Legion of Super-Heroes #4

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: Yildiray Cinar Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 25, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Who kidnapped Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad's twin children? Whoever it is, they're trying very hard to make the Legion members believe Darkseid perpetrated the deed. Is the mad New God to blame? Or is something even more dangerous at fault?

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Aug 26, 2010

    I've said this on every single review of every single issue of this series, but I'm totally surprised by how invested I have become in this series. Paul Levtiz's character work has been simply amazing as he has done a tremendous job with making this series accessible and enjoyable to new readers. I cannot commend him enough on that. There are still issues with the multiple pencilers, though. If either Portela or Cinar (preferably Cinar) were taking on the issue in full by themselves, this issue could easily have made a run at the Top Spot on the Rankings. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 25, 2010

    Best of all? I feel like I have no idea where Levitz is going to take some of his stories. This is the "Legion of Super-Heroes" that I was waiting for, and I'm delighted that it's back. Long live the Legion, indeed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - inferiorego Aug 25, 2010

    Although I love this book, it's hard to recommend because it can be very confusing to new readers. I couldn't even tell you where to start. Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds was helpful for me when I started reading Legion, and so was a few of the recent Adventure Comics comics, but with so much history with this team that's not really mainstream, you kind of just have to dive right in and never look back, but trust me, it'll be worth it. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 25, 2010

    A more distressing problem involves the art. The series is only four issues old, but already three separate artists are tackling different sections. Consistency and quality aren't as huge a problem as might be expected, but there are certainly passages that are far more vibrant and expressive than others. Sadly, these fill-in artists may be necessary evils for a book with this many densely packed pages. Levitz certainly provides readers their $3.99 on this one. That doesn't mean Legion couldn't benefit from a bit of streamlining. Read Full Review

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