Red Hood / Arsenal #6

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Denis Medri Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 11, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 8
6.3Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Roy and Jason have been through a lot with their new start-up business, and a therapy session to vent a few grievances seems like just what the doctor ordered. Too bad Sera Phina and her team of villains are finally assembled and ready to launch their attack!

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Jim Remolde Nov 12, 2015

    This issue was entertaining. I was a little concerned when I saw the introduction of Jokers Daughter in the end of last issue and other than the awkwardness of referring to her name in my synopsis I kind of enjoyed her. It is interesting to see her through the eyes of Jason Todd. He sees himself in her and that may not be far from the truth. I am interested in seeing how this arraignment will pan out with full dental. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Brittany Anne Nov 11, 2015

    I had fun reading this issue and I actually am excited to see what Joker's Daughter will bring to the table, let's see what #7 has in store for us now. What do I expect? More bromance and more jokes. Hopefully funny ones this time. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 12, 2015

    Even though this issue is the culmination of everything that we've been seeing from the beginning of this series, it feels like this story suffered due to Red Hood's future involvement in the upcoming War of The Robins arc.  Everything just felt forced to get to an ending, whether that ending was satisfying or not....... Sadly, it was not.  If you've loved the art in this book like I have, then you'll love it here as well...... especially what Denis Medri does with Joker's Daughter and hell, speaking of Joker's Daughter, this issue might be worth the price tag simply for this being the first time that I didn't despise the character and that's a large feat in my book.   Read Full Review

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