Cry Havoc #1

Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Ryan Kelly Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: January 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 18
8.4Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

X-Men Legacy writer SIMON SPURRIER and superstar artist RYAN KELLY present fiends, fragility, and firepower in an all-new series, mixing the hard-boiled militaria of Jarhead with the dark folklore of Pan's Labyrinth. Includes an unprecedented use of multiple colorists (MATT WILSON, LEE LOUGHRIDGE, & NICK FILARDI) to define the story's threads, and an incredible variant cover by Eisner Award winner CAMERON STEWART. This is not the tale of a lesbian werewolf who goes to war. Except it kind of is.

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Feb 8, 2016

    Cry Havoc has a strong opener that grabs you from page one.  That might be because the first page is also the beginning of the end of the story.  It doesn't stop there though; it pulls you in with each new thread of the plot, weaving a well-rounded and personal werewolf tale with a relatable, interesting character at its center.  The artwork is clean and gorgeous with just the right amount of terror to keep you on your toes.  Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Nikki Sherman Jan 27, 2016

    I'm just going to sit here and wait now for issue two.Cry Havoc is a powerful story with breathtaking visuals. I could not be more pleased with how this series is shaping up after only one issue. I love the premise, I adore the characters, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. If anyone needs pointers about what a fantastic comic book should look like, look no further thanCry Havoc. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Jan 27, 2016

    The solicitation for Cry Havoc #1 promised that it was "not the tale of a lesbian werewolf who goes to war, except it kind of is." So far Spurrier, Kelly, and the colorist team have delivered. Cry Havoc #1 isn't necessarily a comic book specifically about war, or mythology, or exploring facets of identity like gender or sexuality. Instead, it manages to be a comic the way all of those things layer together to shape one life, and about the way the shape of that life ripples out to change the lives around it. Emotionally charged without being too emotionally draining, Cry Havoc #1 is an excellent read with story threads to appeal to any reader, no matter your genre of choice. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jan 30, 2016

    Lee Loughridge opens the story with deep and powerful reds where the story takes place in the future. Heavy blues and purples define the love story, while browns and slightly messy colors define the story in Afghanistan. It all works and although Loughridge's colors are the star of the show, the rest of the colors all do a great job of defining the world and timeframes of Cry Havoc. Ryan Kelly's art is just as great as the colors, and his artistic style changes enough for each timeline that you'd almost think there's multiple artists on the book. I haven't even mentioned the design, the logo (chaotically inverting the A and V in Havoc) and the cover of the book, but these are all as wonderful as the story itself. Cry Havoc kicks off 2016 with an amazing start and I can't wait to read this book throughout the rest of the year. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    BGCP - Louis Otero Feb 2, 2016

    While it has some structural issues, Cry Havoc has some amazing talent behind it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jan 28, 2016

    A lot of hype has surrounded Cry Havoc #1 as it approached its release, but after finally being able to read it, I can happily report that it backs up every bit of it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 28, 2016

    If you're a fan of Spurrier's distinctive voice and Kelly's artwork, this issue will hook you almost immediately. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Jan 29, 2016

    Everything about this makes fora fantastic read, from the book's gorgeous logo (assumedly made by Emma Price, credited with the book's design), it's apt Heart of Darkness intro quote, and all the way totheannotations within the book's finalpages. The notes have the same chatty, conversational quality as Kieron Gillen's Phonogram glossaries (which is high praise"I love those damn things), and are just as informative. This is a great start for a promising new series. Cry Havocis one Image debut that should definitely not be missed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Jan 25, 2016

    I was admittedly the target audience for a lesbian werewolf story with a Shakespearean title, but "Cry Havoc" #1 will leave readers so, so eager for issue #2. On the heels of this weekend's #ColoristAppreciationDay, this series also offers a brilliant example of how colorists enhance and shape comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Jan 26, 2016

    Cry Havoc #1 is the full package with a three dimensional protagonist, revisionist take on the well-worn werewolf horror genre with a dash of real world metaphor, and innovative use of colors as Lee Loughridge, Nick Filardi, and Matthew Wilson show that they are masters of that aspect of comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jan 28, 2016

