Infinite Crisis #5

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Phil Jiminez, Ivan Reis, Jerry Ordway, Andy Lanning, Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 1, 2006 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 15
6.4Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Worlds returned! Alexander Luthor made the impossible happen and the multiverse has been reborn! But can the fabric of reality handle the existence of infinite Earths? This time it's Superman versus Superman in the world-changing event series by writer Geoff Johns!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Mar 5, 2006

    In The End: Despite my misgivings at how the Kal-L versus Kal-El battle went down, this was still a very good issue. The story didnt slow down a bit, and Johns complicated matters even further by bringing in all of the multiple Earths and an armored up Superboy Prime. My favorite moment, though, had to be when Alexander admitted that for whatever reason everything had to come from the Superman of Earth-Two. It was one of those moments where I realized that the writer knew exactly what he was doing. Of course everything came from that Superman. He was the first. All of the other heroes, both in and out of the comics, to one extent or another, take their cue from him. Combine that with the awesome spread of the different versions of Superman (including the Tangent version, which I was very happy to see) and you have one of the best moments in the series so far. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin T. Brown Mar 5, 2006

    So while this is an artistic masterpiece, the story had its flaws. Instead of the powerful ending I believe Johns was shooting for, he got an apathetic reaction from me. It pretty much sapped a good portion of the excitement the previous 31 pages had elicited. It also knocked half a bullet off of my review. I'm still excited and eager to see how everything plays out, but the ending muted some of that feeling. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Mar 5, 2006

    Summation: Still, Ill settle for a coherent story that makes sense even without thematic consistency, especially if it looks as good as this one does. While One Year Later may turn out to be nothing but a marketing gimmick across the line, Infinite Crisis does actually seem to be making some changes after all. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Aronson Mar 5, 2006

    This series faces an uphill battle from here on out. Due to One Year Later, we already know who survives the Crisis, so theres a bit of a drop-off of tension there. And while this issue was a dip in quality from the rest of the series, IC #6 and #7 will have to work extra hard to pick up the slack as well as tie up all the loose ends still up in the air. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Mar 5, 2006

    From my fanboy perspective, its good to see that Wonder Woman might start acting less like a homicidal maniac, due to the visit by her Earth-2 version. I really havent been into her antics lately. Its cheesy that her Earth-2 self tells her to simply act human and she does (like she hasnt thought of this already), but hopefully it leads to her acting more like a hero. I guess heroes acting like heroes is the purpose of this series (besides overall housecleaning), but I cant get past a lot of the stale story elements that have haunted the first five issues. One of the only elements I have truly enjoyed is Alex Luthors depiction as a major league villain. He truly is a single-minded man who doesnt care about the people involved in his plan, but rather where they are on his giant chessboard. Very Luthor-like! One problem, though: Alex has figured out this elaborate plan and all the workings of the universe, yet he cant figure out why everything comes from Superman. I don Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jonathan Larsen Apr 4, 2006

    You can find Jonathan Larsen's blog here Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 5, 2006

    You might well say that Im not the target market for the book, and Id probably agree but I still cant believe that this is the best way DC could think of to frame their Universe-spanning event. However, Im sure DC fans will love it, as theyll have a completely different take on the book than I do. Read Full Review

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