"Wait. No. Hold on, what is this? Why is CHIP writing my book? Sorry, I know this is unprofessional to do in public, but no one at Image is answering my emails. Someone please call me!! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!"
An essential read for anyone who considers themselves a creative. Read Full Review
Crossover #7 takes a detour from the main story arc but manages to deliver a clever and heartfelt bit of metafiction in the process. The next issue plans to return to the main story, and with this new subplot brewing, the series shows no signs of slowing down. Read Full Review
The departure from the story of Elle and her friends seeking a way back to the nexus between her world and another does not pull away from the energy of the series. If anything, it highlights the secondary story of the comic creators whose lives were endangered the moment the wall between worlds was torn asunder. Read Full Review
Crossover #7 is yet another stellar installment. Zdarksy and Hester tell a great story, giving Cates and Shaw a break. This is an excellent issue that takes a look at an artist and how they feel about themselves that also does some great work with the books story. Itll be interesting to see if the book does this again, inviting on different creative teams and showing different facets of this world. Its a nice change of pace and a fun issue that keeps up the comics quality. Read Full Review
Hester delivers some beautiful visuals throughout this issue. There are so many great human moments in the art that resonate with the reader. Read Full Review
Rather than a return to superheroes battling against destruction, we get a personal look into the mind of Steve Murray that deepens the story so far and makes the premise of Crossover that much more unusual, with a truly shocking last page reveal. Read Full Review
Listen … nobody here is bad at their job. Chip Zdarsky, Phil Hester, Ande Parks, Dee Cunniffe, John J. Hill … these are all rightly working professionals who know how to do their job. Bad decisions were made, frankly, some time ago in the underlying conception of this series, and there's almost nowhere to go but down with such foundational flaws in the evidence. Suffice it to say; this comic book is not good unless you're enormously invested in the very small community near the top of the comic book industry. Read Full Review