Transformers #25

Writer: Brian Ruckley Artist: Anna Malkova Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: December 9, 2020 Cover Price: $7.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

"War World" begins here! It's all led up to this. With Megatron making his play for Cybertron, Ironhide, Chromia, and Hound launch an operation to free those he has imprisoned. The future of Cybertron rests in uncertain hands in this double-sized, action-packed issue!

  • 8.0
    Flickering Myth - Ricky Church Dec 22, 2020

    Transformers#25is a great opening for this new arc as the battle between Autobots and Decepticons finally begins in earnest. Ruckley's take on Optimus and Megatron is well done while his focus on other transformers is well appreciated and opens up a lot of interesting doors. Malkova and Lafuente's artwork is simply great just to look at, but the two know just what to focus on and how to convey a character's feelings while doing so. As the turning point in the series,Transformers #25is a great read. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comic Crusaders - M.R. Jafri Dec 9, 2020

    That said it's still absolutely a book worth owning simply to see the glory of Sentinel Prime in his final battle and the rise of Optimus. Hopefully at this point we can put politics behind us and the story can embrace the action and intrigue of war rather than political discussion and maneuvering. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Jamie Lovett Dec 9, 2020

    It's another stellar installment of a series now operating like a well-oiled machine, but it could stand to find a way to connect on a more emotional level. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Gizmo Feb 10, 2021

    It's interesting to read this after January 6 and see what a coup looks like when it's conducted by someone competent, lol.

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