Detective Comics #23.2

Event\Storyline: Villains Month Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Neil Googe Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 11, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 5
6.0Critic Rating
4.6User Rating

If Dr. Harleen Quinzel wasn't crazy when she fell for The Joker at Arkham Asylum, she sure was messed up afterwards! Find out more from Harley's time with her beloved Mr. J. and see what got her into so much trouble that she was "recruited" for the Suicide Squad!

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Spin Dash Sep 12, 2013

    For those of you who have never seen the true brilliance that his Harley Quinn, I highly recommend picking up this issue. It is in my honest opinion the best one-shot so far in Villains month. Try it out and see for yourself why Harley is more than just a dumb blonde"err red I mean blue I mean, oh just give it a shot. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Sep 18, 2013

    You'd think as an English teacher for 21 years I'd learned not to judge a book by its cover, but I never thought that it would apply to a comic book. This is a funny, gorgeous, awesome comic. Look beyond the cover and you'll find a perfect interior. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Sep 11, 2013

    The art this time around is by Neil Googe. He has a very cartoonish and silly looking style with how he draws his people and the action and it honestly fits the tone and character of Harley Quinn. Well, she's technically more serious nowadays, but a goofier looking art style would fit her best (certainly works well with Chris Burnham's cover) and it really works here. The only artistic problem with the whole book is the fact that the colorist can't make up his mind about what color the black circles are around his Harley's eyes. Are they black or blue? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Sep 13, 2013

    Its well worth the extra dollar for the awesome cover. I would also like to add that this cover connects to the Batman 23.1 (Joker) cover, for those who are wondering, which is kind of neat. Its pretty much a mirror image (and the same cover artist), so thats an added bonus for those of you who are into that sort of Easter Egg stuff. All in all, the only complaint I have with the issue is that it was too short. I would have actually liked another five-to-ten pages leading up to her team-up with Deadshot. As it is, it serves its purpose (leading into the next story), but it does seem a little tacked on at the end. But dont get me wrong, this is still a stellar issue in just about every way imaginable. Do yourself a favor and go pick it up before your local comic shop sells out. Because believe me, it will. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Sep 11, 2013

    Though this issue was chaotic by nature, given Harley's nature, I feel as if it could have used a bit of order to tighten things up a bit. That said, I do believe Matt Kindt and Neil Googe delivered a fine one and done Harley story, with particularly fantastic art. While not producing the same level of excitement for Kindt's upcoming Suicide Squad run, like the Deadshot book produced, this issue definitely helped contribute to my high hopes for those upcoming issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Sep 12, 2013

    There are some really great, smaller character moments when Harley is home with her family but his art doesn't come across with the same kinetic energy that say a Humberto Ramos Spider-Man book has. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Sep 11, 2013

    Harley Quinn #1 is not a bad book. It's not a hamfisted story by any means. Kindt can write, certainly, and he tries for something fresh here. For the most part, he misses the mark, but there's still one moment where he catches the spark of Harley's fun. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Hero Nuggets - Hero Nuggets Sep 14, 2013

    If you want to know more about Harley or just want to look at a hot chick for 30 pages it's worth checking out, otherwise it didn't add anything to her back story. Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 11, 2013

    The artwork is a major selling point, at least. Neil Googe's dynamic, cartoonish style suits even this more serious version of Harley. Googe's facial work is particularly expressive, and his clean storytelling always keeps the issue humming along. This issue leaves me hoping Googe will have a presence on the upcoming Harley Quinn series, especially if Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner can return the character to her more slapstick roots. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Sep 11, 2013

    The art is the star in "Detective Comics" #23.2, an otherwise useless origin story that brings little to no real insight into Harley Quinn. That said, tackling Harley Quinn's origin is a thankless and near impossible task and it's unsurprising that Kindt was unable to deliver a fantastic one-shot with all of that working against him. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 14, 2013

    Overall this wasn't a terrible story, but the characteristics of Harley Quinn were a bit off, as although it appears to be going along with the current status of Harley it doesn't quite feel like her. The story did however shed some interesting points about her life leading up to now. The story is also quite dark, but doesn't have much of the fun tone that usually comes along with Harley. It's hard to recommend this as part of me wants to, and part of me doesn't. I would however advice caution, especially if your a Harley Quinn fan. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Sep 11, 2013

    This issue is every bit as twisted as Harley Quinn's New 52 mentality. It's commendable Kindt went against the expected (aka an issue full of laughs and wackiness), but unfortunately, he went too far in the opposite direction and has -- to me, at least -- transformed Harley Quinn into an irredeemable and unlikable character. The tone took a majorly drastic shift and left me feeling like the chaos was simply trying to go too far over the top. It will, however, be interesting to see how Quinn is handled in the future since Kindt will be writing her in SUICIDE SQUAD and she'll apparently have a more comedic vibe in her upcoming solo. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Sep 11, 2013

    Crazy Harley blowing of childrens.  Yup we got that here.  But as much as I'm wanting Harley getting her own title in November, this just leaves me wanting.  Being another Matt Kindt joint, I understand that he wants to put these characters back together for the start of his Suicide Squad run, but this just seemed like the perfect opportunity to set something up.  I guess I was wrong.  For this issue's mini origin story theme that Villain's Month seems to be fond of, well come on!  She's Harley "Crazy" Quinn because she was to good at being a doctor, and her parents were assholes?  BAH!  Not a fan of this issue as you might be able to tell.  A useless story, and the artwork by Neil Googe was under whelming.  All I'm saying is for a weak story like this we better get something incredible for Suicide Squad next month to make up for it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Sep 16, 2013

    This is a case of not having much direction, as this tale of Harley Quinn goes in two directions without having a focus on what's important: the character and the story. Neil Googe might do his best, yet the mediocre showing of Matt Kindt and Wil Quintana hinders the issue as a whole, creating an unsatisfying reading experience. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    DC Comics News - Jacob Torres Sep 12, 2013

    If this story was written for a different or new character I might have looked upon it more favorably. What was written simply doesnt connect with Harley Quinn, or rather, who Harley Quinn should be. I am okay with and understand character changes and growth, but this latest addition to the DC canon strips Harley of her identity and demeans and degrades her integrity. I love Harley Quinn and she deserves better treatment than shes been getting. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Sep 11, 2013

    If you want to read a good Harley Quinn story, pick up last week's Batman: Black and White #1. Read Full Review

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