Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1

Event\Storyline: Battle for the Cowl Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Tony Daniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 11, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 5
7.3Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"Batman: R.I.P." and FINAL CRISIS saw the end of Batman. Now, months following the disappearance of her protector, Gotham City sits at a precipice and it may be too far gone for Nightwing, Robin, Commissioner Gordon and the rest of the city's heroes to save the day. Amid the fires, rioting, looting and gang warfare, one question rings out from the souls of Gotham's desperate citizens: Where is Batman? With guest-stars galore, the destruction of a sacred Gotham City institution and an ending that will have everyone talking, this 3-issue miniseries event written and drawn by Tony Daniel (The Tenth) features the battle to take on the Mantle of t more

  • 10
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Mar 20, 2009

    All in all, I really and truly enjoyed this comic book and for a score, I'm going to give it a 10 out of 10. I was really on the fence concerning what I should score this comic, and was torn between 9 and 10, but since I really had no major complaints about this comic book, a 10 it is. I can't wait until the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Mar 11, 2009

    I really hate to feel that this well crafted and drawn story might loose its significance in a few years, but I cant help it. Sadly enough it makes me want to not read any more of it so I wont have to face the letdown of the storys eventual fall into meaninglessness. Hopefully, Dick Grayson/Nightwing will get a new mantle that makes his story still relevant after he dons and returns the cowl to its rightful owner. If so, maybe Ill go back and re-read Battle for The Cowl as it should be read, as a tale of a young hero who finally becomes and adult hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comix 411 - David Torres Mar 11, 2009

    So nice job on the writing and on the artwork for Mr. Daniel. A very nice job indeed and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Daniel Schmergel Mar 11, 2009

    But if Daniel can end up fashioning a cohesive and enduring storyline out of all this noise, he will have achieved the nearly impossible: replacing Batman. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bill Frye Mar 16, 2009

    All in all, this was a solid first issue to a storyline I really never thought I'd see, despite the fact that the dead never stay dead for long. I am interested in following this story to its end to see who may step up to take Bruce's place. Regardless of whether something more surprising or mundane happens at the end of this three-issue story, this is one battle I am willing to see to the end. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 12, 2009

    Battle for the Cowl #1 was better than I was expecting. And for a largely recycled and editorial dictated story it is not that bad. If you love all things Batman and dig the extended Batman family then you will certainly enjoy Battle for the Cowl #1. This issue also has plenty of action and a good enough story that it should appeal to readers who desire just a bit of fun escapism and some quality action. However, if you are looking for a comic that is offering something new and different then you will probably be bored and unimpressed with Battle for the Cowl #1. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 11, 2009

    This series has promise, but I'm not sure Daniel has enough time over the course of the remaining two issues to jam in every single character he has put on the covers and promised in the pages in between. There are a few plot points here, but by and large, this story seems hauntingly familiar. I only hope Daniel is more creative in his plot twists and resolutions than the initial set up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Mar 11, 2009

    While I wasn't exactly thrilled with the characterization, the story does have promise and, as it's only three issues long, I'm going to stick with it for the duration. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Mania - Chris Smits Mar 16, 2009

    Even after the gripes I've listed above, this was a good book overall and the ending sets up the next issue nicely. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out and it's already the best time I've had reading a Bat-book in months. It's a $3.99 book, but it's 40 pages and it does look nice. Tony Daniel might turn into a player if he can pull this off, so I think he should be given the benefit of the doubt on the bad points. Just cleaning up the aftermath of all that Crisis/R.I.P. stuff is a feat unto itself, so even if it's not the greatest thing ever, if it makes sense and it's good then I'll consider it money and time well spent. I'm calling it a C+ with the next issue looking to be of a higher grade. This is a fine setup but he's going to need to pull the trigger on the second issue to make this stick a little better. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 12, 2009

    Look, the artwork is nice, and it's fun to see all these characters thrown together in one story - but the best efforts by all involved can't overcome the obvious smell of stalling that hangs over the title. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Mar 15, 2009

    Will Battle for the Cowl end in a way that gets readers excited about Batman again? I hope so, but realistically it is nothing more than the a way station on the journey to the six to eight new titles being dumped in readers' laps in the coming months. I'm giving points to Daniel and Florea for handling the story as best they can, but it's the overall forced nature of the story that has me giving this issue 2.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

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