All-Star Western #9

Event\Storyline: Night of the Owls Writer: Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Moritat Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 23, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 5
8.0Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

A tie-in to "NIGHT OF THE OWLS!" Concluding JONAH HEX'S battle with THE AUGUST 7! Discover what the Court of Owls was up to in GOTHAM CITY circa 1880! NIGHTHAWK and CINNAMON hunt down killers and fall in love in this issue's backup story.

  • 9.6
    Outer Realm Comics - thanosrules May 29, 2012

    As always, whenever the second story's arc ends, I always wonder what the next story will bring... for this, we are left with only two words, the teaser, "Bat Lash!". What does this mean? Which characters will be highlighted? Until next time, with Issue #10, where we find what's next for Jonah, Tallulah and the second story of this very All-Star Western masterpiece! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle May 24, 2012

    And now Tallulah Black is back and certainly going to be handful for Jonah in the issues to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima May 23, 2012

    Overall a solid issue from the creative team. The introduction of a well known character that has been missing since the end of the JONAH HEX series was the icing on the cake for me; I thought it was fantastic to see them bring this indicidual back and I look forward to seeing how she adds to the dynamic of the story Grap and Palmiotti and trying to tell. Really pretty art; Moritat does a great job. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what the Talon has in store for Hex and if there is a relationship between her and another Talon we've seen in a different story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey May 23, 2012

    In the main feature, Moritat's art is solid, if varied. His work has been said to vary from month to month, but in this issue it seems to vary from page to page. Some of it is incredible and some of it feels half-finished. Sometimes, this happens on the same page. It can be a bit jarring, but none of it is even close to what I would call bad. It's all good, but you kind of wish it was all great. In the back-up story, Patrick Scherberger does an awesome job with the few pages he is given. His style is very detailed and controlled, with plenty of character. He's just another part of the awesome package that is All-Star Western. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker May 24, 2012

    Overall, All-Star Western #9 maintains the entertainment level of the series so far - particularly with Arkham's incredulity at the revelation that someone actually married Hex, and Hex's response at his attempted mockery of it. Also, it was nice to see that Arkham wasn't entirely dead weight, and actually played upon his appearance as dead weight to help pull off the plan. This book is good, and Hex is back in Gotham by the end of it all. Is he gonna remain there for good? Who knows, but if it helps get him in the mix with big-time crossovers, I'm eager to see how it works out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers May 23, 2012

    Well, this was sort of different than the usual Night of the Owls books, mainly because it's in the 1880s, but also because the Owls are not finished in this particular story, so there's that. What there was here though is another great issue with a lot of funny character moments, and great action. If I had to take away anything from it, it's the quickness that the August 7 is dealt with, then the brief Owls appearance. Would have liked more of both, but there just wasn't room. This perhaps would have been a good issue not to have a back up, but then you would have needed Moritat to do more pages... can't really win on that. Regardless, good issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 30, 2012

    A mixed bag for sure"a disappointing end to one story, an intriguing start to another, and a feature which just sits there. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 24, 2012

    "All-Star Western" #9 is nice book, but those picking it up for "Night of the Owls" are going to miss out on the rest of the comic, which is far more interesting. Palmiotti, Gray and Moritat's Jonah Hex story has been consistently strong, and that's the real reason to check this series out. So buy it, but look at everything else that's going on and you'll be much happier. Read Full Review

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