Supergirl #53

Writer: Sterling Gates Artist: Jamal Igle Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 23, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5
8.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Beginning an all-new SUPERGIRL arc! The War of the Supermen is over. Who is left to pick up the pieces? Fallout from her actions during the war plague Supergirl, and Kara has to make one of the toughest decisions of her life: Should she continue to be Supergirl and stay in metropolis or is it time to move on? And with Cat Grant and the villainous [CLASSIFIED] coming at her harder than ever before, is being a superhero even worth it? "Who is Supergirl?" begins here!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jun 25, 2010

    After the last year or so has meant that Supergirl has gotten lost in crossover after crossover, I'm glad to see that the book is back on track and hasn't missed a beat. As a transition story, this isn't my favorite issue ever, but it shows that Gates and Igle have not lost a step and that Supergirl could easily become DC's best nonSecret Six book once again (of course, now it has to tangle with the ridiculously underrated Batgirl). Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 26, 2010

    This issue appears to be a return to form for Gates, Igle, Sibal, Ruffino (who even makes all the right choices for simple page background colors - look at the spread where Kara and Lana are talking in Kara's room), and Fletcher. This is a story that isn't bloody. It's not violent. I was dazzled by the brilliance of the first issue Gates and Igle produced and hoped the title would continue to be so wonderfully approachable. Unfortunately, the sheer amount of involvement in the New Krypton event precluded that from ever truly solidifying. Now, however, the book appears to be back on that track. I can -- and will -- once again share it with my daughters. I'd recommend it to the kids (boys and girls) in the junior high language arts classes that I met this year. This issue is a perfect jumping on point, especially considering everything that Supergirl has been through and everything that we have to look forward to with her. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 26, 2010

    And while I like the idea of a supporting cast, I have never really been a Gangbuster fan. I hope he isn't around too long. This was just the first round of 'Who is Supergirl?'. I get the sense this arc is going to be something special, defining Supergirl for the near future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Jun 24, 2010

    I love a good inter-family crossover once in a while, but Im happy that this creative team has stayed intact and now gets to get back to doing their own thing. This is the best the Supergirl title has been since it relaunched in 2005. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - inferiorego Jun 23, 2010

    Like I stated earlier, I randomly pick this book up and give it a read, but I'm never lost, and I always really enjoy it. The art, writing, and story are always strong, and flat-out, it's a fun read that you will get lost in, in a good way. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for just a fun read, and not just for the Super-Girl fans. Read Full Review

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