Justice League International #12
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Justice League International #12

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Aaron Lopresti Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 1, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Final Issue! As the team gathers together after their deadly battle, a funeral is held for the fallen Rocket Red. As several members resign from the team, will still there be a JLI left standing?

  • 9.6
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Aug 1, 2012

    Batwing resigns from the team for no other reason than he was barely on it to begin with; he cites "too many duties elsewhere", but he was never really all that interesting anyway. Batman's reasons for leaving are a bit more poignant. Bruce takes the time to explain that he's no longer needed, that Booster Gold is more than qualified to lead the team, and that their old headquarters and bankroll had been reinstated. Much in the vein of the JLI's history within the DCU, Batman sees the potential in this rag-tag group and gives them a chance - the chance no one else was willing to give them after a less-than-perfect inaugural outing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 2, 2012

    The conclusion leaves storylines open-ended and pointed directly to the Annual, which justifies the omission of the "final issue" announcement, but adds on a higher pricetag and a creative team that isn't associated with this title at all. I'm not sure where the team is headed after that, but if Dan Jurgens comes back, it certainly will be worth checking out. I just hope he gets to bring some bigger name heroes with him. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 6, 2012

    Justice League International was a pleasant enough comic, with nice art overall, and only occasional issues with dialogue/character, reminding me a bit of the old Superfriends cartoon and accompanying comic. My initial estimation of the book was that it was aimed at a younger reading group, and while that never really went away, I found myself engaged in what Jurgens and Lopresti were doing with this book, and the international cast of characters, once a staple of comics, is somewhat rarer these days. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 6, 2012

    The JLI will return in next month's Justice League Internation Annual #1 before apparently coming back in some new form whether it be a new JLI series or perhaps as Godiva teases under the name of the Booster Bunch. The team we're left with in the final panel – Booster Gold, Godiva, August General in Iron, Guy Garnder, and OMAC could use a little sprucing up before their relaunched in a new title. And here's hoping the new JLI will have a little more of the fun of the original and less of the dreariness (and awful redesigned cosutmes) of the first attempt at a New 52 version. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 4.9
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Aug 29, 2012

    Justice League International #11 Read Full Review

  • 4.7
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Aug 3, 2012

    Or maybe the numbering will pick up in a few months with #13? Or maybe the group will continue to exist in the background, or as backups to the main “Justice League” team, which will have more of a rotating cast? Who knows; no matter the outcome, the feeling is the same – what a waste of potential for this book. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole Aug 2, 2012

    The title's big end is as unimpressive as recent issues. The fact that the team get little time in their own final issue is such a shame, but at least Vixen and Ice where at least seen. But this is clearly not the end for the team as we will have to wait for a month to see what the future holds for them in a special JLI annual. However as the dust settles on the title it is hard to see if it will be missed at all. It's a forgettable team book that had great potential but delivered mediocrity. Read Full Review

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