Deathstroke #2

Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Joe Bennett Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 12, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 3
6.5Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Deathstroke's tactical prowess is put to the test when the man who hired him attempts to renege on the contract. Pitted against a salvo of new assassins, including the vicious Road Rage, Slade must take his giant sword to the 405 freeway and proclaim himself the most vicious killer in the city of Angels!

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Jimmy Wahl Oct 15, 2011

    My only real complaint about this book is the cover. The dimensions on some stuff are all wrong, like Slades hand being almost the same size as a car windshield. Also, the inclusion of the lone named villain on the cover ultimately ends up being completely misleading when you read the book, which is a pet peeve of mine. Overall though this issue moves the story forward while settling a dilemma brought up in the debut and building on another. It's just great storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Oct 12, 2011

    Still, this issue was an interesting change of pace from the otherwise plodding premiere episode. It's barely a character study, but it's bizarrely cognizant of that fact, replacing literary value and subtlety with disturbingly casual acrimony. What it lacks in humanity it makes up for in strangeness and vigor. This is graphical exploitation at its most ridiculous and obscene. I'm looking forward to much more of this. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 22, 2011

    Other than the weak link of Road Rage here, Deathstroke is good, bloody fun as we see Slade running through a number of low grade opponents to make a point. I continue to be sucked in by the basic tease of all of this of wanting to know what's in the briefcase and I damn well better find out at some point, right Higgins?! But there's just a lot to like if you want action here and while I want more than just that from Deathstroke, I'm definitely going to enjoy the action when it hits. There's just a few hints here of what's to come and what Slade's plan is and not enough real meat when it comes to story, but it's a book that I'm definitely willing to give some time to grow with since I loved his 90′s outing back when he was one of the big bads of the DC Universe. I continue to hope he can hit that level again here, properly grounded. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Oct 12, 2011

    I liked this comic, but didn't love it... There wasn't enough meat here for me. Sure, it's always fun when Slade goes on one of his patented killing sprees, but I can't say the story was advanced in any significant manner. So while this was a fun way to kill like 3 minutes, that's about all it was. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 12, 2011

    The content of these first two issues probably should have been rolled into one. Regardless, it's clear those who like their comics violent and bombastic will have plenty to love. But can Higgins, a writer with a flair for characterization elsewhere, manage something more ambitious with his protagonist over time? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese Oct 17, 2011

    When Deathstroke feels disrespected he gets pissed, and when he gets pissed he is likely to murder your ass. That's basically what this second issue reiterates for the reader. The tone of the whole thing is a continuation of last issue's ending pages where 'Stroke murders the members of his newly appointed teenage special ops team. I'm going to spare you a rundown of the mind-numbing violence that occurs in this issue and rather take you on an unsolicited trip down memory lane. You're welcome. Read Full Review

  • 3.7
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Oct 20, 2011

    This comic had the potential to be so much more than just an all out brawl with everyone against Deathstroke. The character is too powerful, seemingly at Superman's level, and needs to be explored emotionally as well as physically. If you love non-stop action, there are plenty of other books that can still give you that and a good story. If I want to see blood, I will read a horror comic " it is the perfect season to read them. This title is unfortunately a pass, but I am crossing my fingers that the third issue can capture the great potential the first issue of Deathstroke had and run with it. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 13, 2011

    "Deathstroke" is a comic that doesn't really work, but it's frustrating because I think it's one step away from truly coming together and nailing its voice. If it can do so, the end result will be a lot of fun. But for now, it's reaching for too much at once and it can't hang onto any of its targets. A little more focus, a little more intensity, and I think "Deathstoke" could shift from a mess to a winner. This issue was an improvement over the last one, if nothing else. Here's hoping third time will be the charm. Read Full Review

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