Batman: Arkham Knight #5

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Viktor Bogdanovic Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 18, 2015 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Will the Clown Prince of Crime have the last laugh from beyond the grave? Find out when Harley Quinn is Batman’s only hope to save Commissioner Gordon from the Joker's Last Will and Testament!

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 21, 2015

    After last week's issue , I wanted less Joker and more Arkham Knight.  After this issue I want more Harley Quinn and whatever else Peter J. Tomasi throws my way.  The story and art in this issue are top notch and I can't wait to see what happens next week.  This is really a great book that is well worth the price of admission. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - RobertJCross Jun 4, 2015

    Pretty good stuff! Pick it up!! Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 3, 2015

    This prequel comic continues to offer an enjoyable lead-up to the game, one that's distinguished more by its characterization and exploration of the wider Bat family than its action or spectacle. It focuses on Batman stories that wouldn't be suited for the games as much as those that would. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Damian Fasciani Mar 25, 2015

    The edition is a little short. Would be great if the length was extended out further.Overall, this edition keeps the overall story line moving at a frantic pace, we get to see a very focused and determined detective in the Dark Knight that has a fresh focus on Harley Quinn. He wants answers, and wants them now. I don't think you will be disappointed. Great read! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Jun 3, 2015

    Overall: Solid overall, with the first third being much stronger than the second two. That's mostly due to the last half of the book being part of an on-going story and not its own self-contained piece, but it loses a bit of steam along the way. Regardless, this remains one of the best and most surprising Batman books on the stands today, with great art, gripping action, and the best character interactions and dialogue in ages. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Ryan Blair Jun 5, 2015

    The only drawback is that most of this story is one massive fight between Bane and Batman…although its quite visually impressive I would have enjoyed a bit more story development and maybe some explanation of what Bane may be after…did he go to Arkham City by choice? And if so what is he after? I am also curious as to what could happen with Bane…although he hasnt been featured in any footage of the new game, he is absent. Bane has appeared in all of the Arkham series of games, so it would be interesting if maybe Bane gets taken out by the Arkham Knight, as we have seen AK take out several villains including the new Electrocutioner and Tweedle Dee/Dum. Maybe he saves Batman in the next issue and kills Bane? Definitely looking forward to this ongoing series as we lead into the actual game that comes out later this month. Read Full Review

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