
I just think this whole issue seeing Midnighter operate while hearing about Superman's good deeds and legends is just great stuff to chew over. And OMAC turning? I have to figure somewhere in the future is an issue titled "OMAC's story" just like this is called "Midnighter's Tale". We'll learn how OMAC changed, I'm sure. Read Full Review
Action Comics has thrived under Johnson's direction even with this trip to Warworld that seemed an odd fit for Superman. As usual, this is one of DC's top tier titles each month and shouldn't be missed. Read Full Review
Action Comics never fails to deliver these days, and this is no exception. I love seeing Midnighters journey it helps that Im a big fan of the character and theres a significant plot turn toward the end of the lead story that tells me things are about to get even more interesting. Top to bottom, a fantastic issue. Read Full Review
This may not have had the punch of some of the past issues, but I think it's essential to get us where we need to be. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1041 continues to deliver. This is low-key one of the best superhero books on the market, with both creative teams really nailing their stories. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1041 has things shift from Superman to Midnighter's side of things. We see Midnighter doing his thing, swearing, busting skulls and taking names while freeing slaves on Warworld his way for his reasons. The abrupt change in artist was definitely a surprise, but Dale Eaglesham and Will Conrad still do a good job on the comic's artwork. Read Full Review
While this issue of Action Comics is still enjoyable it seems that the main story and the backup have found a lull point in their story where the progression slows down a bit and sadly, the way that we do this in the main Action Comics story is show a Midnighter montage that doesn't do his story enough justice in my mind and while the main story's art is alright, that too seems to be a down a bit. Still love this story and the Martian Manhunter backup but this issue was a little down for me. Read Full Review
Perhaps this is all just the calm before one bonkers storm of an ending, but as a single issue goes, it's just okay. Read Full Review
Pure Gold!
Wow. I don't know why I should even be surprised that PKJ has put out another fantastic issue of Action Comics, but this one might have been perfect.
Something about Byla recounting the Death of Superman to the Phaelosian children really got me while reading this: PKJ understands the innate ideas engrained in the concept of Superman and seems to be making his Action run a final thesis proving why Superman is still relevant today.
The Midnighter POV was awesome and not having Supes show up until the final page was beautiful. I'm assuming the Revenant Queen could possibly be a mention of Circe (who I still think is the unknown scavenger) and we might get some hints/follow-up for the Breach creatures, Genesis Fragment, and the birth of Pyrrhos.
I believe the tale of the Revenant Queen by Byla happens in the future; we already know Byla has knowledge of the future based on his narration in the Annual about the future house of el. This could possibly be when Clark is banished to an unknown dimension by Circe.
Regardless, this was a perfect issue by the wonderful team working on Action Comics. Easily the best book coming out of DC by a longshot. more
This is a good issue, but I can't help but think it's a slight downgrade from what's come before. It mostly has to do with this issue focusing mostly on Midnighter. The hopeful side of this story isn't really present, because Superman isn't. Part of what makes this story work is that despite how grimy and dark, and depressing everything is, that hopeful element is still there. Without that, the story just feels a little bit empty. It's still well-written, and the art is nice, however. The backup isn't worth your time. It's a very boiler-plate superhero story about Martian Manhunter. I'm not sure why DC is insistent on backups in these titles, when they're so often not worth it.
not a bad issue at all, shows why Superman is the most inspirational superhero of all time and arguably the greatest superhero of all time
Midnighter heavy book. Was decent enough. Lots of action and nice montage middle.
The script action/prose did not flow for me. Generally not a fan of the Authority characters in the DC Earth-1. Backup was better last issue.
Weak main story. The back up story was even weaker. A lot of fan boys are praising this book but it makes me wonder if they even liked the series before this story? Also, "the conclusion to part one of the Warworld Saga..." You mean there is more? How long is this going to drag out for?