Batman Incorporated #0

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Chris Burnham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 26, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 16
7.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Batman, Incorporated wants you! Batman has a war to fight, but first he must recruit an army to combat the menace of Leviathan. See how The Dark Knight assembled his lieutenants!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Sep 26, 2012

    BATMAN INCORPORATED #0 is a must read if you're into the Batman mythos. Morrison crafts a fulfilling tale packed with plenty of action, laughs and intrigue. Irving's positively unique artwork is just icing on this Bat-family cake. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Sep 30, 2012

    As I hoped, Batman, Incorporated #0 does it's own thing, partly fitting in with the "secret origins" aspect of the Zero Issues, while also managing to seemingly tell the story that Morrison wanted to tell anyways. There's a reason why he's one of the most respected writers in the industry, and he more than shows why that is with this excellent issue. While I was expecting Burnham to continue on art, Irving was a welcome addition who, due to his past work with Morrison, was able to fit in seamlessly with what has come before. More than anything else, this issue has got me even more excited for what's to come, which is all you can ever ask for from a comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Sep 28, 2012

    Not too many writers can scrabble together so many players into one issue and make each feel like an important cog to the whole work, but Morrison manages to do just that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Oct 1, 2012

    Batman Incorporated #0 is a strange issue, but Batman Incorporated is a bit of a strange title overall. I like it, but Morrison's storytelling has become a bit disjointed even by his standards. If you're a fan of the main series, I would not miss out on this issue. But if you are a reader looking to get into this title, issue #0 is not the place to start. But speaking as a regular reader, this issue delivered plenty, with some great pages of artwork, resulting inBatman Incorporated #0 earning four out of five stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Sep 27, 2012

    The issue doesn't necessarily drive forth Morrison's ongoing story in Batman Incorporated, but I think it adds a necessary bit of character to all those involved in this series, not just the main players. Hopefully, we get a lot of great character work for all the secondary players in this cast before Morrison wraps up his run in another nine issues. And hopefully we can get a bit more of that Dark Ranger/Squire relationship. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Sep 26, 2012

     Overall, this was a well told, and well illustrated issue. Did it feel absolutely necessary? Not really. You sort of get the sense that the prospect of a Zero Month came up, and Grant Morrison said "Really? Alright then..." which may be why Chris Burnham came in and co-plotted it with Morrison (which, he did a good job of). There was a lot to like in the issue, but not a whole lot to really love. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Sep 28, 2012

    There's some nice moments in the Wayne Industries boardroom, and it is great to see some of these characters such as Knight and Squire back on board. No sign of Batwing, but that can only be a good thing. We only hope the main Batwing title can be as discreet and quietly disappear for us. Frazer Irving fills in for Chris Burnham, and provides a similarly pleasing light take on these dark characters, while losing none of their edge. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Sep 26, 2012

    Frazer Irving handles art for this issue, and it looks pretty great. The layouts and colors really shine, even when his characters feel a bit stiff. It's a pretty damn good looking book. The pages just pop. The only thing that seems to be missing are backgrounds. Irving drops a traditional background out in place of a wall of color and he does it a lot. At least once a page, sometimes more. This sort of maneuver can have a great effect, but not when it's do as frequently as it is in this issue. Backgrounds aside, this is one very handsome issue of Batman, Inc. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Sep 27, 2012

    There's no reason to skip this issue and there's certainly a lot of fun to be had with it. On the downside, it continues the trend of the “zero month” interrupting a lot of story arcs that had a lot of momentum going through their current story arc at their own pace. This was an issue where the story seemed like we were not only going back to the origin of Batman Incorporated, but actually taking a step back to a place that Morrison's story has already moved on from. In a similar fashion, Frazer's art was perfect for Bruce Wayne's triumphant return from the grave in Morrison's “Batman and Robin.” It doesn't feel entirely right alongside the wacky antics and jet-setting present in “Batman Incorporated.” Instead, what we got was a fine enough comic that is a bit of an odd-man-out in Morrison's bat opus. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Sep 30, 2012

    It's becoming more and more clear that Batman's international army may not be essential to the story, acting more as lieutenants in this 'behind the scenes' war against the very essence of evil. In this sense, Batman Incorporated #0is a letdown and a success. It let me down by offering very little in the way of story advancement - or even really any information about it at all - and with the staccato nature of the narrative. It was a success because Morrison does an amazing job focusing on the characters he's presenting, giving them developed, clear-cut personalities even if they only get a few panels of page time. So even though they probably aren't all that important in the grand scheme of Morrison's plans, the origins of Batman's soliders around the world is captivating, nuanced, and drawn incredibly well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Sep 28, 2012

    Batman Inc #0 is a fun book. I absolutely loved reading every page of it, no matter how bad the art or writing is. However, one thing has changed from Batman Inc #6. The theme of Batman Inc #6 was crime and Batman are mirrors. Here, it is Batman is never alone in his war. And the book does a great job of enforcing it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Justin Barnes Sep 28, 2012

    This was not at all a horrible comic by any means. This was a fun story with action and a little comedy. There was a lighter tone than the last issue. What I found interesting was the unveiling of the vision of the future that Bruce saw while he was stuck in time that was first mentioned after the defeat of Dr. Hurt. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Brad Wiegele Sep 26, 2012

    Grant's story seems primed to explode with action. Bruce is ready and has all his pieces in place. All that is left is for someone to make the first move, and then watch Morrison's epic run on Batman come to a (hopefully satisfying) conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicville - Alan Smodic Oct 11, 2012

    The issue, while a step below the other issues in this series, serves its purpose. If you're a Batman Incorporated reader, you probably know the previous origin, so it's worth reading this to see how it's established in the new 52. If you can live without actually knowing those specific details, you're not really missing much. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Oct 1, 2012

    Out of the Zero Month issues I've read, "Batman Incorporated" #0 is the most unfriendly towards new readers. It's still a worthwhile read for the sharp character sketches and Frazer Irving's art, but one's mileage will definitely vary depending on knowledge of Morrison's Batman run and fondness for lesser-known DCU characters. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Sep 28, 2012

    I was let down by this. It's a zero issue that didn't need to be told, it had no real sense of purpose, and the artwork didn't fit the tone of the story. If you like all the throw-back Morrison characters then ignore my score and go pick this book up. You'll love it. But I was looking for more than cameos and was bored while reading this. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Oct 1, 2012

    With an unfocused story and uninspiring artwork, Batman Incorporated #0 is a scattershot collection of deleted scenes from a much larger work. While Morrison has used this approach before, his and Burnham's attempt here to fill in the gaps just highlight the gaps (where have these heroes been all this time) without showing us anything new or revealing about Batman or any of his international partners. It's an issue put together by editorial decree without finding a unique place within the story that's being told in this series. Read Full Review

  • 1.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Oct 2, 2012

    Combine a vanilla story with flat artwork and Batman Inc. #0 is a throwaway issue that should be skipped. There is nothing in this issue for fans of Grant Morrison's Batman run to care about. For those unfamiliar, this issue is a nice catch up to how Batman Incorporated was established. But because of story and art problems I cannot recommend this issue to anyone. Read Full Review

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