The War for Earth-3 comes to a close as the Crime Syndicate, Teen Titans, the Flash, and Suicide Squad all battle in one final conflict that decides who lives, who dies, who makes it back home, and who’s left stranded on Earth-3. With the Justice Squad’s plan to take over the alternate Earth and claim it as their own, the heroes of the Teen Titans and conscripted members of Rick Flag’s Suicide Squad must finally work together...but have they waited too long to stop Amanda Waller?
Overall, this event has been sort of a jumbled mess, but has given some charactersMirror Master, Ambush Bug, Power Ringan intriguing spotlight. The problem is, with three competing gangs of villains and very few having any redeeming qualities, it's hard to care about what happens to any of them. Read Full Review
War for Earth-3 #2 is an ambitious finale. The creators went into this final part of a dimension-spanning crossover with a lot to wrap up. And at first glances it was living up to expectations. The battle was cohesive but over the top and intoxicating. The characters have identity and the consequences of every action was severe. The revelations were welcome because they completely flipped the story. But the constant mind games snowball quickly and the focus slips, from the comic and myself. The climax of a collection of multiple tales should be satisfying, and that was not achieved in the latter states of this book. Read Full Review
War for Earth-3 #2 features a rational conclusion to a story that could have been completely avoided if not for one person keeping unnecessary secrets. If it had remained a Suicide Squad story, it would have been much more effective. Read Full Review
War for Earth-3 #2, unfortunately, suffers from most of the problems the first issue did. It's overstuffed, kind of chaotic, messy, and seems kind of like an idea that wasn't really thought all the way through. Read Full Review
While the premise for this story seemed like it should have been pretty badass, every step of the way after the first chapter just dug this story into a deeper hole of nonsense as nothing really felt like it was needed and at times..... didn't even feel like it made sense to the story. The art is decent here but this was a very disappointing finale to a very disappointing mini-event. Read Full Review
At the end, it doesnt feel like a worthy payoff to an event that seemed to be building to something that could shake up the DCU in a meaningful and exciting way. Read Full Review
This really didn't need to exist. It should've just been an arc of Suicide Squad. Making it this weird non-event did nothing to elevate Thompson's run. All the tie-ins are essentially in name only, none of the characters from those tie-ins meaningfully impact the plot. It should've just been the Suicide Squad teams.
Meh, I did like the art a lot though.
It was entertaining but not gonna remember this tbh
What a garbage event. The only thing worse than the writing is the pacing of this book; a band of uninteresting storylines Frankenstein-ed together into this monstrosity. I'm only pissed because Thompson's 12 issues of Suicide Squad were fucking solid, and I hope I'll look back at that run with rose tinted glasses and ignore whatever the hell this is.
Esse evento foi uma piada