Injustice: Year Two #3

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Bruno Redondo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 12, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 12
7.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

On the planet Oa, the Guardians are concerned about Superman's new role on Earth. An unlikely ambassador is summoned to pay a visit.

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 11, 2014

    Injustice: Year Two #3 is a setup issue and still is better than most books best issues.  Tom Taylor can write so many characters well and Bruno Redondo can draw them with ease.  Everything makes sense and everything looks great.  Read this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Mar 28, 2014

    I'm not quite sure what the little something is that's missing and preventing me from giving it a 10/10, but I'm giving it a 9. I don't know why I'm hesitating with the 10. It's not like I save those up for some sort of un-achievable perfection or anything. It's a great comic. The scores don't matter. Go buy it. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 26, 2014

    Injustice: Year Two is moving a bit slowly for a series that now only comes out twice a month. But between the engaging character work and visuals that continue to remain far more presentable and consistent than in the first book, there's plenty to love with this comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Feb 11, 2014

    INJUSTICE: YEAR TWO #3 is all about showing subtle changes in Hal Jordan while also setting the stage for some very promising new plot points. Nothing here is going to stun you, but it's absorbing and certain to leave you anxious to see how the next chapter will unfold. After the last issue's cliffhanger, I can't help but wonder what'll happen with the new character. I'm sure we all have our theories -- especially if you know the development Hal will eventually undergo -- but only time will reveal what Taylor has in store for us. It's just too bad need to wait two weeks until the next chapter. Thankfully, this series is worth the wait. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 12, 2014

    Solid issue overall that gives the Lanterns more relevance in this story. It's one thing to have Hal be given more of a role in this story, but now you have Guy and John Stewart who will be joining in soon enough. That is the type of involvement readers like to see from an event that has such an effect on the not just Earth but those that associate with them. This was a good set-up for what will come next which I'd consider to be another one of those points that will have a major impact of the direction the story takes next. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Dylan Croll Feb 12, 2014

    Maybe it's just the hype created from last issue, but I was expecting so much more and this issue just didn't deliver. I honestly think this is too big of a story with too many characters to fit into the tiny amount of pages they release per month. They could split it into Injustice: Regime and Injustice: Insurgence easily and double their cash flow. Go Big or Go Home. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 17, 2014

    That's really what it boils down to by the end of the issue. Although the story progresses in a logical sequence, from Oa, to Ferris Air, to Washington, the book no longer feels like the characters are the impetus for the actions. They feel disconnected from each other, like the cause and effect pattern has been lost and Taylor is simply pushing the plot forward from event to event. He had a great start in the first issue by focusing on Black Canary; it's by taking a step back to look at the entire world that he's lost that character-driven perspective that's all too necessary to stay invested in the story. Read Full Review

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