Batman: The Joker War Zone #1

Writer: Sam Johns, John Ridley, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson Artist: Laura Braga, Olivier Coipel, Darko Lafuente, Guillem March, James Stokoe, Ashley A. Woods Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 30, 2020 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 44
8.3Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

+ Pull List

Gotham City is a battleground as The Joker takes over the Wayne fortune and wages a street war against the Dark Knight and his allies! Enter the "war zone" with short stories featuring characters like Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, and Luke Fox and see how they're fighting back in a city under siege! Also, the brutal full debut of the mysterious new anti-hero known as Clownhunter!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Sep 30, 2020

    Again, James Tynion IV delivers a book end set that delivers, and the meat of the comic is also rich! The first story between Joker and Bane is worth the price of admission, but pages 22-23 resonated with me. Sometimes a comic world even in chaos is a better world. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Comic Watch - Cody White Sep 29, 2020

    Batman/The Joker: War Zone #1 delivers a rare instance of a one-shot, event tie-in that is excellent from start to finish and important to not only the story but the future of the Bat-verse! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Sep 30, 2020

    DC does a great job making books like these. I enjoyed this very much. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Sep 29, 2020

    The Joker War Zone was anything but a throwaway add-on story offering some further character development for the current epic and some teases for whats in store in the Bat books in 2021. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Sep 29, 2020

    Brilliant art, and a great teaser for the upcoming annual by Tynion and Stokoe that will finally give us Clownhunter's full origin. It's the perfect way to end this near-flawless anthology. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Sep 29, 2020

    A great story that expands on the character, his motivation and the differences in his ideology. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 29, 2020

    Three of these five stories tease things to come in 2021, which makes this a must-read for longtime DC Readers, but each tale is also worth a look for different reasons. Read Batman: The Joker War Zone to get a head start on exciting DC Comics stories coming next year, but also for its variety of enjoyable tales set in Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Sep 29, 2020

    There are some really good stories in this collection and there are some pretty "meh" ones as well. However, it all comes down to the main event and frankly, it is a homerun! Clownhunter is the most interesting part of the Batman book right now and unfortunately he isn't being used all that much but we get to see him in all his glory this time around and that alone is enough to make me believe that this book is worth buying. The other stories are pretty good too, so there's plenty to like about this. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Brett Sep 29, 2020

    Overall, Batman: The Joker Warzone #1 is a solid one-shot. It adds some stories within "Joker War" without making them vital. There's a bit too much left to be experienced in 2021 which emphasizes my issues with "Joker War" overall. It doesn't feel self-contained enough. If you took those segments and left out the "too be continued," these would be really solid on their own. Even if you're not reading "Joker War," there's enough here to enjoy and worth checking out. It's the rare event one-shot where you can ignore the actual event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    COMICON - Tony Thornley Oct 6, 2020

    Gotham City is a battleground as The Joker takes over the Wayne fortune and wages a street war against the Dark Knight and his allies! Enter the "war zone" with short stories featuring characters like Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, and Luke Fox and see how they're fighting back in a city under siege! Also, the brutal full debut of the mysterious new anti-hero known as Clownhunter! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Sep 29, 2020

    When all is said and done Batman: The Joker War Zone #1delivers a series of stories that both flesh out the events of the current Joker Warstoryline, while also planting seeds for things to come. I can only hope that those seeds bear fruits worthy of the excellent beginnings they have been given. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Sep 29, 2020

    A series of intriguing teases of whats coming next, as well as a fun tie-in to whats happening now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jenna Anderson Oct 2, 2020

    This issue doesn't reinvent the wheel, but whether you're looking for epic character moments, connective tissue for "Joker War", or a little bit of both, this issue will surely give you some bang for your buck. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Oct 12, 2020

    Tynion's stories are the highlights of this run, understandable as he is the architect of the Joker War arc. The rest of it is all setup for things yet to come, and they just don't have me excited. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Matina Newsom Sep 29, 2020

    Personally, this book didn't move me greatly in one way or the other. There's some fun stories in here but overall much of it feels like set up for the future rather than individual tales of Gotham. I don't mind some set up, but two of these stories don't feel like they have much to say beyond "see you next year" and in an anthology that only has five tales that's quite a bit of the content. I do think it has some enjoyable moments, especially the Batgirls team up, and Ridley's story. Generally though, I think it comes down to whether or not you want some teasers for next year, and another dose of Joker War craziness. If that's a yes, pick it up, if not this might not be the title for you. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Oct 6, 2020

    “Clown Hunt” showcased my favorite art, in a one-shot full of amazing artists. The wild, Fantagraphics style really stood out to me. It gave the tone a crazy drug trip. Focusing on the new character of Clownhunter, we finally got to understand some of his motivation, and a tiny bit of his back story. However, my biggest problem with Clownhunter is how unbelievably effective he is at killing Joker goons. He's only a teenager, yet he knows how to wire motion-detecting bombs to bodies? That really breaks the suspension of disbelief and takes me out of the story. Read Full Review

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