Justice League 3001 #3

Writer: J.M. DeMatteis, Keith Giffen Artist: Howard Porter Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 26, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 5
8.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Its the Super-Buddies versus Giant Turtle Olsen starring in...Who the hell cares what its called? Its Giant Turtle Olsen! You are so welcome. Oh, and the Justice League will show up too. I mean, it being their book and allAnd hey, did we mention Giant Turtle Olsen?

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Aug 30, 2015

    Serious, beautiful, funny, stupid, exciting, and one never to miss. This series requires 3001 adjectives to say how good it is, but I'll be succinct: it's wonderful. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Aug 31, 2015

    I mean this is a complex book which has a lot of balls in the air. But it pulls it off so well, mixing the plots in and out, adding in humor in places, and keeping me engaged as a reader. And it has a Supergirl I recognize and love. Please try this book if you haven't! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Jacob Torres Aug 30, 2015

    A lovingly crafted and quirky character-driven series, JL3001 shines with lovable characters and a brand of humor unique to Giffen and DeMatteis. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    SnapPow.com - Harrison Rawdin Aug 26, 2015

    Justice League 3001 #3 is another quality addition to this second volume. The squad, even removed from the present day, havetheir issues to be sure but they're still themselves. And in that balancing act we see a creative team shine in a title that just deserves to find an audience as the final product earns recognition and praise from me. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 27, 2015

    This issue had almost everything, I just wish we spent more time with the best parts.  The main draw of Turtle Jimmy Olsen never really developed and Supergirl continues to just stand around looking bored.  However, I loved the interaction between Bruce and Clark, Guy and Diana and Flash and Supergirl.  Then there was my favorite part of all...the Super Buddies!  I want more Super Buddies now!  While the story was mostly setup, it was still great fun and the art was kick ass as usual.  I hope more people jump on the JL 3001 trolley, because I want to stay on for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 27, 2015

    This installment totally threw me for a loop with a segment involving Booster and Beetle, as well as a different Flash and Green Lantern, dealing with a Turtle-based Jimmy Olsen. Again, owing to not reading the previous incarnation, I had no idea these characters existed in this time frame along with Fire and Ice. It left me confused as hell, though I enjoyed the banter between the characters. Which pretty much sums up the series so far in general. It's silly and I like parts of it but I feel like I'm completely outside of the joke itself and looking in trying to figure it out. And it's a joke I desperately want to get, which makes it all the more frustrating. It continues to be a really detailed and beautiful book in the artwork and color design and the writing side totally has the vibe and tone down when it comes to the dialogue and banter. But it's like I'm missing a huge chunk of what makes it work. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Sean Buckley Aug 29, 2015

    While I have dwindling hopes for the future of this title, I find myself enjoying it consistently every month. Giffen and DeMatteis have a strong ability for dialogue and are paired up with one of the best art teams in the business. This line has been an easy sell for those who know a great deal about the history of comics and should continue to do well with a dedicated fan base. The score does not reflect their exceptional work, but the negligent behavior of their parent company in forcing along the story at an uncomfortable clip. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Aug 26, 2015

    The underlying concept behind this series is inherently fun, as it gives the creative team a wider scope in which to tell their stories, but it proves that Giffen, while successful in some ways, is also a bit of a one-hit wonder with his collection of Super Buddies. The story here is even serviceable or better, but it ends up being derailed with too much comic relief, which in turn is based too much on gender stereotypes. There will undoubtedly be fans of the older Giffen works that look to this one with some fondness, but as modern stories in the medium go, this one is off the mark. Read Full Review

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