Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon #4
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Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon #4

Writer: Dirk Manning Artist: Seth Damoose Publisher: Devil's Due Publishing Release Date: March 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Finale! Mr. Rhee has endured Hell on Earth (literally) and countless unspeakable horrors while traveling to the one location he feels the children in his stead may be safe, only to discover a horror beyond even his imagining waiting for him there. Dirk Manning swears this finale is the most shocking comic you'll read all year!

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Mar 12, 2015

    Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon is a true post-apocalyptic comic. Unlike other such tales where the survivors look to rebuild society and get on with their lives, there is no hope here. This world is a cold, dark place filled with terrors of all shapes and sizes. Mr. Rhee set out to do something good and possibly make a difference, however small it would be, in the lives of a few kids. He watched it all crumble, turning to ash right in his hands. Just look at the cover for this issue and that gives you an idea of the kind of hopelessness that he's surrounded by. Ouch. Read Full Review

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