Constantine #15

Writer: Ray Fawkes Artist: Aco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 11, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
5.6User Rating

John Constantine witnesses the horrifying reach of magic when he meets the worlds wealthiest mage a woman whos been draining all the good luck out of her home city of Hong Kong and benefiting from the suffering of millions!

  • 8.6
    Hero Nuggets - Val 'Brolossus' Benidze Jun 13, 2014

    Ray Fawkes writes a great issue in Constantine #15. The dialogue is superb, capturing Constantine's oafish "Ringo Star" Constantine Duck Face issue 15 reviewaccent beautifully. The narrative elegantly guides the reader from panel-to-panel, while not becoming overly saturated. Constantine's expressions teach the reader a little bit about magic, and the world he lives in without making it apparent that he's speaking to the audience. The conversations feel natural, which can be difficult in any kind of story where information has to be quickly divulged to the reader. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 13, 2014

    "Constantine" #15 is a concise, well-executed example of what modern mystical/horror comic books can be with the right creators in place. There is no doubt Fawkes and ACO are right for Constantine and their presence here elevates this title's readability tremendously. Constantine is on his own here, but that doesn't mean he is alone as the creators continue to add depth to the cast that already includes Sargon, Tannarak and Mister E. Now is as god a time as any for readers to check in and jump on John Constantine's bandwagon, especially when the stories are this enjoyably riveting. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jun 15, 2014

    The artwork was jarring. There were too many lines and magic energy blasts to follow the action. If this is what the creators intended then good job. But its not the kind of comic book that I want to read a second time. It was too busy. The illustrator is good but he buries his own work with unnecessary details. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Gil Smith Jun 12, 2014

    Strong writing, good art and strange locales make CONSTANTINEone of the better entries in DC's current lineup of dreamy, magic-oriented comic books. If you were going to fault Constantine for anything, it's only guilty of not knowing its strengths. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Jun 14, 2014

    This issue is sad. Constantine had come along a very long way, and was beginning to show us just what the series could truly be if it embraced its darker heritage and got on with magic the way it should be gotten on with. Instead, this issue is a setback that undoes most of the good work that has occurred in the title. The plot is a mess, with no point to the major conflict, and the villain is a complete missed opportunity. The cliffhanger is cryptic, but not in the engaging sense that happened at the end of #13, cryptic in the sense of 'why should we care?'. The artwork remains superb however, and hopefully this title just hit a bit of a speed bump and will be back on track as soon as possible. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jun 18, 2014

    As much as I want to like Constantine's series the art is too inconsistent.  One month it's spectacular and used perfectly to tell the story, and in another month I can't tell what the hell is going on.  Sadly this is one of those months, and I walk away from this issue confused, and a little angry.  This had the potential to be a decent issue but everything that could of been conveyed in the art was lost by cluttered panels and flying red silk banners.  Hopefully Constantine can get a artist on full time so we know what we're in for each month, and it can finally be able to shine. Read Full Review

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