Go-Bots #2

Writer: Tom Scioli Artist: Tom Scioli Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: December 26, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.1Critic Rating
10User Rating

Cy-Kill and his Renegades declare war on human civilization... and they're winning. Go-Botics freshman A.J. Foster and cynical Go-Bot race car driver, Matt Hunter, along with their friendly Go-Bots Scooter and Turbo, flee for their lives as they desperately search for some way to stop the extinction of mankind and the dawn of the planet of the Go-Bots!

From the creative mind that brought you IDW's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe!
Visionary creator Tom Scioli unleashes his imagination on the bizarre, absurd, and wonderful world of GO-BOTS!

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Dec 26, 2018

    The comic is a good one and one of the more surprisingly deep comics of the year. It features Scioli's unique style of storytelling and art to create something that is so much more than the toyline it's based on. Here's hoping for a long run and a deeper dive into the fascinating world that's been created. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Sequential Planet - Matthew Dillon Dec 27, 2018

    Go-Bots #2 pairs a strange idea with a unique, competent execution. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Mark Buckeldee Dec 24, 2018

    Go-Bots #2 is a clever re-imaging of the Go-Bots franchise, looking at humanity's relationship with technology and labour. A good book although the artwork may be polarising due to it's distinctive style and look. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Darryll Robson Dec 26, 2018

    Go-Bots is a comic with great potential but the simplistic narrative and art style make it difficult to take seriously. A mix of ingenious and questionable panel choices create an unbalanced read, flipping between charming and laughable. Read Full Review

  • 10
    I Review Comics Jan 2, 2019

    The first comic I read of 2019 was Go-Bots #2. It picks up immediately after the first issue with Cy-Kill's forces coming together and making short work of humanity.  People are being eaten, football punted, and gunned down by killer robots. 

    Leader-1manages to survive the events of the last comics and escape his captors. Another group of heroic Go-Bots meets and plan to fight back. 

    We find out that the bloodlust levels of some of the Go-Bot's were increased to make them willing to fight each other but there were other Go-Bots that had already been tampered so that they could be used for military operations. The plan backfires and the safeguards installed in the Go-Bots to protect humanity fail as the more aggress more

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