    Artist Ryan Kelly, whose work you might be familiar with if you read “The New York Five” or “Lucifer”, meanwhile does an incredible job in regards to how impactful the art at time feels. There's what you would expect, with the vicious werewolf attack that sets off Louise's journey coming and going in a flash. But there's also the sun-scorched base Louise's new unit arrives at that just feels hot looking at it. In fact, my favorite moment of the book, where Louise plays a concert gig after getting bitten, only to have the monster come out through her music, is a great moment that sets up the book's biggest conflict wonderfully and succinctly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flickering Myth - Amie Cranswick Feb 4, 2016

    As first issues go, Cry Havoc is almost seemless. It combines pitch perfect pacing with a unique take on a classic monster, and lets its art team's undeniable talent shine. It is a superb example of how to piece together the opening issue of a title while putting your own spin on a tested formula. Image comics is blessed to be able to add this to it's already impressive list of creator driven titles. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Ryan C. (trashfilmguru) Jan 31, 2016

    So, what the heck? Count me in for the foreseeable future, barring a drastic and unexpected drop in quality. I'm a little bummed that Image is joining Marvel and DC in sneaking more of their books up to $3.99 (and I paid for this one myself, no digital freebie here), but I guess it was probably inevitable, and I certainly feel like I got every penny's worth in this case, since subsequent re-reads have revealed more than I caught the first time through. Maybe this will prove to be the Simon Spurrier-penned masterpiece he's been hinting that he's capable of? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Feb 4, 2016

    The story has a great pace and talented, remarkable take on one monster whose legacy goes back centuries. This is a really great premiere issue to a series that is undoubtedly going to be a successful one. For anyone who’s even moderately into werewolves, you’ve got to check this out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jan 27, 2016

    Cry Havoc #1 is a pretty strong start to a new series. The story is structured in an interesting way, offering up intriguing mysteries and a strong, well-rounded main character. The artwork is quite nice as well for the most part, with a combination of strong line work, good inking, and tonally fitting colors. All in all, I give Cry Havoc a recommendation, especially if you've been looking to try out a Simon Spurrier comic for the first time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Austin Lanari Dec 9, 2015

    At this point, only one issue in, the very identity of this story is the biggest question being asked by the story itself. I do not doubt that this creative team will deliver the answer. The question for me remains–and it's a small one in the grand scheme of this book, but certainly one to keep an eye on–whether or not these extra bits of narrative scaffolding begin to more clearly support a book that already seems to have enough going for it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Sam Graven Jan 27, 2016

    This is not flawless. The military characters, for now at least, seem paper thin. Sometimes, the framing intrudes on the storytelling. But this is a devilishly good read, and if my review seems evasive, it's because I don't want to spoil a right vicious treat for you. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    GWW - Anthony Franklin Jan 29, 2016

    One of the key advantages of this narrative choice is that multiple stories can be easily managed simultaneously. However, the downside to this is that it detracts from a sense of unity early on. At the moment, we understand that Louise is having financial trouble in London, hunting a former agent in the Middle East, and is currently a prisoner. How these narratives come together is still pretty unclear but I'm certain that as the series progresses the gaps between these stories will steadily become seamless. I'm interested in seeing how Louise got involved with supernatural mercenaries and how she came to be captured, but I feel as though there may be some time before we gain a clearer picture of this team's vision. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Heather Hurt Jan 28, 2016

    Cry Havoc #1 from Image Comics was a far better than originally anticipated. The art and changing of colorists allowed for different styles throughout the book. However, it sometimes led to difficulties following the time line. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fanboys Inc - Shane Frasier Feb 29, 2016

    Cry Havoc isnt flashy, and its characters and writing are far from perfect, but the original concept and promise of bigger - and probably more violent - things to come at least creates some allure, even if that allure isnt that strong. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Patrick Healy Jan 27, 2016

    The tone is on-point which makes it easy to believe these observations will be resolved going forward. In fact, its the books voice that makes the next issue so enticing. Now, would anyone like to place bets on whether or not Louise killed her girlfriend? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopOptiq - Meg Feb 5, 2016

    Cry Havoc is built on folklore, and like many great stories, relies on a good deal of supplementary reading. Luckily for readers, the book contains pretty thorough back matter. Yet these notes simultaneously rival the book's script in terms of length and are (arguably) essential to understanding the story's underpinnings. Read Full Review

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