Wonder Woman #600

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Don Kramer Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 30, 2010 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

You're invited to the gala celebration featuring WONDER WOMAN talent from the past and present to commemorate this landmark issue! Renumbered to reflect Wonder Woman's starring role in 600 issues, this book features the industry's top talent including Geoff Johns, Phil Jimenez, George Prez, Gail Simone, Joe Madureira and more! Plus, readers won't want to miss a chance to check out the exciting, all-new direction for the Wonder Woman universe as new ongoing writer J. Michael Straczynski (SUPERMAN, BRAVE AND THE BOLD, Amazing Spider-Man) provides a story of his own!

  • 10
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jul 5, 2010

    With all this sheer goodness in the issue, it made me wonder why there is a need for an extreme take on the idea of a 'bold new direction'. Kudos to all involved here ... especially Gail. Your Wonder Woman will be missed. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk Jun 30, 2010

    Buy it. Not only does it contain the prologue to a huge shift in Wonder Woman's universe, the other stories are well worth the price. (If you want my personal opinion, pay the extra bucks for one of the variant covers when you get it. I'm not a cover chaser at ALL, but the regular cover was so boring and not special considering what an important issue this is that I had no problem paying a little extra for something much nicer looking. My two cents.) Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 1, 2010

    Oh, and I almost forgot - the comic includes an introduction by the real-life Wonder Woman, actress Lynda Carter. Hatchi Matchi! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jul 1, 2010

    Wonder Woman #600 has everything to make this issue a fun read. The all-star cast of creators really delivered fun stories. Even though there was the weak story in this issue overall this was a great purchase that was worth the cover price. And the JMS story really has me interested to see what he has in store for the character during his run. I highly recommend everyone pick this issue up as it is just a fun comic and a much better way to judge JMS writing than just looking at the new costume. If you dont like the story JMS wrote in this issue thats fine but I recommend everyone at least try this issue out before passing judgment on what JMS has in store for the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jun 30, 2010

    Without spoiling too much, I'll say the writer seems to be taking a similar approach Grant Morrison took with the New Gods in Seven Soldiers and Final Crisis, providing a strange new, grounded landscape in which the Athenian gods have tinkered with reality, taken new forms and pushed Diana on the run to understand what's happened to her and her world. And with art by the immensely underrated and underappreciated Don Kramer, an artist whose assignments never quite seemed worthy of his talents until now, JMS' bold new approach has already landed Wonder Woman on the top of my pull list. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Terry Verticchio Jul 1, 2010

    Wonder Woman is not for everyone. People have always had strong feelings for and against her. However, I'm willing to continue to pick up this title if the stories are good and remain at least in the spirit of the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Jul 4, 2010

    That said, Lynda Carter probably has a point. Of all the stories in this issue, its really only JMSs prologue that seeks to treat Wonder Woman as more than just a two-dimensional comic book character, with the remaining tales standing as perfectly serviceable but unremarkable short stories about her--which is probably enough for fans of Wonder Woman. However, as somebody without much of an investment in the character one way or another, Im more keen on seeing whether the quality of the book can be kicked up a notch when JMS takes over next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 30, 2010

    Still, it's hard to judge the new "Wonder Woman" team based on just a ten page prologue; there's promise, but I want to see what they do with "Wonder Woman" #601 to get a better feel for what's in store for us as readers. Maybe if we'd had less pin-ups (to be fair, they are awfully nice) and more story pages this might not have been as much of a problem? If nothing else, though, it's got people talking about Wonder Woman again. That's a good sign. I'll certainly stop back in next month to see what they do next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Jul 5, 2010

    So how was it? It was pretty good. Not knock-your-socks-off good, but it was a fitting tribute to an icon (as well as featuring some of the today’s great women creators) and a nice way to showcase that Wonder Woman, like all of the females I’ve known in my life, is a creature with many different sides to her character. A mother, a fighter, a mentor, a guide, a feminist and one of the damn sexiest ladies I’ve ever seen. And there’s a whole lot more to come. The only thing really missing from this book was a Batman team-up, but I can deal with it. Not every story was an absolute winner, but none of them were particularly bad either, and I feel that the sum total was worth the price and honored the character. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 1, 2010

    Do I love this book? I love parts of it. I love the Simone/Perez pages a lot. I want to see where the new era takes us. It's not perfect, and it's hard to remove the plot and story from the costume fooferfaw. It has potential for disaster, but all great stories do. Based on what works, and the appearance of Misfit ("Man,I'm about to lay some serious Dark Vengeance on these guys!") as well as the sublime moments in Amanda Connor's story, I'm going to give Wonder Woman #600 3 out of 5 stars overall. It's an intriguing start,and I hope it goes somewhere that makes Wonder Woman comics super-awesome and worthy of the icon-slash-intellectual-property juggernaut that she is. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 2, 2010

    The biggest problem with Wonder Woman #600 is that it simultaneously tells readers that Wonder Woman is a beautiful, timeless concept that embodies some very strong ideals, but also that she is completely broken and needs to be reimagined for a modern audience. In one corner, you have the heartfelt story by Gail Simone and George Perez that sums up everything that we love about Wonder Woman, but then you have the story by JMS that blatantly tells readers that they are wrong. The war between these two stories is what firmly plants this issue in Check It territory. The Simone/Perez story is a definite Must Read, but its downhill from there in varying degrees before the Avoid It finale that reminds us that if it ain't broke, don't fix it (Remember how well that worked with Read Full Review

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