I Killed Adolf Hitler #1
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I Killed Adolf Hitler #1

Writer: Jason Artist: Jason Publisher: Fantagraphics Books Release Date: October 3, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
10Critic Rating
8.0User Rating


In this full-color graphic novel, Jason posits a strange, violent world in which contract killers can be hired to rub out pests, be they dysfunctional relatives, abusive co-workers, loud neighbors, or just annoyances in general-- and as you might imagine, their services are in heavy demand. One such killer is given the unique job of traveling back in time to kill Adolf Hitler in 1939... but things go spectacularly wrong. Hitler overpowers the would-be assassin and sends himself to the present, leaving the killer stranded in the past. The killer eventually finds his way back to the present by simply waiting the decade more

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew J. Brady Oct 8, 2007

    It's really a beautiful little book, if a bit short for the price ($12.95 for 48 pages). But Jason's work deserves to be pored over, studied, and pondered. The beautifully simple art and wonderful storytelling are well worth any cost. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - Brett Apr 10, 2017

    Overall, a funny and perplexing story, that engages the reader, brings the along a very familiar path and then a throws a monkey wrench in the works. The art by Jason, is lively and realistic at some points. The story by Jason, is more than your typical time travel story, as it gives new dimensions to the morality tale. Altogether, a fun ride of a story, that will surprise you at every turn, as it turns what could have been a mundane often told story into a hidden love story. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Apr 10, 2017

    Overall, a funny and perplexing story, that engages the reader, brings the along a very familiar path and then a throws a monkey wrench in the works. The art by Jason, is lively and realistic at some points. The story by Jason, is more than your typical time travel story, as it gives new dimensions to the morality tale. Altogether, a fun ride of a story, that will surprise you at every turn, as it turns what could have been a mundane often told story into a hidden love story. Read Full Review

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