Aliens/Vampirella #1
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Aliens/Vampirella #1

Writer: Corinna Bechko Artist: Javier Garcia-Miranda Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: August 26, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 1
7.4Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Humans have begun to colonize Mars, but something ancient and sinister got there first. Now Vampirella is faced with a mystery only she can solve, and the bloody realization that some monsters should never be awakened.

Writer Corinna Bechko says, "I've loved Alien since I first saw it as a kid on a crummy old TV in a well-lit room and got scared half to death anyway. Now that I have the chance to add a little corner to that universe I couldn't be happier. And pitting such an implacable horror against Vampirella? That's a meeting that definitely produces very fertile story-telling ground. The Alien franchise has always thrived wit more

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - AD Boorman Aug 31, 2015

    Miranda has worked on VAMPIRELLA, and although his background is more action/fantasy/horror than Science Fiction, his work on this title indicates that he is very much at home with futuristic settings for ALIENS-style horror.  His work here shows range; he goes from scientifically clinical to dark and almost claustrophobically atmospheric to support the mood and pacing of the story.  His detail work is outstanding. This promises to be an amazing ride.  Reviewed by AD Boorman Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Word Of The Nerd - Kevin Given Jul 5, 2016

    Our creative team definitely knows how to build suspense. Our heroes overcome obstacle after obstacle and near the end Vampirella needs to feed again. Lars once again offers his blood but Vampi doesn't want to take anymore from him because she's afraid that she's taken too much already, excellent dramatic moment that only brings a sense of foreboding to the final battle. Before that battle happens we learn something new about Vampirella and her relationship to the nosferatu of earth. A solid , satisfying read. Hopefully there will be more. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Sep 3, 2015

    This cross-over brings all the best elements of both series into a nightmare where only one can survive " and it probably won't be the reader. Excellent story and art that will put a smile on your facewhen you're not hurriedly turning the pages. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Sep 4, 2015

    This first issue is a nice start to what seems like what would be a very interesting miniseries. The story by Corinna Bechko, is off to a great start, melding the two worlds into one, and what looks almost like the Batman Vs Aliens series, in the best ways. The art by Javier Garcia-Miranda, pops off the pages and feels as though it was meant to be animated. Overall, a solid first issue in what promises to be what everyone loves about alternate history in the tradition of Marvel's What If?!. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Jul 22, 2016

    Much to my surprise, the art is more science fiction influenced than the horror I expected given the two title characters. Which oddly works well, given the nature of the story. You don't see much of the martian landscape, which is a slight shame I think. Between the Nosferatu and humanity, the changes would make for an interesting sight. Setting that aside, the action is well drawn, and doesn't skimp on the blood. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 2, 2015

    This pairing is ideal both in the creative and the concept and while I'm wary that it can work as six issues I'm definitely on board for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Sep 3, 2015

    'Aliens/Vampirella' #1 really is an Aliens story so far as it quickly establishes the danger and gives sci-fi fans what they crave from the beginning. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Sep 1, 2015

    Aliens / Vampirella #1 is a slasher-esque comic book that is well paced, has a few compelling characters, and a lot of tension. Bechko makes sure the Aliens are a good match for Vampirella, but it is still unclear whether she can hold her own against them. The artwork was well done except for the facial reactions. InLight Studios did an excellent job with the coloring creating a sense of tension the entire way through the book. If you are into the slasher genre, and even if you aren't, I recommend this one because it was very well written. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Critical Blast - Mike Maillaro Sep 3, 2015

    This was an enjoyable first issue. A little dry and dialogue heavy, but I still liked it quite a bit and will be curious to see where we go from here. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - Harrison Rawdin Sep 1, 2015

    Aliens / Vampirella #1 is far better than it ever needed to be. Sure it can be a bit predictable but the whole of the yarn came together with good illustrations andan engaging bout of text. So much so that it left me downright giddy about the next five issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 31, 2015

    Save for lacking context as far as Vampirella's place among humans — this is a good read. Come for the compelling science fiction vampires on Mars backstory and the Aliens violence! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Sep 23, 2015

    The xenomorphs worst enemies haven't been predators or Danny Glover. They've been strong women, and you don't get much stronger than Vampirella. While the humans will most likely serve as cannon fodder, I'm looking forward to seeing Vampirella tear into some of these aliens. This might start out with some predictability, but I'm intrigued as to how it will all pan out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 7, 2015

    Javier Garcia-Miranda's art is solid for the most part, but like the writing of the characters, at times you can't tell them apart. There's a few panels where you don't know who's talking, and because of the issues mentioned above, it feels generic. His Alien creatures looks good and there's a wonderful scene of a Vampire and Alien fighting at the beginning, but the slow action and focus more on the setup doesn't play to his artistic strengths. I wanted to love this first issue since it has all the ingredients to be successful, but it never gets past the point of being just a cool idea. There's still time for this series to turn around, I just don't think I'm interested enough to find out. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 2, 2015

    The idea of Vampirella battling Xenomorphs is definitely enticing, but this first issue does little to capitalize on the potential of this crossover. The best we can hope for is that the series will veer away from formulaic Alien tropes and make better use of its heroine in future installments. Read Full Review

  • 5.3
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Sep 3, 2015

    “Aliens/Vampirella” #1 is a comic I really do want to like. Both characters seem like they mesh pretty well together and, as someone whose favorite comic of the year thus far was “Archie vs. Predator”, I'm the last person to bash something for being an over the top crossover. Unfortunately, a lot of the book's details feel pretty undercooked. The beginning feels incredibly rushed and there's practically no justification as to why anything is happening. If “Aliens/Vampirella” can take a few seconds to explain what's going, those unanswered questions might stop distracting me from the really cool vampire/necromorph crossover that should be happening. I'm not even asking for much. Just give me a page of Vampirella saying something like “vampires have lived on Mars for hundreds of years and that's where I came from.” I'm not looking for Dostoyevsky here. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Sep 1, 2015

    Aliens/Vampirella #1 is a primo example of a writer who chose to play it safe, much to the issue's detriment. Javier Garcia-Miranda's solid pencilling wrings the best out of Corinna Bechko's safe script, especially in the issue's opening and closing pages. Vampires vs. Aliens is an absolutely killer concept for a horror book, but this first issue barely scratches its multi-fanged surface. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Aug 23, 2015

    This series may appeal to Vampirella fans who want to know what would happen if she met the xenomorphs. (Whether this book is intended to be in continuity with Dynamite's main Vampirella series isn't clear, though I'm thinking not if it's set in an unspecified future where Mars has been colonized.) Otherwise, this book doesn't do much to distinguish itself from any other story where a superhero has an unfortunate encounter with the aliens. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 2, 2015

    If you were looking forward to this series, then you have no one to blame but yourself. All we can do is hope that Dark Horse does their own version of this series and actually nails it (unlike their Conan/Red Sonja series which Dynamite manage to fail at as well with Red Sonja/Conan). This is one of those stories that can only exist as a comic and possibility is what makes comics fun. It's sad to see it fail so miserably to do anything entertaining and just follow the basic Aliens outline. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Gizmo Sep 19, 2015

    The art looks good, if there is one thing I can't stand it's an Aliens book drawn my someone who can't draw xenomporphs. The setup is familiar but atmosphere is just right so this gives me confidence that this will be worth sticking with. I hope so.

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