TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #3

Writer: Ben Bates, Dustin Weaver Artist: Damian Couceiro Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: June 15, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
6.6Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Chaos spreads and the next stop in Bebop and Rocksteady's itinerary is Stockgen when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles where just regular baby Turtles!

  • 9.4
    Comicsverse - Cale Ward Jun 28, 2016

    The art in issue four steals the show. My favorite part was easily Nick Pitarra's 2110-Bebop pages. His dynamic and detailed line work are a welcome shift fromthe typical superhero/action comic styles of the book. I love how Bebop has a more retro design. To me, he looks like he belongs in the 90's Ninja Turtles cartoon but with the color scheme that's been consistent through the book thus far. Michael Garland's colors through Pitarra's pages are a complete wonder; they're very bright and vivid. They match the tone of the book while also complimenting Pitarra's 90's cartoon influences. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven Phillips Jun 15, 2016

    This issue, being the midway point of the mini-series acts as fulcrum. And, boy howdy, does it enact a bunch of changes to increase the book's momentum. It's a really confidently written farce of both time-travel stories and event comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Flickering Myth - Chris Cooper Jun 15, 2016

    Overall I'm really pleased with how the story is progressing but there is one aspect that isn't sitting well with me at all. Donatello breaking the fourth wall. He's done it once before already and does so again. I don't recall it happening before in IDW TMNT and it feels very out of place. Mikey is the conduit for things being explained; I don't think we need to bed spoon fed as much as we are. Time travel is a complicated thing for sure but when it's coming across well enough in the story itself there's no need for more explanation. That's a nitpick though. The series is still going strong. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Brandon Davenport Jun 14, 2016

    Bebop and Rocksteady themselves are still getting into the process of destroying everything, so at least the series is gaining some momentum, thank goodness. I am almost glad I stuck around. Hopefully the series gets even better in the coming issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    BGCP - Swing Kinker Jun 16, 2016

    As has been the case thus far Ben Bates' art is the highlight but even his stellar work isn't enough to alleviate my frustrations. It's a shame too as this series had the potential to be an absolute riot and I really hope it picks up from here"'s not got long to do that though. I still hope for more Bebop and Rocksteady spinoffs every now and again but without time travel and as harsh as it sounds"..another writing team. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Jun 14, 2016

    Unfortunately, the story continues to become more of a chore to get through with every new issue. I'm fine with complex time travel stories, but not at the expense of a clear narrative. Bebeop and Rocksteady Destroy Everything has a lot going for it, but its positive attributes are getting crushed like roadkill beneath a DeLorean's tire. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Gizmo Jun 23, 2016

    Joyfully chaotic is the only way I can describe this.

  • 6.5
    myconius Jun 15, 2016

    those expecting a light-hearted fun tale of Bebop and Rocksteady getting into mischief will get a sucker-punch to the gut!! . . . . . this is a very dark and twisted tale of Bebop and Rocksteady threatening to cause the end of all existence! . . . . . an entertaining in not morbid tale . . . . . just be prepared for some darkness.

  • 7.0
    mseccatore Jun 16, 2016

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