Rorschach #1

Writer: Tom King Artist: Jorge Fornes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 14, 2020 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 57
8.4Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

It’s been 35 years since Ozymandias dropped a giant interdimensional squid on New York City, killing thousands and destroying the public’s trust in heroes once and for all. And since that time, one figure in a fedora, mask, and trenchcoat has become a divisive culture icon.
So what does it mean when Rorschach reappears as an assassin trying to kill a candidate running against President Robert Redford? Who is the man behind the mask, and why is he acting this way? It’s up to one detective to uncover the true identity of this would-be killer-and it will take him into a web of conspiracies involving alien invasions, disgraced do-goo more

  • 10
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Oct 16, 2020

    Superb first issue, I loved it. Can't wait to see what Moore Tom King has in store. Ahem. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Oct 14, 2020

    The story by Tom King is awesome. It is smart and well conceived. The art by Jorge Fornes is the best of his career. It evokes the classic Watchmen style by Dave Gibbons but it completely stands on it's own. This is one of the best new comic books of the year. Well done. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - Christopher Franey Oct 13, 2020

    This is a fantastic opener. Tom King will leave you asking questions, Dave Stewart will bring a set of colors that enhances the noir vibe, and Jorge Fornes will intoxicate your eyes with his images. I can't believe I'm reading a comic in 2020 where the names Otto Binder, Frank Miller, and Rorschach are all attached. Mystery hype is real! Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Oct 13, 2020

    Damn, I have to admit that this mystery has me intrigued. After reading Rorschach #1, I am prepared to follow Tom King down whatever rabbit hole he's heading toward. This series promises to be a truly memorable story. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Oct 14, 2020

    This is a great first installment that sets out its mysteries nicely and begs readers to come back and see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Oct 13, 2020

    Anytime creators dabble in The Watchmen sandbox theres bound to be some apprehension, but it this first issue is any indication Rorschach will make for a worthwhile companion piece that connects with old and new fans of the character. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Oct 13, 2020

    Unlike its predecessors, it doesn't feel like Watchmen at all. It feels like Tom King is using the foundation to build something totally new, and I'm excited to be along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 13, 2020

    As a fan of this type of story, Rorschach #1 is a home run for me. I found myself going back to count shots and matching up blood spurts. I looked for clues as I went along. It sucked me in attempting to unravel the mystery as the comic progressed. I'm a crime/noir comic fan and this is up there. For those who might be turned off because it involves Rorschach and/or Watchmen, you're missing out on a hell of a debut and a comic I'm dying to read the second issue of. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Caffeinated Critique - James Stone Oct 13, 2020

    As a huge fan of the Watchmen universe and Tom King as a writer I came into this series with high expectations. I can safely say my expectations have been met and exceeded. With mystery, suspense and drama I was hooked from the opening page to the very last and am extremely excited to see this series develop. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Derek Uibelhoer Oct 19, 2020

    Tom King homages pulp fiction and film noir to deliver a script steeped in reverence for the original that adds a new take on the world of "Watchmen" without taking anything away from it. Jorge Forns and Dave Stewart step up to fill some big shoes and put together one of the tightest paneled, deftly drawn comics on the shelves this week. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Zac Owens Oct 13, 2020

    RORSCHACH #1 doesn't waste time trying to make sure it gets WATCHMEN right. It simply exists in the same universe as WATCHMEN and confidently walks on, telling its own story. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Oct 13, 2020

    Other than the lack of WATCHMEN, this was a very solid first issue for a crime-mystery narrative that was a bit too cluttered with dialogue. However, the cliffhanger does leave his reviewer a bit intrigued for the next installment. Heck, the cover even fits in beautifully with the premise of the issue. For now, Im in. However, Kings leash is very short for this reviewer. If mysteries and crime dramas are your thing, Id take a chance on RORSCHACH this week. If not, give it another issue or two and maybe hop aboard the train later and snag the back issues or trade at that time. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    Comic Watch - Tyson Yurai Oct 13, 2020

    I like Tom Kings work for the most part and first issues have a high bar to reach for continued reading, but this one just misses the mark in both regards. Whether this ambivalence is due to fatigue from Doomsday Clock, the HBO show or just simply wanting the world of Watchmen to take a rest, I dont have the highest of hopes for this series as it just seems superfluous at best. Jorge Forns and Dave Stewart are almost worth it, but its not enough. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 19, 2020

    The story that didn't need a sequel gets it's second sequel, and darned if this one doesn't work. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Oct 13, 2020

    This issue itself functions as a Rorschach test, providing the general shape of the story to come as King and Forns leave it to their audience to fill in the context around it. What you see in it is informed by what you put into it yourself. We know that there is something here but King and Forns only give us enough to start filling in the details and shadows ourselves. At this point, it actually feels a bit more like a trap, like we're being set up already for some twist that we half expect but won't see coming down the line. As we're being eased into this story, we know as much as or less than what the detective knows so we are put into his role, trying to complete the picture through our own assumptions and worldviews. And from a first issue, can we really expect anything more than that? Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Oct 13, 2020

    Jorge Fornes does a great job with the art in the issue. The scenes are beautifully framed and have a great detective noir style to them. I wish there was more happening in the story to complement the compelling art. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Joey Casco CSW/CSS Oct 12, 2020

    Tom King goes in a completely different direction with what this story is about and when it happens then you would expect it. The problem is that the idea on its most basic level was done not that long ago with the same character, and it's too soon to really see if he's on to something good here. For positives, I really enjoyed the art style, and the revelation at the very end does make me interested in what it means. However, it did not hold my interest throughout most of the book. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Christian Hoffer Oct 14, 2020

    It's just another entry in a string of mediocre Watchmen knockoff comics that only serves to remind readers of the relative importance (and brilliance) of the original series in comparison. Read Full Review

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