Casanova: Acedia #3

Writer: Matt Fraction, Michael Chabon Artist: Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: July 29, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Something is trying to kill Casanova Quinn. Is it his mysterious boss with no memory of his past? The familiar cops from another life? Or something inconceivably evil and just out of sight? (HINT: YES.) With CHABON and BÁ tracking the continuing adventures of T.A.M.I.

  • 9.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 30, 2015

    There's a sense of the surreal and otherworldly to this story that very much works in its favor. Alongside his penchant for big, weird ideas, Matt Fraction writing stands out because of its economy. Fraction never includes a word balloon or caption that doesn't serve the story in some way. It's a refreshing change of pace after some of the comics I've read this week. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Andrew McGlinn Jul 28, 2015

    This is a thoroughly enjoyable and intriguing read that promises a lot more twists and turns before we get to the end. I get the feeling that with each passing issue Ill be getting more and more excited for the arrival of the following one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Jul 28, 2015

    While other arcs have sustained themselves on action and bombast, Casanova: Acedia is a bit of a tougher sell. Acedia has felt like a murder mystery without a body; the central question being the why and how Cass is stuck, memory-less, in a time stream both recognizable yet wholly different. The story and characters feel familiar and we have tantalizing hints at Team Casanova's endgame, but its hard to engage a story that feels like just a single piece of a larger puzzle. Thankfully Matt Fraction, Michael Chabon, Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba, and Cris Peter build each issue of Acedia as an entertaining story that can stand on its own. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Jul 31, 2015

    As the story begins to ramp up a notch, expanding our exponentially in terms of characters and concept, it's the creators' obvious understanding of what made every previous arc of “Casanova” that keeps this train on the rails. “Acedia” is, at its core, a Whodunnit, with the ‘it' in question simultaneously the impending and already occuring murder of Casanova Quinn, as well as the impending-or-potentially-occuring destruction of the entire universe. Why those two occurrences seem to be irreparably linked, and whether they may in fact be one and the same, has been the focus of almost every part of the “Casanova” series and is more than conpelling enough to hook in any fans of mystery. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Andr Habet Aug 1, 2015

    Perhaps the most frustrating issue with this comic is that I keep wondering how much my lack of knowledge of the wider Casanova narrative is impeding my understanding of the events here. Additionally, I'm only now getting a sense of how the backups relate to the main narrative. That frustration is on me more than the books though, and I intend to keep reading Casanova no matter how long he takes to figure out how much of a badass he is. Read Full Review

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