Batman #624

Writer: Brian Azzarello Artist: Eduardo Risso Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 25, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
5.5Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

As Batman continues his search for Angel Lupo, he must ally himself with some unlikely partners...namely, the denizens of Gotham City's underworld. Can Batman trust the same people he's waged a seemingly never-ending war against? Find out in ''Broken City'' part 5 of 6!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 27, 2004

    The battle between Batman and the duo of Fatman and Little Boy is well done, as the fight manages to sell the idea that Batman is in tough, but that he's also pretty good when it comes to spotting and exploiting a weakness that he finds in his opponents. I'll also give this book credit for managing to introduce a plot twist that I honestly didn't see coming as we learn who had Angel's sister killed, and their motive for doing so is wonderfully twisted. However, the book does take the character of Batman a little too serious, so what had started out as a homage to the film noir experience becomes borderline campy, as Batman ends up sounding like a pretender who is trying too hard to be tough rather than the genuine article. If Brian Azzarello had toned it down or better yet had crafted a story that played off Batman's serious-minded attitude than I'd honestly believe I'd be singing this book's praises, but as it stands I find some of the scenes to be unintentionally comical. Frankly, th Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 11, 2004

    Much depends on how the final part of this arc plays out. There are strong elements at work in this issue and they go some way to make sense of the story so far, but the jury is still out. A fair comic in its own right, the baggage of Broken City drags enjoyment levels down to the extent that only a stellar final issue will render the preceding five satisfying. It is open to debate whether this is the way that comics should be enjoyed. Read Full Review

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