Justice League United #5

Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Timothy Green II Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 8, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 8
7.2Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

This issue spotlights the newest member of the team: Equinox of the Moose Cree First Nation! As a rite of passage, Equinox must take down a mystical beast thats terrorizing her people!This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.Combo pack edition: $4.99 US

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Oct 10, 2014

    I knew the Legion was showing up next issue but this still was a great ending. The Legion is back and in good hands! So some great characterization, an origin of Equinox that leaves me thirsty for more, a new plotline and a compelling cliffhanger. Just another smart and slick issue of Justice League United. For what might be considered a 'rest issue' this moved things along and entertained. The art just wasn't my cup of tea. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Oct 10, 2014

    Overall, the issue relieved some of the fears I had going in that losing Mike McKone would kill the vibe of the book " Green and Lemire fit together nicely and craft a story that I am excited to pick up again in 28 days. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 12, 2014

    We finally get to see Equinox come into her own in this issue and become a member of the Justice League United and surprising we also get to see Alanna do the same thing.  The strange thing about this story arc is even though we just got the team out of space in the last issue, the majority of the team head back for another mission and it just seems like a odd choice.  Now the majority of the artwork was solid in this issue with the exception of Martian Manhunter who for some reason was going for a more Martian look this issue I guess, whatever it was I couldn't get behind it and it will probably give me nightmares now.  It's another good issue and I shouldn't have any complaints really, but for some reason I find myself being bored by the series and I don't understand how this could happen.  Go get it and read it, because it's a good team with a lot of potential and maybe I'll get on the trolley as the series continues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Oct 11, 2014

    As a final note, the last scene of this issue, featuring Martian Manhunter acts as a prologue for the books next arc, The Infinitus Saga. While Im not a huge fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes, it is nice to see them get some attention now and then. And despite the cliched hero vs. hero bit thats at least going to kick off The Infinitus Saga, it should prove to be a interesting story. Hopefully, now that weve got the books biggest origins-related exposition dump out of the way, it can return to just being a fun, interesting Justice League book. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 8, 2014

    On the whole, this issue provides a necessary showcase for the book's less defined characters. It's just a shame the spotlight didn't remain more on them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 8, 2014

    "Justice League United" #5 is the sort of book that has great ideas but just an average execution. The pedigree of this creative team still gives me hope, though; it feels like it's inching towards that stronger run, especially now that the early building blocks have concluded. For now, it's trucking along at a steady pace, but I want the book to hit the proverbial accelerator soon. Read Full Review

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