Omega Men #3

Writer: Tom King Artist: Barnaby Bagenda, Romulo Fajardo, Jr. Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 5, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 39
8.6Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Save the princess! First, the treacherous Omega Men murder White Lantern Kyle Rayner in cold blood, then they steal a deadly Citadel warship, and now theyve absconded with Kalista, the exalted daughter of Euphorix. What cruelty will they perpetrate upon the sweet princess?

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Aug 5, 2015

    OMEGA MEN is wonderful. It's a breath of fresh air and tells a story in a comic book in a completely different way. The creative team is doing something very special on this book with the look and the feel of each issue and while the series can be a little tough to get into, because there's so much unfamiliarity to it, this is a series everyone needs to check out. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Aug 5, 2015

    A perfect blend of gorgeous art and whip-smart writing that combine to create a cinematic feast, Omega Men #3 is quite possibly DC Comics most dramatic book, and yet the bombs going off are rarely in the air. Our expectations for heroes and villains are being challenged and second-guessed here, and that gives this series a potential for greatness that has already peeked out from the edges. If you havent jumped on yet, give this issue a try. Youll want to rush out to grab the previous ones. Trust me. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 6, 2015

    King and Bagenda are putting together an utterly amazing book here. I've been wary of it because I have a hard time believing books like this can last from publishers, but each installment just draws me in all the more and captivates me. King's dialogue and use of character is spot on here and with Kalista it feels like he's found a really strong voice to work with that can make for some really big scenes in the future. It's a great story that's taking shape here but one that is hugely driven by Bagenda's work. These aren't alien worlds in the old sense of weirdness from 1950's science fiction but rather weird worlds from the standards of today. It's a cruel galaxy out there and Bagenda's vision of it comes through in a really haunting way as we see Euphorix here even from afar, understanding its oppressive nature. There's a lot to like here and Omega Men is one of those books you really have to work for. But the payoff so far has been very, very rich. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 6, 2015

    This issue combines action, intrigue, characterization and stylish visuals into one cohesive and extremely satisfying whole, and it sets up a very promising future for the fledgling series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Robert Reed Aug 6, 2015

    Powered by Barnaby Bagenda's electric artwork and Tom King's sharp script,Omega Men#3 is the best issue yet in a series that continues to improve upon its foundation. Princess Kalista makes for a fascinating cast member and it will be nice to see her dynamics with the Omega Men evolve as the issue moves on. For fans of rogues and science fiction,Omega Menis proving to be can't-miss material. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 5, 2015

    This was another great issue of a book that continues to surprise the hell out of me.  Tom King is slowly showing us the Omega Men and while I still have no idea of the bigger picture, I don't mind waiting for it.  Barnaby Bagenda's art is great in itself, but is awesome in the way it shows a dirty, and dangerous Universe.  I love this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Aug 6, 2015

    Omega Men will likely not last long given how off beat and strange it is compared to the rest of the DC Comics universe which is all the more reason to pick it up while it's still here. Issue three is what elevates this series beyond a compelling conspiracy series into a book with fascinating characters and an amazing last page mic drop. Well worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Aug 12, 2015

    The Omega Men #3 is kind of a mixture of the preceding two issues. It has the deftness of characterization and attention to politics and morality of issue #2, but it also brings in the action focus and knack for playing with expectations that defined the premier issue. In the moment, this issue positively sings. The dialogue is lively, the action intense, the artwork gorgeous, and the twists exhilarating, but it definitely prioritizes the experience of reading each scene over cohesion or overall plot development. It's a cliche of a cliche to call a comic 'cinematic' these days, but it's really hard not to do so here, with the emphasis on speed and motion in action and dialogue. While it can't live up to last month's story, The Omega Men #3 is an experience to read and a sign of series that's set to exceed expectation time and again. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Aug 10, 2015

    A continually strong and exciting book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 6, 2015

    Combine a strong new character with a great twist, and this is the best issue of Omega Men yet. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 6, 2015

    "The Omega Men" #3 is another winner and, hopefully, this issue will hook anyone who was on the fence. King shows the variety available in this series, and Bagenda's art keeps up without missing a beat, doubly so with Fajardo's luminous starfields in the background. Some of DC's new series are hitting the mark each month, and "The Omega Men" is one of them. If you aren't reading this series yet, give this issue a whirl. I suspect you'll be hooked. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Aug 8, 2015

    While a majority of my problems with how two out three Omega Men issues still linger into this issues, the positives outweigh the negatives in this case. Kalista adds a much needed spice to book dying for someone to grab the spotlight, which is compelling me read the next issue just to see what she does next. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    ComicBuzz - JAdam Aug 21, 2015

    So in sum, this issue was more interesting, but equally as confusing as previous issues. I'm honestly not sure why I have been continuing with this series if I don't understand a single bit of it. I think it's time to cut my losses and call it quits with this comic. It's just not reader-friendly if you're new to the series. Read Full Review

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